Chapter 418: The cultivation base that cannot be seen through

Penglai Immortal Island, inside Luotian Hall.

The lights are feasting, and the fairy is full.

Milky white heaven and earth aura, silvery white fairy qi floating.

The Immortal Stone Spirit Jade is the seat table case, and all the living beings from the Great Desolation are in it.

However, according to the level of cultivation, the level of the background, the seating arrangement is different.

The top position is Hongjun Daozu, Zhen Yuanzi, Lu Xiao, Sanqing, Sansheng, Hongyun.

As well as the Heavenly Court Emperor Jun of the Demon Clan, the Emperor Taiyi of the East, the Yi Emperor Fuxi, the Wa Huang Nuwa, and the Twelve Ancestors of the Witch Clan.

However, the demon clan, one emperor and three emperors, sat separately from the twelve ancestor witches.

Daozu Hongjun, Zhen Yuanzi, Lu Xiao, etc. are in the middle, the one emperor and three emperors of the demon clan are on the left, and the twelve ancestors of the witch clan are on the right.

This avoids a possible conflict, lest the congratulations turn into a fight.

Regarding this point, neither the demon clan nor the witch clan has any opinion.

On the periphery of the big boss in the middle, the second seat is the Dragon King of the Four Seas and their heirs, as well as the Taiyi Jinxian of the demon clan, the golden immortal-level demon, and the witch clan.

In the outermost area, there are Jinxian Zhenxian and the like.

Can be staggered, singing and dancing music is pleasant.

“The store manager has really made extraordinary progress. In a short period of time, he has already achieved the status of Da Luoguo!”

Raising a toast, Tiandi Dijun smiled.

Envy in his eyes is very, if he has such a speed of progress, I am afraid that he would have crushed the Wu clan long ago.

After living for billions of years, he was only at the level of the Great Luo Jinxian.


He carefully observed and sensed Lu Xiao’s cultivation, but found that he couldn’t see through.


He has clearly become a Daluo Jinxian for a long time, more than 10,000 years, and the store manager Lu Hao has only just proved Daluo, how can he not even see through it?!

It’s not right! It’s not right!

Could it be that… Lu Xiao’s cultivation surpassed him, and still far surpassed?

Otherwise, how could it be impossible for him to see through the dignified demon clan’s heavenly court, the emperor of the heavens and the emperor?

This is impossible!

My mind turned, thinking of Lu Xiao as the manager of the Wanjie Store, there are many powerful commodities in the Wanjie store, Hongmeng Purple Qi, and innate treasures.

“Maybe, maybe the innate treasure that the manager Lu Xiao used to cover up his cultivation~”?”

Thinking like this, Tiandi Dijun comforted himself.

Otherwise, Lu Xiao really surpassed him immediately after proving Da Luo Dao Guo, which would be too hard for him.

Not only Tiandi Dijun thinks this way, but Donghuang Taiyi and the three demon emperors also think the same way.

There are also the Twelve Ancestral Witches, they are of Pangu blood, they consider themselves the protagonists of heaven and earth, and they cannot believe that Lu Xiao has surpassed them casually.

The main reason is that this is only a short Ten Thousand Years. If it is ten Ten Thousand Years, it is still possible!

It is simply not a normal creature, and the speed of cultivation is too scary.

Although they can accept that Lu Xiao’s cultivation level surpasses them, it should take a certain amount of time.

With a slight smile, Lu Xiao couldn’t help sighing in his heart when he heard the exclamations of the big bosses.

How long has it been since then, he has already reached the peak of the Golden Immortal rank!

Beyond these myths exist, and leave them behind.

If it is not for the shackles, it is impossible to break through the realm above Daluo.

Then he can definitely ride the dust and continue to climb the cultivation base rapidly.

Thinking of this, he looked at Dao Ancestor, and his eyes exchanged spiritual thoughts:

“Daozu, what is the realm above Daluo?”

“What, don’t you think I know?” Daozu Hongjun looked kindly and looked up slightly, showing a big smile.

“That’s a must, Zhenyuan Daxian is all Daluo complete, Daozu, you must break through the Daluo realm!” Blinking his eyes, Lu Xiao’s mouth rose and smiled.

Hongjun Daozu is really naughty, and he has to be coaxed.

“When this big banquet is over, go to the Wanjie shop to talk about it, and call Daoist Yuanzi from Shangzhen by the way.”

After blinking like Lu Xiao, Daozu Hongjun didn’t say anything.

Zhen Yuanzi also noticed it, and couldn’t help but be a little curious: “Hongjun Daozu, little friend Lu Xiao, what are you talking about?”

“When the celebration is over, come to Wanjie Store and talk.”

Lu Xiao Divine Sense sound transmission.


Without further questioning, Zhen Yuanzi nodded.

However, he could see Lu Xiao’s true state.

Daluo Jinxian is complete!


Have you cultivated in the same way as him?

What did fellow Daoist Lu Xiao eat to grow up?

In just Ten Thousand Years, he has risen from the peak of Taiyi to the level of Da Luo, and he has also reached the perfection of Da Luo Jinxian in one fell swoop.

This is too scary!

Sanqing saw that Master kept blinking, and couldn’t help but be a little confused.

He spoke directly and whispered, “Master, what’s wrong with your old eyes?”

As soon as the words fell, Sanxiao also noticed, not only Hongjun Daozu kept blinking, but brother Lu Xiao also blinked.

“Brother, brother

Bi Xue’s little hands grabbed Lu Xiao’s sleeves.

“Cough, cough, nothing, you eat, this banquet is very rich, taste more of the delicacies of the mountains and seas.

Hongjun Daozu laughed and perfunctoryly passed.

Beside the demon clan, one emperor and three emperors, and the twelve ancestors of the witch clan were very puzzled.

But he didn’t even ask.

Celebrating the prehistoric world adding another Daluo Jinxian, congratulations to Lu Xiao lasted for a full month.

During this month, all kinds of mountain and sea delicacies and fairy foods and medicinal foods have been kept.

The immortals present did not use their immortal power to remove the alcohol, and they were drunk, but if they wanted to get drunk, it was impossible.

Everyone is in control of the alcohol.

After all, drinking is a mistake, and it would be bad if you were really drunk and made a joke.

After the banquet was over, Luo Tian Temple cleaned up by itself.

On the immortal island of Penglai, the dragon race takes care of it.

As a subordinate of Lu Xiao, they are the master of Lu Xiao, and they are their servants, and they are also responsible for this banquet.

The dragon clan did not let the water clan under their control clean it up, but the real dragon of the dragon clan to clean it up, not the tail of a dragon like a dragon.

Yes, only in this way can we show the respect of our Dragon Race to the Lord!”

East Blue little God of War, Ao Longtian brought a group of real dragons to clean up the table and table, and leftovers.

With a sunny smile on his face, he has now obtained the Ancestral Dragon bloodline, which is extremely powerful.

As an immortal and immortal golden immortal, he still does the cleaning work.

The same is true for other real dragons.

“It’s very, very, very good, Lord (Zhao Dehao does things well, even if it is to wash your feet, I am willing!”

“It’s just a pity that I can’t serve the Lord personally.

“Save it, don’t say that you are a male dragon, it is impossible to be a beautiful dragon girl!”

“Only Fairy Sanxiao can serve the Lord personally!”

However, cleaning is very easy, and the immortal power is used to clean up an area.

Those leftovers are directly swept into the sea, and there is no pollution, because even the leftovers are immortal food!

In those seas, aquariums, swimming fish, etc., devoured them in large mouths, constantly fighting for each other.

There are even some aquariums who break through the cultivation base leisurely after eating the leftovers!

Even break through the limitations of immortals and become immortals!

There are even some earth immortals who have come close to becoming immortals because they have obtained powerful immortal food!


First update, here we come!

Let’s start today, and ask for full order!

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