Chapter 451: Lie down if you have something to do

“Is that so?”

According to Lu Xiao, when he made a riot in the Tiangong, it was only because the gods in the sky deliberately released water, which allowed him to make a riot without restraint.

If those big bosses and gods really make a move, I am afraid that he will be suppressed immediately!

Sun Wukong couldn’t help but be in a trance, unbelievable.

It’s just that Lu Xiao has no reason to lie to him.

So, it’s all true!

At this moment, Sun Wukong couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

“Damn it!”

The resentment sounded, and he clenched his fists, but there was nowhere to vent.

Now that he knew all the inside story, he couldn’t resist, couldn’t escape.

Can only continue to suffer silently.

He didn’t want to be pinned under the Wuzhi Mountain and imprisoned for freedom, but he also didn’t want to be pushed around.


With a chuckle, Lu Xiao waved his sleeves.

Sun Wukong’s reaction, in his expectation, “Seven-Three-Zero” also has a solution, after all, he can’t come, just tell the other party the inside story, and then he won’t help.

Simply disturbing Sun Wukong’s mind, it would be better to keep him in the dark.

“Brother Monkey doesn’t have to be so entangled.


Seeing that Lu Xiao was full of confidence and seemed to have some plan, Sun Wukong said with a puzzled voice, “I don’t know what method Brother Lu Xiao has to help me out.

Lu Xiao spoke slowly, and said, “One word, please!”


Sun Wukong is a little puzzled, what does this mean?

Seeing that he was a little confused, Lu Xiao continued to explain: “On the westbound road, there will be 9981 disasters, all kinds of monsters and monsters will turn into disasters, among which there will be real monsters as disasters, and there will also be gods and even gods. class, turned into catastrophe!”

“And Guanyin Bodhisattva is the person in charge of your master and apprentice on the road to the west to complete the plan of the westward journey, and is the god in charge.”

“So, Brother Monkey, when you encounter an unsolvable catastrophe, you don’t have to work hard, just lie down and ask Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva for help. Even if you don’t do anything, as long as you fall into a dangerous situation, there will be Immortals come down to earth to help you.


Can you do that?!

Sun Wukong is a little unbelievable.

So doesn’t it mean that you have worked hard to subdue demons and eliminate demons along the way?

But since there are bodhisattvas and immortals to help, it is also excellent.

From now on, he won’t have to worry so much, and he won’t have to work hard.

“By the way, Brother Monkey, after you get the scriptures, don’t become a Buddha, you can leave directly.”

Lu Xiao’s expression was rather serious, because he didn’t want to see that Sun Wukong became a Buddha and turned into a heartless and lustless person.

Since then, it has become a template, a mud embryo on the altar.

And he didn’t know whether it was the real Sun Wukong or the six-eared macaque who was also one of the four great monkeys in the world.

Because according to the Tathagata Buddha, the original description in Journey to the West, the six-eared macaque is as follows.

The six-eared macaque is good at listening to sounds, able to clear things up, know what is before and after, and everything is in the mind!

Its cultivation level is comparable to that of Sun Wukong, its magical powers are also vast, and its combat power is equal.

Even, it can hide from Guanyin Bodhisattva and the gods and gods in the sky.

Of course, those big bosses must be removed from here, and the existence of the Taiyi Jinxian, such as the half-step Daluo and the Daluo Jinxian, must be eliminated.

For the rest, only the innate instinct of listening and Yang Jian’s heavenly eyes can detect the truth.

Just listen and dare not speak.

This is very strange, you must know that the master of Listening Truth is the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, who would have become a Buddha long ago if it wasn’t for his great aspiration.

Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva is a disciple, the same generation as Tathagata Buddha, the same half-step Daluo, and listening to the truth is also the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, dealing with Sun Wukong or a six-eared macaque is like reaching out and crushing an ant.

Even if the two join forces, it is absolutely impossible to listen to the opponent, let alone Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Later, Sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque went to the Buddha to argue. They were told by the Buddha and tried to run away, but they were imprisoned by the Buddha’s golden bell, and then killed by Sun Wukong.

Then since the six-eared macaque can know the front and back, everything is clear.

Knowing both the past and the future.

If you discern the things in the census, how can you not be clear about your future encounters?

If this is the case, why go to the Tathagata Buddha to argue?

So, is the dead six-eared macaque actually Sun Wukong?

This kind of thing is not impossible.

Because Sun Wukong is too arrogant.

And he refused to obey the discipline, but after arriving, his temper suddenly improved a lot.

So, did you switch to a monkey halfway through?

Lu Xiao jumped out of the long river of time, checked the time line, and saw thousands of possibilities, including this scene.

So in order to let Sun Wukong continue to live, he decided to take action.

“Thank you brother for letting me know!

After drinking a glass of wine, Sun Wukong smiled: “I don’t care about becoming a Buddha and being an ancestor!”

“Since this is a play, then I will accompany them to play it, but I won’t work as hard as before. Maybe I should also learn the eight precepts, and live with it. Anyway, there are gods to help. 0”

After the completion of “the westward journey to study Buddhist scriptures, I immediately retreated and returned to my Huaguo Mountain.

“This is the best.” Lu Xiao nodded.

Sun Wukong can think like this, it is better.

Afterwards, the two chatted, chatted about their experiences over the years, and drank heavily.

For Lu Xiao’s experience, Sun Wukong envy, he also wants to travel freely in the world.

It’s just a pity that we still have to go on a journey to the west, and there is no way to escape.

“After I finish reading the scriptures, Brother Lu Xiao will take me to travel around the world, to the Lich War, the more savage world.”

Sun Wukong has a longing look on his face, he is eager to see the fighting method of the Wu clan.

This is of course no problem, Lu Xiao is holding the ticket.

Until ten minutes in the morning, the two people dispersed.

Lu Xiao returned to the Wanjie store and gave another order to the Dishu-Lord God Space to select twenty reincarnators again to expand the store staff.

No way, the manpower is really not enough!

There are still too few shopkeepers.

Lu Xiao was already planning to find a few big bosses to work as shop assistants in Journey to the West and the Great Wild World.

As a result, it also seems that the Myriad Realms Store is not a force.

Take a look, take a look, the Emperor of Heaven Jun became a 48,700-year-old worker in the Wanjie store, and the Virgin of the Human Race is also a clerk in the Wanjie store.

It’s just that he returned to the Gang Wanjie store and gave instructions to Dishu-Master God Space not long after.

The two Wanjie store clerks returned in embarrassment.

Lu Xiao still remembered them, they were the first five reincarnations selected by the main god space.

Su Xiao, and Fang Yuan.

Now both of them have become immortals.

Name: Su Xiao

Cultivation: Twelfth-Order Advanced

Combat Strength: + Tier 3 Superior

Name: Fangyuan

Cultivation: 11th-order intermediate

Combat Strength: Twelve-Tier Lower

The two of them were embarrassed and miserable at the moment.

Second update, here we go!

Let’s start today, and ask for full order!

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