Chapter 428: The Monster Called Dad

“It’s just an effort, no need to thank you.

With a slight smile, Lu Xiao didn’t care.

Now that he is also a big boss, taking care of his younger brother, there is no need to care about those one or two trading points.

Simply be generous, a little thing.


Daluo exerts his supreme might, and the laws of time flow.

In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome, to use so much power.

However, no trouble.

It only needs to cast a fairy spell to solve it.

But to show great power, it is also good to pretend to show off.

I saw that under the fairy light, the time here was reversed, and scenes of the past emerged.

Clearly visible, and sound.

You can even change the angle and observe at will.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Xu Xian and the two big demons.

Black wolf and white fox, the cultivation base is still in the mundane.

If you don’t reach the Immortal Rank, it is said to be a big demon, but in the Great Desolation, it is everywhere.



There was also a name, and the two yokai looked respectful when they said that name.

“Master of Qiankun Cave!

Soon, the scene of the explosion of the spiritual explosion mushroom bomb appeared before.

The two monsters did not die, but were severely injured. Just when the spirit explosion mushroom bomb was about to destroy them, an invisible force descended and saved them.

After that, the black wolf and white fox fled every day.


Touching his chin, Lu Xiao felt a little familiar.

“What’s going on? Why do I feel a little familiar?”

Thinking together, looking through his own memory, Lu Xiao understood.

Isn’t this living Buddha Jigong?!

Hei Feng, Bai Ling, those two black wolves and white foxes are the disciples of the master of the Qiankun cave, before thinking about it…

Isn’t that crazy monk that I met Jigong Jizang?

And the time seems to be right.

The time point of the Green and White Snake World is the Song Dynasty.

The time of the Living Buddha Jigong is also in the Song Dynasty.

“No wonder, that’s what happened.

Lu Xiao nodded, but felt a little playful.

Can’t you imagine how wonderful this world is?

Although, the grade is relatively low.

Xu Xian, who was on the side, also sighed when he saw that the two monsters were still alive.

Without killing the two monsters, I don’t know how many human races there will be in the future, and the practitioners were brutally murdered by the opponent.

Let’s go. “Those two monsters, naturally someone will deal with them.”

“I won’t do it anymore, it will bully them too much, and I will be too lazy to clean up.”

Lu Xiao said playfully.

Xu Xian nodded, “Brother Lu has great powers, and it would be overkill to bully monsters.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t shoot, give me time, the two monsters I will definitely fight are called Dad!

“Aah, Brother Xu, if you beat the younger ones, the older ones will come. They still have a master.” With a slight smile, Lu Xiao joked.


Xu Xian scratched his head.

“Let’s go!

Lu Xiao opened his mouth, and the two of them had already returned to Hangzhou City before Yoyo’s voice fell.

Xu Xian didn’t even have time to take his eyes off, and the next moment he found out that he was back in the city, and couldn’t help but marvel in his heart: “The store manager is the store manager, he is extremely powerful!

“I don’t know when I will be able to catch up with Brother Lu!”

Hearing what Xu Xian was thinking, Lu Xiao looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, his voice was unfathomable, and he sighed with sincerity, “Brother Xu, I am your unreachable father, so don’t think about it. Follow my footsteps and you will only be beaten to pieces.”

This temperament, this demeanor, this kind of master is as lonely as snow


Moreover, it is an invisible force, this kind of force is the most deadly!

Xu Xian could not laugh or cry, but he had to accept it. After thinking about it, what Brother Lu Xiao said was absolutely right.

When the two were chatting, Lu Xiao often explained the cultivation realm to him. Occasionally, Xu Xian curiously asked the other party’s cultivation, but Lu Xiao did not hide it.

After all, the cultivation base has nothing to hide.

After learning about Lu Xiao’s cultivation time and realm, Xu Xian was almost scared to death.

It’s really too scary.

He knew that his cultivation would never catch up with Lu Xiao’s footsteps, and he would fall further and further.


“I’m just talking about it, Brother Lu, you are too shocking.”

Xu Xian smiled helplessly.


“Brother Xu, I’m teaching you to recognize reality.” Lu Xiao laughed.

“Oh, Brother Lu, we are good brothers!”

“If you talk like this, you will have no friends.

Xu Xian said helplessly.

“Shout, who is your brother?”

Lu Xiao asked back with a smile.

Glancing at Xu Xian, he spoke earnestly and sighed leisurely, “I have to tell you a secret, Xu Xian, you are my son, call me Dad!”

“I’m stupid, take advantage of me, I’ll hit you!”

Seeing Lu Xiao’s serious voice, Xu Xian was still a little stunned, but when Lu Xiao finished speaking, he couldn’t help laughing and crying.

This guy is so skinny!

It doesn’t look like a fairy at all.

With the long sword in its scabbard in his hand, he swung it towards Lu Xiao.

“You are really my son.

Lu Xiao dodged and groaned with a smile: “I’m really your dad!”

“I’m scared, Brother Lu, get beaten!

Xu Xian jumped into the air, and slashed Huashan towards Lu Xiao with one move.

Lu Xiao just wandered and avoided.

Then he ran and shouted loudly:

“It’s outrageous, my son killed his father!”

Hear such shameless words.

Xu Xian was completely helpless, waving the long sword in his hand and chasing after him.

“Don’t run, stop for me.”

On the streets of Hangzhou City, run and chase.

However, pedestrians could see that the two were having fun, so they didn’t care.


Lu Xiao felt like he bumped into someone, but it was a little too soft.

There is also a fragrance.

Looking up, isn’t it Bai Suzhen?

There is Xiaoqing next to him.

(Zhao Dehao) Miss Bai, and Miss Xiaoqing. ”

Greetings, Lu Xiao smiled, “Just now I bumped into Miss Bai, please don’t be surprised.”

Xu Xian also chased after him, and when he saw Lu Xiao and Bai Suzhen greeting each other, he did not continue to play.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were very happy to see Lu Hao.

Because it’s been too long since the last time we parted.

“Young Master Lu made the slave family wait for a long time. I haven’t seen each other for a year.”

Bai Suzhen said softly with a look of resentment on her face.

Quite, somewhat coquettish.

“Ha ha ha ha”

Lu Xiao smiled a little embarrassedly, “I have something to delay.”

In this way, I apologize to the girl.

After saying that, Lu Xiao stretched out his hand and embraced Bai Suzhen, causing the charming and lovely person to exclaim for a while.

First update, here we come!

Let’s start today, and ask for full order!

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