Chapter 483: Show me the fierce one

“By the way, Chu boy said before that there is a person who came from other worlds and is extremely powerful. Let’s take a look!”

The fourth voice was relatively warm, with a slight smile.

About two or three hours ago, they received a notification from Chu Changge.

It’s just that this matter is of great significance, so I felt that they were discussing countermeasures at that time.

It took a lot of effort to deduce.

After the discussion came out, they wanted to sleep for a while to replenish their energy.

But suddenly he was awakened by this tyrannical coercion.

So, since that’s what happened.

Then there is no need to procrastinate.

They originally wanted to destroy those dangerous and strange existences, but there were some strange and abnormal things that could not be eliminated at all, so they had to keep them.

Now there is a shop manager of Wanjie Store who can help the SCP Foundation solve this matter, and they naturally agreed to this matter.

That is to use all the uncontrollable dangerous anomalies contained in the SCP Foundation, exchange for trading points, and then buy various commodities.

Especially the practice method!

They learned the method of cultivation from Chu Changge, just like those mysterious ancient legends in the East, if they cultivated to a high level, they could fly to the sky, live forever, and be omnipotent.

They 05A have existed for an unknown time, some of them have died and were replaced by later ones, and some of them are still lingering on.

They don’t want to die, or in other words, every creature instinctively wants to live longer.

Even as the highest authority of the SCP Foundation, 05A is no exception.

Moreover, not only obtaining transaction points, but also purchasing goods from Wanjie Store are these benefits.

Those bizarre anomalies that cannot be destroyed but are extremely dangerous are even difficult to contain, or even impossible to contain. The bizarre anomalies that are automatically contained exist, and they can finally be removed from this world.

As long as the store manager of Wanjie Store has the ability to deal with those weird and abnormal existences and take them out of this world, even if the transaction value is not worth a cent, or even reposted.

No way, over the years, in order to deal with these strange and abnormal existences, the SCP Foundation does not know how much materials and manpower have been spent.


The fifth voice also fell slowly.

Several people decided to meet the mysterious Wanjie store manager immediately.

Immediately after the headquarters of the SCP Foundation, an aircraft drilled out of the ground, took off at a high speed, and rushed towards the SCP Foundation branch.

05A is among them.

Inside the SCP Foundation branch, Lu Xiao wanted to laugh a little while looking at the shivering indestructible monitor lizard 682 in front of him.

Good guy, just this guts?

The dignified and immortal monitor lizard 682 was so frightened that he almost urinated because of his own power.

bang bang bang!

Lu Xiao stretched out his hand and tapped the glass container lightly, making a crisp sound, and then said:

“Hey, inextinguishable monitor lizard, aren’t you usually fierce?”

However, the inextinguishable monitor lizard was still shivering.

Even because Lu Xiao slapped the glass container, he approached the other side and wanted to stay away from Lu.

Not answering Lu Xiao at all.

Chu Changge, who was kneeling on the ground beside him, stood up embarrassed.

Why did he suddenly kneel down uncontrollably?

And the coercion at the level of life just now was too terrifying.

The two security guards behind them also struggled to get up from the ground.

“Tu, what happened just now?”

“It’s terrifying, it’s terrifying!”

They looked at Lu Xiao and were deeply shocked by this mysterious existence in front of them.

I know in my heart that the terrifying pressure just now spread from the man in front of me!

“It’s unimaginable!

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have felt the coercion at the level of life, I wouldn’t believe it!”

“Yes, I always thought that this would only exist in fantasy novels!!

The two security guards whispered and couldn’t help feeling emotional.

Looking forward, he was surprised again.

They happened to see the inextinguishable monitor lizard because Lu Xiao slapped the glass container, and they backed away in fright.

“I mean, is this still the legendary, incomparably ferocious and inextinguishable monitor lizard 682?”

“Why are you so angry all of a sudden?”

The two security guards couldn’t help but wonder, in disbelief.

It is unbelievable that the inextinguishable monitor lizard 682 still has a day of fear.

It’s just that although he is afraid of Lu Xiao, the indestructible monitor lizard 682 is still the master after all, and there is no change in essence, he is only afraid of Lu.

He was frightened by Lu Xiao, but it was not the two security guards who frightened him.

So, how could he, Uncle 682, the dignified and indestructible monitor lizard, tolerate such a bad breath?

Immediately, the inextinguishable monitor lizard 682 made a huge roar.

Open the blood basin, it is huge, and the roaring sound is huge.

The two security guards were instantly shocked and couldn’t help swaying.

bang bang bang!

Chu Changge stretched out his hand and tapped the glass container.

The dignified and immortal monitor lizard 682, don’t frighten ordinary people, if you have the ability, I will let you out, and you can fight with the store manager Lu Xiao. ”

After he finished speaking, he smiled at Lu Xiao: “Store manager, if you buy the Indestructible Monitor Lizard 682 in advance, 05A will come, and I will give you the Indestructible Monitor Lizard 682.”


The SCP Foundation actually wanted to hand him over to this horrible guy in front of him?

The inextinguishable monitor lizard 682 couldn’t help but feel a little flustered.

What the hell, what should I do?!

He originally thought that Lu Xiao was abnormal, but now he finally understood that the other party was not abnormal.

But what made him incomprehensible was that Lu Xiao was not human either.

He can sense that the other party’s life level is too high, and it is absolutely impossible to be a human being.


Lu Xiao smiled lightly and said, “Is this okay?”


Chu Changge replied, smiling a little badly.

Without destroying the monitor lizard 682 Uncle (How is Zhao?) At this time, I can’t help but panic a little.

“no, do not want!”

“Chu Changge, you can’t handle me!”

“The store manager, please let me go!”

“Ah ah ah ah..

The inextinguishable monitor lizard 682 panicked, and kept roaring loudly, even begging for mercy.

However, Lu Xiao opened the glass container.

Then, with one hand, he easily grabbed the inextinguishable monitor lizard 682.

In the void, a pair of dark, demonic big hands firmly grasped the indestructible monitor lizard 682.

“Show me the fierce one!” Lu Xiao said.

However, the indestructible monitor lizard 682 did not dare at all.

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