Chapter 411: Let You Skin

what does this mean?

It means that as long as you continue to practice, the realm before Daluo is not imprisoned, and you can cultivate Taiyi naturally to the level of Jinxian perfection!

There will be no shackles!

As long as you live and practice continuously, you will achieve 100% perfection of Taiyi Jinxian.

Moreover, the combat power of the Ancestral Dragon bloodline is also extremely tyrannical!

The invincible existence of the same realm!

Only Yuan Feng and Shi Qilin can compete, so they have to bow their heads.

They are four brothers of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and so far only the East Blue Dragon King has obtained the blood of the Ancestral Dragon.

The other Four Seas Dragon Sovereigns have already seen it, and they just took this opportunity to buy three more Ancestral Dragon bloodlines.

Just do it when he thinks of it, and the Dragon Emperor of the Four Seas instructed his respective Prime Minister Turtles to start preparing various treasures of heaven and earth, and at the same time, he began to sort out the innate spiritual treasures, ready to exchange for trading points.

East Blue, Penglai Immortal Island.

At this time, No. 697 Lu was on the headrest of Loli Bi Xiaoxiao, with her feet on the arms of the girl Qiongxiao, and her hands on Yunxiao’s big white long legs.

Next to the fat house happy water, brown sugar pearl milk tea, potato chips, chicken legs, small desserts.

In front of you is a huge projector, playing your name.”

“Wow, it’s so touching.”

Little Loli Bixiao’s watery eyes were moved to tears.

“Just remember your name, no matter where in the world you are.

“I will definitely, go see you!”

Important “people, don’t want to forget….

Seeing the last sentence, Yun Xiaozhen lowered his head and blushed.

Then hung up Bi Xiao’s face.

“Ah, what are you doing, sister?”

The dissatisfied Bi Xiao wanted to pull her sister’s hand away.

Qiong Xiao, who was beside him, laughed.

Cozy, cosy!

Life, isn’t that what it is?

Wake up to the power of the world, lie drunk on the knees of beautiful women, and live forever!

Now the Lu number can be described as the gathering of the three!

Although the prehistoric world is not controlled by him alone, he is also a big boss.

Big hands are a little restless.

Then pick up Yunlei

–30,000 words omitted here–

“What are your brother and sister doing?”

Bi Xiao asked curiously.

Qiong Xiao, who was on the side, said with a wicked smile, “Why don’t you go and have a look.”

“If you don’t go, you won’t go. Last time I approached to observe, I was punished by my elder sister kneeling for several hours.

The little head shook like a rattle, Bi Xiao thought of this, and her little face wrinkled.

Joan sneered.

Then he said: “I observed secretly before, the elder brother was beating up the elder sister, the elder sister was crying, and the tears were falling.”

“Ah, then why didn’t you save elder sister?! No, why did elder brother beat elder sister?” Bi Xiao said.

Qiong Xiao said: “I want to save it too, but my sister seems to be very happy.

“What’s going on here?”

Bi Xiao was puzzled, this matter was beyond her comprehension.

However, Qiong Xiao sneered and said with a wicked smile: “How could I know?! If you are curious, just go and see.”

Wearing a little Loli Bixiao in the room, finally Bixiao’s inner world is at war!

Unable to bear it any longer, little Loli decided to go have a look.

When I came to the door of the next room, the door was not closed, but there was a formation blocking it.

But this has no effect on Bi Xiao who is staying at home.

After avoiding the formation, Bi Xiao saw…

Lu Xiao and Yunwan who are playing a black game.


Lu Xiao and Yun Xiao exclaimed.

not good!

Seeing this, Bi Xiao knew something was wrong.

The elder brother and elder sister are so angry, she is about to be in a disaster!

Hastily spread the short legs and ran.

want to escape from here.

However, when Lu Xiao raised his hand to probe it, a big mana hand suddenly appeared in the air!

Imprisoned the space around Bi Xiao and grabbed it in front of him.

clap clap clap!

Lu Xiao and Yun Xiao mixed doubles against Xiao Bi Xiao.

“Let your skin, let you skin!”

On the side of Yun Xiao, there was a shy look on his face, and he was a little angry.

This little sister really made her feel uneasy.


“Don’t fight, brother and sister, I was wrong.”

Bi Xiao cried out in pain.

The mixed doubles between men and women directly made Bi Xiao unable to stand it.

When Bi Xiao came, Lu Xiao entered the time of the sage and was fighting the glory of the king with Yunlei.

Li Xiaoyao was chosen by Lu Xiao, and Nuwa was chosen by Yun Xiao.

Opposite and teammates burst into admiration.

“I mean, this wild king Li Xiaoyao is too strong. He has killed 20 and never died once!” said Guy on the opposite side.

Nuwa “It’s also ferocious, even if she kills 15, she doesn’t die.” Angela said.

“666, the two god-tier gods on the opposite side operate directly, and they directly contracted all the heads of our side. 0” Hou Yi also said on the opposite side.

“Two god-tiers, let’s take the head anyway!”

The other three members of the party.

Then Bi Xiao came and saw such a scene.

As for why Honghuangtiandi can play King, this is because Lu Xiao used Wanjie Store as a transfer station.


Now when he was beating little Loli Bi Xiao, Lu Xiao’s big hands kept slapping.

It was not until Bi Xiao was red and swollen that the two ended the mixed doubles.

“It hurts, it hurts!”

Bi Xiao couldn’t stop crying.

And Lu Xiao and Yun Xiao still had black lines all over their faces, these arrogant children.

“Say, why do you want to run over and take a peek?”

Lu Xiao deliberately pretended to be very serious.

“I… Sister Qiong Xiao said that Brother Lu Xiao was hitting Sister Yun Xiao, so I came to see it out of curiosity.”

Bi Xiao explained it clearly and decisively betrayed Qiong Xiao.

Qiong Xiao in the next room was a little curious when she saw that Bi Xiao hadn’t come out yet, but she held back and didn’t look at it.

Thinking that Bi Xiao was just as unlucky as herself, she smiled happily.

It can be seen that Qiong Xiao is also a black belly, and even his own sister is pitiful.

“Hey hey hey…

The laughter stopped abruptly, because she saw Bi Xiao’s aggrieved watery eyes, and also saw the eye-catching eyes of Lu Xiao’s brother and Yunxiao’s sister.

Qiong Sheng couldn’t help but take a step back: “Brother, and sister 4.8, eh. Bi Xiao, why are you crying?”

Say hello.

Then he turned to run away.

However, Yunxiao had a dark face, and his slender hands turned into a sky-covering cloud hall to capture Qiongxiao.

Afterwards, in the mixed doubles, the girl Qiongxiao’s buttocks swelled up like little Loli Bixiao.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and Qiong Xiao begged for mercy, “Brother, sister, I don’t dare anymore.”

She just wanted to play little Loli Bixiao, but she never expected that she would actually play herself in it.

If I had known this, she would not have died.

clap clap clap!

Cries resounded throughout Penglai Immortal Island.

The Dragon Emperor of the Four Seas, who was coming from the East Blue Dragon Palace, couldn’t help but wonder, what’s going on?

Second update, here we go!

Let’s start today, and ask for full order!

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