Chapter 475: Three yyds

After enjoying a perfect meal, as the saying goes, feel full and warm…

– 70,000 words omitted

Lu Xiao is in good spirits, just want to say one thing–

Three yyds!

Then Lu Xiao left contentedly…

In the Wanjie store, Lu Xiao looked at the new customer who just came to the store.

Wearing a black leather trench coat, the white shirt is extremely clean and tidy, the neckline is spotless, and the black high-waisted wide-leg jeans appear to have long legs.

About 1.8 meters tall and burly!

The muscles are obvious, but they are not too thick, but just right. A point less is weak, and a point is too much.

The man was twenty-two years old, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and looked rather bookish.

It must have been just after graduation.

It’s just that the calmness in those eyes, as well as the light that flashes in the pupils from time to time, is definitely not an ordinary person, in fact, it is true.

Name: Chu Changge

Cultivation: First-class inferior

Combat Strength: Fifth-Order Intermediate

Cultivation is only the lowest level, an ordinary person who has not learned any exercises can reach the level, but the combat power is extremely strong, of course, this is for ordinary people.

In front of Lu Xiao, there are ants.

“It’s not easy, where is it?”

Chu Changge looked at Lu Xiao and asked politely.

Instead of yelling and panicking as soon as he came up, he was extremely calm.

“This is the Wanjie Store, a store that can trade anything, not just items.”

Wanjie Store, trade anything, not limited to items…

Chu Changge silently wrote down these three key words, and then continued to ask: “Wanjie Xiaodian, what does Wanjie mean, just like the descriptions in those online novels, does it refer to the heavens and the worlds?”

It has to be said that Chu Changge’s mind is extremely flexible and his reaction speed is extremely fast. He immediately noticed something and asked doubts.

Facing Chu Changge’s question, Lu Xiao didn’t hide it and said, “That’s right, Wanjie Xiaodian, a business with Wanjie!

“The heavens and the world are all contained by the store of the world!”

At the same time, Lu Xiao also had some doubts in his heart.

I have never heard of Chu Changge’s name!

In his previous life, when he was Blue Star, he had read many novels, but there was not a single protagonist named Chu Changge, not even a supporting role!

Of course, it is also possible that Chu Changge’s novel was not too popular, but was written by someone on the street.

Even various film and television dramas do not have the name Chu Changge.

Lu Xiao couldn’t help but wonder.

But he suddenly thought…

In those novels, as well as in film and television dramas, there are not only the protagonists and supporting roles who have appeared, but also those who live in that world without other names, and who are not even as good as the tricks!

Therefore, Chu Changge is probably that kind of person.

That is, I don’t know which world Chu Changge came from, I need to ask later.

And Chu Changge, at this time, his heart was already turbulent, churning with turbulent waves.

“Just chasing a strange anomaly, and actually encountered something that only exists in the novel, Wanjie Store?”

Shouldn’t this be weird too?

He thought so.

Lu Xiao asked, “I don’t know which world the customer is from?”

I simply asked directly, since Lu Xiao’s current cultivation is very good, there is no need to pretend to be a boss to fool customers to reach a deal.

Because he has become a giant now!

“From what world?”

Chu Changge was a little puzzled, but he quickly reacted.

The other party is a small shop in Myriad Realms, which is connected to the heavens and the world, so that’s why they ask this question.

It’s just that he didn’t know what the name of the world he was in was called to Lu Xiao.

So I was embarrassed and smiled: “Store manager, I don’t know that either.

Lu Xiao nodded, showing understanding.

This is normal, how could the other party know the name of their world in their own place.

However, he can check the other party’s memory.

So Lu Xiao said: “Since that’s the case, I don’t know if you can let me check your memory and determine the world you’re in.”


Chu Changge was a little puzzled, but still agreed.

·0 for flowers

Because Lu Xiao told him that he could check his memory at will, but because of professional ethics, he did not check it when he respected his wishes, Chu Changge thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Since the other party has such ability, how can he know whether he has checked his memory?

Even if they don’t agree, the other party can check it without knowing it.

For this, Lu Xiao just wanted to say that Chu Changge thought too much.

How could he be such a person?

Immediately, Divine Sense poured into Chu Changge’s soul and consulted the other party’s memory.

For all this, Chu Changge had no feeling at all.

Or he asked Lu Xiao in doubt, and started to check it, only then did he know that the other party had already checked it.


Through Chu Changge’s memory review, Lu Xiao also learned which world the other party came from.

SCP Foundation!

It’s the world of organizations that contain anomalies!

On the Blue Star in the previous life, the SCP Foundation, like the Cthulhu Mythos, is a niche hobby, but it is liked by many people.

Cthulhu is about how big the universe is and how small humans are.

Compared with the universe, human beings are not worth mentioning. Human beings have never been the darling of God, they will not be protected by gods, and they are not sheltering the world. Those who protect human beings are called gods, destroy the world, and those who are unfriendly to human beings are demons.

God is an existence that is many times greater than the level of human life.

They don’t need faith, they don’t shelter humanity, and they don’t destroy the world.

There is no kindness or malice towards human beings, just unintentional.

Everything you do is based on a single thought, whatever you want.

The world of the SCP Foundation is full of various anomalies, which have existed since ancient times. The gods that humans believe in, a stone, a flower, are often these strange anomalies, and they have unique characteristics.

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