Chapter 420: Why is Pangu Kaitian?

After the Daluo Jinxian was consummated, it broke through the shackles and turned into “Tao”.

Like the Dao, it is the source of the Dao, so it is called the ancestor of the Dao!

I see..

Lu Xiao had a clear understanding in his heart.

Zhen Yuanzi also felt suddenly enlightened.

There is a road ahead, no longer confused.

“If you want to break through the shackles of Da Luo, then you need to continue to understand the Dao and become one with the Dao.” After thinking for a while, Lu Xiao said.

This is his guess.

Sure enough, Daozu Hongjun nodded his head and said, “Yes, yes.”

“Little friend just listened to me, I didn’t expect to have such a clear understanding.

“If you want to break through the shackles of Da Luo, you are to turn into Dao, become Dao, become one with Dao, and become one with yourself!”

Daluo Jinxian can exceed the time limit.

And Daozu, is to become the Dao.

In this way, it is understandable why Pangu created the world.

Because Pangu opened up the world and created all things.

It is like the Tao, and it transforms all beings in the heavens and the earth with the body.

Like the Dao, it evolves all things in the world.

Wuji generates Taiji, and there is something out of nothing, which is called one element.

Tai Chi produces two instruments, and one element divides Yin and Yang.

Two instruments give birth to three talents, and yin and yang transform the world into three talents.

Then it continued to evolve, three talents give birth to four images, four images give birth to five elements, five elements give birth to six elements, six elements give birth to seven stars, seven stars give birth to Eight Trigrams, Eight Trigrams give birth to nine palaces, and nine palaces give birth to ten squares.

Wuji Dao is nothing!

Out of nothing, it is one!

Then one life two, two begets three, three begets all things!

This is the road!

“However, in this way, doesn’t it mean that if you want to break free from the shackles of Da Luo, you need to be turned into nothing?”

“And then there is nothing out of nothing, everything in life?”

Zhen Yuanzi was puzzled.

Because if you do that, won’t you kill yourself?

And Hongjun Daozu is still alive and well.

So, this is impossible!

Lu Xiao didn’t believe that he had to do it, and he didn’t want to do it either.

Really want to learn Pangu god-tier, use himself to incarnate all things, he does not have that lofty ideal, it is better to stay in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, anyway, it is immortal and immortal.

“That is the Dao that Pangu god-tier pursues, and Pangu god-tier, I don’t know if he created the heavens and the earth in order to pursue the Dao, incarnate and evolve all things.

“But the god-tier Pangu, who created the world, was already a Taoist ancestor when he was in chaos.”

“He won’t exist at the Daluo level, he surpassed Daluo’s shackles when he was in chaos.

Shaking his head, Hongjun Daozu smiled.

He, Hongjun!

As a congenital soul, innately sacred, it existed a long time ago.

Born in Chaos, he is the same generation as the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

Of course, he was not a Chaos Demon God, and he was not as strong as a Chaos Demon God at that time.

He is just a chaotic creature.

Therefore, he was fortunate enough to survive and was not beheaded by the god-tier Pangu.

However, other chaotic creatures were not so lucky. They were either swallowed up by the Chaos Demon God, or were wiped out by the aftermath of the battle between the god-tier Pangu and the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

Or was killed by the great power of Pangu when he created the world!

And like him, the one who survived was Mozu Luohu.

It was a Chaos Demon God, but unfortunately, he was maimed. After he died, he was resurrected again, but he had lost his once boundless might.

Therefore, he was overtaken by Daozu Hongjun and killed.

Hearing that Pangu’s god-tier was chaotic, he surpassed the shackles of Daluo Jinxian and reached the realm of Taoist ancestors, Lu Xiao couldn’t help but speak!

People are more mad than people, and he has to work hard to cultivate.

And Pangu was nurtured by the Dao, and when he left the world, he became the realm of Dao ancestors!

“What about the Pangu god-tier, who created the world?”

Lu Xiao asked back, some doubts he couldn’t figure out.

“After all, Pangu’s god-tier, if he doesn’t open up the world and break the chaos, he will not be besieged by the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. even..

Lu Xiao pondered for a long time: “Even if Pangu god-tier beheaded three thousand Chaos Demon Gods and suffered heavy injuries, if he did not incarnate into all things, he would not die!”

Regardless of the Blue Star version, Pangu opened up the world.

It is still the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world of Journey to the West, and the version of Pangu who has been handed down to create the world, and it is not that Pangu died after being besieged by three thousand chaotic gods and demons!

Pangu killed 3,000 chaotic demon gods, created the world and incarnated into all things before he perished!

This “, I don’t understand either.”

Hongjun Daozu shook his head and sighed.

This point, even if he was the same era as Pangu, he couldn’t figure it out.

Pangu, the god-tier, does what no living creature can understand.

Of course, it can also be said that every creature understands, because the stories handed down are like this.

Pangu god-tier has great love, so he can incarnate all things, it is not impossible!

It’s just a little silly!

-0 for flowers

Great love can save lives!

But for the sake of living beings that don’t exist, you will let yourself die?

Moreover, the three thousand chaotic demon gods and countless chaotic creatures are also creatures!

There is no reason to kill the existing creature for the non-existent creature, and also lose his own life.

There is no such thing in the world!

Therefore, Lu Xiao scoffed at this statement.

Can’t help him.

Hongjun Daozu and Zhen Yuanzi thought so too.

“Leave that aside.

Hongjun pulled back to the topic.

Looking at Lu Xiao and Zhen Yuanzi, both of them are at the peak level of Daluo Jinxian, but they are shackled and unable to reach the realm of Taoist ancestors.

“I hope that today’s words can give you some ideas.”

“If you want to become a Taoist ancestor, you must understand the Tao.”

Heavenly Dao “, Heavenly Dao is a layer of lock on the Dao.”

“The Dao of Heaven is the result of the Dao’s fusion of the will of heaven and earth, for the better development of heaven and earth.”

“After all, there are limits, not comparable to the avenues.

Lu Xiao nodded, but it was so.

Heaven exists only in heaven and earth, but chaos does not exist.

And the avenues are everywhere, and the chaos is still the same.

“Thank you Hongjun Daozu for teaching me!”

Lu Hao and Zhen Yuanzi bowed deeply.

Chao Wen Dao Xi can die.

Although the two did not reach this point, they listened to Hongjun Daozu’s sermons, enlightened themselves, and explained the realm above the Daluo Jinxian.

But it is also very grateful, so this is also a respect from the heart.

“Everyone is a climber on the road, I just walked a little further.”

Hongjun Daozu laughed.

At the same time, because of Lu Xiao, he was able to be the only one in the world of the Great Desolation, and the two origins of the Great Desolation in Journey to the West.

This explanation is nothing.

And in his opinion…

Lu Xiao broke through the shackles of the old age, I am afraid it is not a problem.

All it takes is time.

And time, for them, is the least valuable thing.

Then Lu Xiao, Zhen Yuanzi, and Hongjun Daozu said goodbye to each other.

Lu Xiao and Zhen Yuanzi bid farewell to Daozu Hongjun together, and then started chatting.

First update, here we come!

Let’s start the two shifts today, please book all!

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