Chapter 468: The Birth of Murder Shinsō

Although I don’t know if Shinsō is the chance to intercept the teaching that Master said.

But now that the other party clearly knew what the opportunity was, and did not eavesdrop on their conversations and followed them secretly, there was no need to beat them to death.

They are the famous and upright, the Honghuang Taoism, the disciples and grandsons of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, and the disciples of the Sanqing Dynasty.

How can it be the same as the people in the magic way?

“Abandon the God of Heaven.

Lu Xiao said a name.

Not using his real name.

Otherwise, Zhao Gongming and the others would not immediately bow their heads and bow down, saying that they would meet the store manager, uncle and uncle.

That would be too boring and lose some interest.

Abandon God?

“Heavenly Emperor, what a great name.

Daoist Duobao couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

Heavenly Emperor, that is the name of the monster clan giant, Heavenly Emperor Dijun.

“Abandoned brother, we might as well be together.

Zhao Gongming said with a smile: “We are here under the order of the Master, and we are here to find opportunities.”

“Brother Zhao

Our Lady of Turtles wanted to say if this was a little inappropriate.

However, he was interrupted by Daoist Duobao. He knew that Zhao Gongming was eager for justice and righteousness, and he saw the Abandoned Heaven Emperor in front of him, so he wanted to pull him.

If you encounter any danger, you can save the other party.


Lu Xiao nodded and said.

“Ha ha ha ha!

Zhao Gongming smiled, “Let’s go, let’s go together.”

The prehistoric world and the west are getting more and more lively.

I don’t know why, people who explain the teaching also appeared here.

Guangchengzi and Huanglong Daoist, as well as lanterns and so on.

In addition, there is the big demon of the demon clan.

And in Lingshan, Daoist Daoyin and Daoist Zhunti, on this day, finally found a clue from the way of heaven.

In the West, a big opportunity actually appeared.

Although I don’t know what it is, the opportunity lies in the West, and they can’t let it go no matter what.

Must get!

Only they have always taken advantage of it, how can other existences take advantage of them in the West.

It’s just that the chance has not yet been born, and even only a trace has been revealed from the heaven, and it takes an unknown amount of time to be born.

Therefore, they did not dispatch in person, but dispatched their disciples just like Chan Jiao intercepted the teaching.

Xu Bodhi and Ksitigarbha, the two most outstanding disciples, were sent out by them.

When they came to the west of the prehistoric world, Lu Xiao and a group of disciples, Daobao Daoist and Zhao Gongming, etc., had been searching for half a month.

During this time, Lu Xiao detected an unusual aura, a wisp of killing energy.

“It’s here~!”

Lu Xiao looked at the Wang Yang sea in front of him.

Backed by a majestic mountain.

The mountain is as sharp as a sword, carrying a terrifying evil spirit.

In the mountains and seas, there are countless wild and ferocious beasts, from time to time there is a thunderous roar and the sound of beast roars.

That shocking situation, even the existence of the true immortal level, will be frightened.

Only the Golden Immortal can walk here.

“Abandoning Heavenly Emperor Daoist is really a good skill, even we can’t find the mystery here, feel this killing breath.”

Daoist Duobao couldn’t help but admire and looked at Lu Xiao with some admiration.

They have searched here for many days, and they can’t say that they have found nothing, but most of them have obtained some treasures, which are better than nothing.

Today is finally, there are some clues.

The killing energy here is extremely rich and extremely pure!

Even if they couldn’t detect it, it was Lu Xiao who discovered it.

This could not help but make them have a little admiration.

Although I don’t know if the killing spirit has anything to do with their chance, it must be certain that it may have something to do with the killing of Shinsō.

So they came here.

“Should stay under the mountains and seas.

Lu Xiao made a seal with both hands and hit the ground.

Shenhua is incomparably dazzling, and the spiritual light is flying, and one after another mysterious Taoist pattern circulates.

Divine Sense surged down, searching for the source of the killing energy.

Following his induction, Lu Xiao saw the source of the killing energy.

I saw a pitch-black, red-red spear, extremely sharp!

Dao patterns flowed on it, and at the tip of the spear, even the space was constantly broken.


Unrivaled power!

This is the innate treasure – Slaughter Shinsō!

“That’s right, this killing spirit is indeed related to the killing of Shinsō.”

Lu Xiao had a look of joy on his face, rubbed his head and said.

Life is not easy, the dog sighs.

The Sun-Swallowing Dog Emperor was beaten by Lu Xiao, so he could only helplessly, there was absolutely no Haki, the ancestor of the clan.

Daoist Duobao, Zhao Gongming and the others also looked excited.

The legendary Shinsō!

Innate treasure!

They have never met.

“What are you waiting for, let’s go and see.”

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit couldn’t wait any longer, and hurriedly turned into a streamer, chasing the traces of the killing energy and finding the source.


Lu No. nodded.

Immediately, the seven people disappeared on the spot, crossed the space barrier all the way, quickly escaped into the ground, and rushed towards the darkness.


Just now, halfway through the road, I only heard a humming sound resounding through the heavens and the earth.

This forced Lu Xiao and Daoist Duobao to stop moving forward.

Duobao was shocked because the momentum was too terrifying.

And the reason why Lu Xiao stopped was because the plan had changed, so Shinsō didn’t know why, but ran away from his original position.

Directly broke through the heavy barriers and exposed it between heaven and earth.

Above the sky, thunder attacked, and the thick and violent Zixiao thunderbolts continued to fall, bombarding Shinsō.

However, the thunder could not obliterate Shinsō, but instead made Shinsō more energetic and powerful.

The pitch-black crimson spear, bathed in thunder, swore its existence to heaven and earth.

Powerful momentum, earth-shattering!

Countless creatures have sensed it, especially in the nearby mountains and oceans, all beings and spirits are shocked to the point of trembling.

Those savage wild beasts are also no longer hideous and shriveled.

Only the powerful wild beasts, under this powerful momentum, roared in the sky!

He rushed towards where Shinsō was, and wanted to occupy Shinsō as his own.

The Demon Clan Heavenly Court, Heavenly Emperor Dijun, Donghuang Taiyi, Yihuang Fuxi, Wa Huang Nuwa, as well as the demon master Bai Ze, as well as other great demons, have just sensed the unrivaled aura that is so powerful and terrifying.

The Ancestral Witch Hall of the Witch Clan, the twelve (Zhao Hao) Ancestor Witch, as well as countless great witches outside, Kuafu, Hou Yi, Chiyou, all sensed a powerful aura, which stirred up a surging war in the depths of their hearts.

That terrifying killing aura was very much in line with their will to fight the sky and the earth.

Murder Shinsō is born!

All living beings know in their hearts what that is.

“This thing, we must get it!

The demon clan and the witch clan all spoke up.


The thunder is falling again, purple thunder, golden thunder, silver thunder

All kinds of thunder, colorful.

The momentum is devastating!

The forces of terror unleashed and bombarded Shinsō.

However, no

In the face of the calamity of heaven and earth, Murder Shinsō is not afraid at all.

There was even a burst of humming.

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