Chapter 456: Become a God

Therefore, when he saw Lu Xiao, although he felt uneasy, the contempt in his bones still made him disdain.

They decided to take action directly, take down Lu Xiao, and then explore the other party’s secret.

Just never thought of it..

Lu Xiao’s strength is actually much stronger than it, and he easily neutralized his methods, and even suppressed him with one hand!

It’s so powerful that it’s unreasonable and unbelievable!

This kind of “strength, I’m afraid it has reached the level of an Outer God?”

The Lord of the Ancients, the Hundred Demon Giants, was so terrified that it was difficult to add to his fear, and even ordinary outer gods were not the opponent in front of him.

It’s not that he has never seen the Outer Gods. The Hundred Demon Giants have seen many powerful Outer Gods, as well as the old rulers.

But such a powerful existence, even some outer gods can’t match.

You must know that he has seen the outer gods take action against the old “Seven-Three-Zero Domination”.

But the opponent also fought for a long time before subduing the opponent!

The Lord of the Ancients-Hundred Demon Giants is already in the top position among the old rulers. He believes that he is only weaker than the sleeping master-Cthuluna and other old rulers. son, and so few exist.

And the existence above Cthulhu is the Outer God.

At this moment, facing Lu Xiao, Hundred Wastes is both angry and fearful.

“God, it’s gone!”

The middle-aged intelligent race was a little surprised, and the god suddenly disappeared.

This made all the intelligent races puzzled, looking at the sky, sensing those indescribable existences!

They believe in God, but no matter what, they cannot hear the voice of God and see the body of God.

In the sky, only the god who looks like a human remains!

Could it be that “..God was killed by this divine mansion?”

The intelligent race couldn’t help but speculate in their hearts. Although they didn’t want to think so, they believed that God was a supreme being, immortal, immortal, and incomparably powerful.

But if God kills God, then it is understandable.

Looking at Lu Xiao, countless intelligent races bowed their heads and bowed.


“I am waiting to believe in you sincerely!”

“I only wish to live forever and serve at your feet.”

Countless intelligent races worshipped Lu Xiao devoutly, and changed their beliefs in a funny way.

This is also normal, after all, it is God who is facing.

Believing in one god is believing, and believing in another god is nothing.

You are all gods, we only care about beliefs.

That’s about it.

As long as the gods of faith exist, even if they don’t bestow any divine grace, or even enslave them, they are extremely brutal and kill them…

They will not resist, they will only believe.

And once the god they believe in no longer exists, like this kind of being killed in front of their eyes, they will immediately convert their beliefs and believe in another god.

However, there are still some family members who have been influenced too much, resulting in alienation, so they still believe in the Hundred Demon Giants.

They were roaring towards Lu Xiao, trying to avenge the martyrdom of their gods.

And those intelligent races who had converted their beliefs hurriedly got up and wanted to stop them.

These ant-like existences actually attacked their gods.

It was tolerable and unbearable, so even if they had just switched to Lu Xiao and believed in Lu Xiao, they still resisted.

Their faith is fanatical, though only recently converted.


Grandma “Ant!”

Lu Xiao didn’t care, he waved his hand, and suddenly a Buddha light enveloped those dependents, removing the influence on them and directly saving them.

In just an instant, those intelligent races who tried to offend him were brainwashed.

The pious faith in his heart was replaced by him.

The intelligent race that has been transformed, with tears on its face, knelt down on the ground.

“I dare to offend the Venerable God, I just don’t know whether to live or die. . . .

“Respected God took action and led us back from the wrong path. We will serve Revered God forever and ever!”

The monstrous shouts spread all over the world, and those intelligent races who were about to stop were stunned.

At the same time, he bowed his head and bowed his head even more frantically to the Lu.

God, so powerful!

As soon as he makes a move, he will save those cultists and lead them to the right path.

Lu Xiao didn’t feel the slightest bit about their flattery, but when the other party believed in him, he sensed the power of belief.

This is probably incense and belief in Shinto!

It just has no effect on the current Lu Xiao, and cannot improve his strength and cultivation, and he is not a man who cultivates incense and believes.

Try to convert it into a trading point, but you can.

This is better than nothing.…

With that in mind, Lu Xiao left here.

But before leaving…

Lu Xiao, with his immortal power and supernatural powers, turned into a god statue and sat on this planet.0

In any case, since he believed in himself, he would leave some miracles anyway.

Seeing this statue, the name Lu Xiao appeared in my mind.

At the same time, the statues can continuously condense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the energy essence in the universe, and continue to strengthen and protect the planet.

At the same time, I borrowed the power of the old ruler and the outer gods in the Cthulhu mythology.

Make it invisible to living beings, not to be heard, not to be touched.

Otherwise, it will be affected and alienated, reducing the sanity value.

However, it will not die, but will become stronger because of it.

After that, those intelligent races placed the statue of Lu Xiao all over the world, making all intelligent races believe in it.

At the same time, the supreme existence of the Supreme God–Lu Xiao, this name has been passed down.

Lu Xiao’s little interest in becoming an indescribable existence can be regarded as a bad taste.

Continuing to set foot on the planets, Lu Xiao saw many ancient ruins, the old rulers, and even the traces of the outer gods.

A few days later.….

It’s time for Li Bai to invite archaeology, and Lu Xiao returns to the original starting point.

In Los Angeles, Lu Xiao found Li Bai who was waiting for him at the bar.

“Manager Lu Xiao!

Seeing Lu Xiao’s arrival, Li Bai greeted him warmly, and at the same time introduced the five people around him and introduced Lu Xiao to them.

“This is an elderly man, with a 4.8 physique, capable and strong, wearing a casual suit and gold-rimmed glasses, an archaeologist professor at Miskatonic University.

There is also a young man with a thin body, with a black frame, a sweater, and a hat, with a gloomy face. He is a talented writer, or a horror theme. The author’s name is Pure Xiaolong.

With long hair, she is quite uninhibited, a chic and wanton atmosphere, and a very well-dressed female artist.


There is also a detective, a believer in an unknown god, both men.

“This, we are in a team, it doesn’t look like archaeology, right?”

Lu Xiao couldn’t help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Li Bai explained: “We are just visiting.

First update, here we come!

Let’s start today, and ask for full order!

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