Chapter 459: Stop joking

Wisdom race civilization, mysterious religion, belief in outer gods or old rulers will bring goodwill or malice, but most of them are unintentional.

There will be advantages or disadvantages to it!

It can be the destruction of civilization, or the rapid development of civilization, resulting in madness and alienation.

But Azathoth is different, very few civilizations or religions believe in Azathoth because it is downright crazy!

It is feasible to summon Azathoth, but it will inevitably lead to disaster!

So it is understandable why there is no His name here, and everything here is full of destruction and incompleteness.

All because of catastrophe, Azathoth appeared!

“I see!”

Lu Xiao couldn’t help but sigh, he really wanted to die.

So many Outer Gods and Old Ones!

Even the old gods don’t worship, but they want to worship Azathoth. Isn’t this courting death?

“Manager Lu Xiao, come and see this.

When the voice came, Li Bai waved his hand and greeted Lu Xiao to go over.

There, on the edge of the center of the altar, stands a mutilated stone wall!

There is a mural on the stone wall, which is carved with a disordered existence, like a cloud layer, rolling and boiling, extremely disordered!

Without a doubt, this is Azathoth!

It’s just that 730 has no name taboo records!

Just a simple painting.

The professor was quite interested and said: “This should be the god’s residence of the ancient civilization’s beliefs, but the strange thing is that it is very different from the ordinary civilizations and religions in history and even pre-existing religions.

Even if historical or pre-existing civilizations and religions have very peculiar beliefs, or even cults, they still have images.

As for this one in front of him, it is said to have an image depiction, but there is no image at all, it is just a mass of disorder.

Li Bai also held his chin in his hand and hugged his arms, feeling a little puzzled:

“What the hell is this?”


Lu Xiao said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, the professor and Li Bai looked at Lu Xiao with puzzled eyes.



Is it the name of a certain god?

But how would this guy know, to know that they specialize in archaeology, a professor, and a student with good grades are not clear.

Seeing their doubts, Lu Xiao said calmly, “The one depicted on this stone wall is Azathoth.”

“He is the leader of all the gods, omnipotent, and his existence is longer than the universe (baei), even if the universe is only created by him.

Hearing Lu Xiao’s narration, the professor and Li Bai were shocked, disbelieving, puzzled, and absurd at the same time.

This is too much to blow, isn’t it?

They believe in materialistic scientific values ​​and do not believe in gods.

At the same time, he looked at the ecstatic believer who was constantly taking pictures and videos carefully.

Is that the believer, or are you?

Lu Xiao didn’t explain anything to the duo’s doubts.

Instead, he silently stretched out his hand and clenched his fist.

Seeing Lu Xiao’s actions, the professor and Li Bai were a little puzzled.

Li Bai asked, “Manager Lu Xiao, what are you doing?”

“Show you something.”

Lu Xiao smiled mysteriously. In the dark passage, white lights illuminated. At this moment, coupled with Lu Xiao’s mysterious smile, he looked rather gloomy and ghostly.

The professor and Li Bai could not help but feel a trace of fear in their hearts.

Fortunately, they are all adherents of materialism.

So he calmed down, straightened his expression, and looked at Lu Xiao’s palm without fear.

Immediately, a dark body covered with countless eyes, two rows of sharp teeth and fangs in the eyes, and the existence of countless tentacles appeared in front of him.

Even if it was only a square inch in size, it brought deep fear to the two of them. When they saw Bai Mochen, their hearts were filled with uncontrollable panic.

This is because Lu Xiao has sealed the influence of Hundred Waste Giants, otherwise, even just this one glance would be enough to cause the two of them to be directly polluted by their spirits and physically alienated.

Even more because the rules have discovered part of the truth of the universe, they can’t bear it and fall into madness.


Seeing the hundred demon giants, the two were startled.

Back off hastily.

So.. what is that?!

There is no such strange creature in this world!

“Manager Lu Xiao, this is a toy, right?”

“This god is not a toy!”

Hearing this, the hundred demon giants couldn’t help but feel angry.

I think he was a dignified old ruler, but he was actually used as a toy, and he was also used as a plaything, and showed it in front of two humans.

Really outrageous!

But there is no way to beat Lu Xiao, so he can only be soft.

As he spoke, the hundred demon giants showed their teeth and claws, and their tentacles danced wildly.

“I go?!”

The professor and Li Bai couldn’t help exhaling loudly.

Several people on the side also heard the voice, but they were immersed in their own affairs and just glanced at it.

But just a quick glance, I also saw the hundred demon giants.

Shocked in their hearts, they came to besiege the city one after another.

“What, what is this?! Is there such a creature in the world?! Why do I feel that it is full of art?”

The art girls couldn’t help exclaiming.

Her eyes were shining, and the hundred demon giants in front of her were simply too perfect, full of artistic sense.

The author Xiaolong also nodded and said, “I travel around all the year round, I have traveled all over the mountains and rivers, and I have never seen such a strange thing, and I feel that it is full of art.”

Saying that, the two of them couldn’t help reaching out to touch.

However, Hundred Waste Giants said angrily:

“Stupid humans!”

Immediately, he flew away and returned to the prison where Lu Xiao’s supernatural powers were transformed.

These humble little humans!

Because of Lu Xiao’s existence, he couldn’t kill these ants either.

But facing these stupid creatures, I really have no interest, so it is better to return to the prison.


The author Xiaolong and the art girls couldn’t help but wonder, how did the creature disappear by accident?

What exactly is that?

The professor and Li Bai looked at each other suspiciously, and asked Lu Xiao: “Manager Lu Xiao, what kind of creature did you take just now, why has it never been seen, discovered, or recorded in the world?”

The disciples on the side also looked at Lu Xiao, “Where did that creature go?”

It just disappeared in the blink of an eye, and at such a close distance, he didn’t notice any movement from Lu Xiao, and he was ready to listen to the other party’s explanation.

The moment he saw the creature, he couldn’t help but feel a throbbing, and he couldn’t tell the truth.

“That is, the Old Ones, or rather, the gods!”


How many people were shocked?!

“How is it possible, stop joking!”

“Yes, how can there be a god?”

“You lied, you didn’t draft it, did you?”

The professor and Li Bai, the writer Pure Xiaolong, the art girl, and the detective all expressed disbelief.

As for the believers, he does believe that there is a god in this world.

First update, here we come!

Let’s go to the third shift today, please book all!,

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