Chapter 486: Hulu Sect on Hulu Mountain

Item: SCP-173 Peanut

Quality: ten stars

Introduction: From the SCP Foundation world, without any life drives or organs.

SCP-173 Peanut is unable to move without containment.

And can’t act when there is a living being watching it, but as long as there is no watching, even just for the blink of an eye, SCP-173 Peanut can move, almost teleport!

Whoever sees it will die, unless you keep watching, then lock him in a sealed space!

Value: 1 million transaction points

Item: SCP-426 I am a toaster

Quality: ten stars

Introduction: A common toaster, which can be used to toast slices of bread when powered on, but when any creature refers to SCP-426, it will subconsciously use the first person to refer to SCP-426.

After SCP-426 persists around the creature for sixty-seven, forty-three days, the creature will begin to think of itself as a toaster.

If not prevented by external forces, these creatures will eventually injure themselves severely, resulting in death by attempting to imitate SCP-426.

Value: 200,000 transaction points

It is not limited to the containment of the SCP Foundation branch in the Central Plains.

There are also other district SCP Foundation branches and headquarters containment items, including bizarre anomalies that cannot be contained and can only be arranged around.

Such as the SCP-087 stairwell.

SCP-087 is an extremely dark staircase, each floor is thirty-eight degrees, with a total of thirteen steps, and between the floors is a one-hundred-eighty-degree semicircular platform with a diameter of three meters.

When walking below 200 meters from the door, a cry similar to that of a child or a girl could be heard for help, but they continued to search, but could not get close to the source of the sound.

In addition to non-biological SCP containments, there are also some strange abnormal creature SCP containments.

SCP-049 Epidemic Doctor, the overall appearance is close to that of a medieval beak doctor, wearing a robe and a clay mask indicating his occupation.

Knowing many languages, it is often assumed that humans suffer from a plague, which the SCP Foundation cannot detect.

For those suffering from the plague, the SCP-049 plague doctor will treat the other party, but this treatment will cause human death.

Afterwards, the subject of treatment will become SCP-049-2 attached to SCP-049.

However, the SCP-049 epidemic doctor is not on the trading list, because he is willing to communicate with the SCP Foundation in a friendly manner.

However, the undead monitor lizard 682 is different. It cannot be contained, and those that are malicious to humans are used by the SCP Foundation for trading.

Both non-living and living.

Lu Xiao is open to all who come, although he can only include non-biological products as commodities, and things that are biologically conscious, but cannot be included.

But these creatures are strange and abnormal, but they are also useful and very interesting.

After the transaction was completed, the SCP Foundation obtained one billion transaction points, and all the containment objects that endangered human beings and could not communicate with each other were sold.

Afterwards, he purchased the first-order to fifteenth-order cultivation techniques from Lu Xiao, which were not cultivation qualifications, but cultivation techniques.

In addition, the remaining more than one million trading points were used to purchase basic alchemy, basic equipment, basic formation, basic runes, and some magic spells.

And because Chu Changge came into contact with Lu Xiao, he obtained huge benefits for the SCP Foundation, and traded many strange and abnormal existences to Lu Xiao, clearing the world.

Rapidly promoted to become A-level personnel!

However, not the 05A class, the 05A class has only five fixed positions.

The SCP Foundation does not have only five A-class personnel, 05A is the most outstanding of the A-class personnel.

Now that there is no vacancy, Chu Changge’s own strength and prestige need to be improved, so it can only be upgraded to this level.

After finishing the SCP Foundation’s world tour, Lu Hao returned to Wanjie Store again.

Gourd baby world.

Hulu Mountains, Hulu Mountains.

There is a rather imposing palace located here.

Go to the book, Gourd Sect!

It was more than a year ago that seven 11- or 12-year-old boys who were born with extraordinary magical powers, and a young man of about 20 years old were built.

But what makes people puzzling is that the seven teenagers are called the young grandfather.

As for the Hulu Mountain, because the monsters were removed, all living beings recovered, and the human race entered the Hulu Mountain again.

In the Gourd Sect, a young man is the head, and his name is Panshan.

The seven boys were named Pan Yi and Pan Er

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven!

It is the elder of the Gourd Sect.

The gourd baby world is also a fantasy world, a world of immortal cultivation.

The Gourd Sect is a rare cultivator sect in the Gourd Mountain Range, which is thousands of miles in diameter.

Before Ten Thousand Years, the Hulu Mountains were occupied by snake demons and Sasori spirits. Of course, at that time, the Hulu Mountains were not called Hulu Mountains, and there was no Hulu Mountain.

The snake demon and Sasori were not satisfied with the Gourd Mountains and felt that it was too small, so they continued to expand around.0

Turning a radius of tens of thousands of miles into an absolute territory.

It has become a holy place for demons!

Among them, the Hulu Mountains have become a dead zone, and there may be some immortal practitioners on the periphery, slaying demons and slaying demons, searching for treasures from heaven and earth, and resisting the expansion of snake demons and Sasori sons.

But in the Hulu Mountains, there is no trace of human race.

Later, the gods descended on punishment.

Only after suppressing the snake demon and the Sasori son-in-law was able to save this place.

The Hulu Mountain is the one that suppressed the snake demon and Sasori’s spirits. It is very magical, so it was called Hulu Mountain by later generations, and the surrounding mountains were renamed Hulu Mountain.

Ten Thousand Years past, the once-absolute realm has been completely restored.

There are also people, but they are mostly ordinary people, and they are like ordinary practitioners.

Because the snake demon and the Sasori son-in-law of Gourd Yamanaka have not been refined yet, the human race is afraid that a large number of sects will be established here, and a large number of sects will arise together, resulting in conflicts, and if there is a wrong sect, there will be a demon sect established here. , During the expedition, if someone accidentally destroyed the Hulu Mountain, or someone had a bad mentality, and released a monster, it would be created!

Therefore, in order to maintain the Hulu Mountain, the snake demon and the Sasori essence were completely refined and not affected. Many sects jointly suppressed the Hulu Mountain, eradicated the demons here, and killed the monsters in batches.

As long as there are monsters of the extraordinary rank, they will be eliminated and killed when they reach the ninth rank before that.

It’s just that they never imagined that an ordinary pangolin could pierce Hulu Mountain inconceivably.

Of course, they didn’t know this.

When the monsters were born, they slaughtered people of the 4.8 clan, and the demonic energy was soaring to the sky, and it was extremely ferocious.

Many sects immediately held a meeting, gathered together, and prepared to eradicate the monsters.

Before the opponent has completely recovered his strength, he will be killed.

However, when they discussed the countermeasures and completed the formation of the coalition of the various sects, they found that the snake demon and the Sasori son-in-law had been killed.

And in the Hulu Mountains, there are seven more Heavenly Immortals and one Earth Immortal.

After the visit, I learned that the snake demon and the Sasori sprite were destroyed by them!

It is unbelievable that these eight immortals have such strength.

But what puzzled them was that the seven Heavenly Immortals were actually called Earth Immortal Grandpa.

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