Chapter 496: Terrifying foot odor

The two sides are on the same page, but in general, the human race has a little bit of an advantage.

After all, this world is a world where the human race is the first race!

The morning light of the heavens and the earth first opened, and the sky was slightly dark and blue? Jin Yang only raised his forehead, exuding a warm yellow glow.

The beautiful wind in the mountains flows, but it is like a fine thread, the coldness and the cold do not drift away, it only makes people feel refreshed, and the hundreds of thousands of pores are completely comfortable.

The fighting has continued from night to morning.

The monsters and the human race continue to kill.

Blood stained the earth, and among the mountains, corpses were scattered all over.

However, the fighting did not stop.

“Kill kill kill!”

The human race roared loudly, this time it was the demon race who took the lead in provocation, making them feel that the dignity of the human race was offended.

The demons are also not afraid!

“Fight, fight, fight!”

Their demon clan adheres to the law of nature that the weak can eat the strong, and from the very beginning, after the birth of “Seven Four Three”, they have been fighting constantly, wandering between killing and being killed.

For death, there is no concept of “fear” at all.

What’s more, at this time, it is still fighting against the human race.

I don’t know how many years, the human race has been pressing on the head of the demon race, which makes them angry and aggrieved.

The monsters are not weak, why should they be subservient to the humans!

In this battle, they must smash the human race and slaughter the prestige of the human race!

Play their demon clan prestige.

Boom boom boom!

Reiki scrolls, immortal power collides.

The demons cover the sky!

The two sides kept fighting.

Supernatural powers, magic weapons, and various attack methods emerged one after another, turning into torrents and blasting towards the opponent.

Bang bang bang!

From time to time, air waves exploded, and the space was shattered.

The demon clan and the human clan died tragically under the attack of each other.

The battle was intense and tragic.

“Goblin, you kill my grandfather and take your life!

The big baby held the Ruyi Killing Immortal Stick and slashed Huashan Mountain at the Green Snake Demon King!


As if it was a strike that opened up the world, a dark space crack appeared in the whole world, and it continued to expand and was extremely sharp.

Slashed on the body of the Green Snake Demon King Snake.


The Green Snake Demon King cried out in pain.

Above the huge body, the incomparably hard scales burst into light, forming a defense, but it failed to block it.

Ruyi kills the immortal stick, the space crack strikes, and it is still like a broken bamboo, breaking the light defense and breaking the scale defense.

Part of the snake demon’s body was severely injured, blood was shed, and the flesh was blurred.

“Damn gourd doll!

The Green Snake Demon King roared loudly, twitched his tail, and slapped the big baby away.

The extremely powerful force vented, causing the big baby’s body and bones to break, and still in the air, the flesh and blood were severely injured, the blood was dripping, and the internal organs were severely injured.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

“Die, die for me!”

The Green Snake Demon King transformed into a human form again, holding swords in both hands, and madly killing the immortals.

The Myriad Demon Nation’s army is also constantly gathering murderous soldiers to slay the surrounding sect forces.

The same is true for other demon nations.

In the face of the ferocious attack of the demon clan, the human clan also responded accordingly.

There are also god-tier passers-by, who are so powerful that they rival those demon kings.

There are also Xian Dynasty troops, forming army formations, and Xianmen practitioners forming formations to fight against the demon clan.

Legend has it that the Jurchen immortals slaughtered the three-headed beast of qi unstoppably.


He breathed a sigh of relief, but it smelled extremely strange. This was the influence of the breath.

This breath is pervasive, even if it is protected, blocked by a barrier, or even protected by a magic weapon, the barrier that can block atomic particles can be eroded by this breath.

So much so that the demon clan and the human clan next to them couldn’t help but stop their movements.



Both the demon clan and the human clan couldn’t help holding their chests with one hand, retching.

Involuntarily, the two sides glanced at each other tacitly: “Let’s fight in another place!


Agree, turn around and leave.

However, seeing this scene instantly made the legendary Jurchen immortal furious.

The good guy dares to despise her!

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, the human race can let it go, but the demon race must die!

No hands, no swords.

Legend has it that the Jurchen took off her specially refined magic boots.

Seeing this scene, all the immortal cultivators who knew the past, and the immortal cultivators who had been instilled with some unique knowledge by their masters and elders, panicked.

“do not want!”

At the same time, he ran away immediately.

And the demon clan is a little unclear.

Only a few demon kings knew about it, and they all changed their faces when they saw this.

The Green Snake Demon King was one of them, and immediately ordered his army to retreat quickly.

“Get out!”

Retreat quickly!

“Don’t fight anymore!”

The demon clan did not know why, and they were all stunned.

It’s just that the demon king ordered, no matter what they think, they must obey, 0

After hesitating for a while, they all retreated.

But it’s too late…

I saw the legend that Jurchen took off her pink boots. The feet are extremely cute.

Many senior cultivators and gentlemen of the demon race couldn’t help but turn their heads and stare at them, revealing old-fashioned and wretched smiles.

hey hey hey!

For that kind of smile, please refer to the panda expression pack.




The human race and the demon race, who got closer, couldn’t help but vomit out.

Especially the one who vomited before, the nearest demon power.


“Hoo hoo hoo!”

“Damn it, what the hell is this smell!”

“It smells so bad, why am I vomiting uncontrollably, what’s wrong with me?”

“Grass, why can’t I open my eyes!”

“Is it dark?!”

“How did you do it?!”

When the monsters and humans vomited, they became puzzled, and they found that they couldn’t open their eyes.

It got dark.


However, just after shouting a few times, he couldn’t help but vomit again.

He hurriedly closed his sense of smell, and even closed his seven orifices, but he was still able to “smell” a stench.

This stink…

It’s so terrifying!

And the reason why they couldn’t open their eyes and felt it was dark was because they couldn’t open their eyes because of the smell of feet.

This is the horror of the legendary Jurchen!

Unable to block foot odor and bad breath, unbearable, 4.8 is no longer a stink in the conventional sense.

But it’s almost the same as the rules!

ubiquitous, unavoidable!

After all, if it can be avoided, relying on the closed sense of smell and taste, etc., can not smell this odor, there are still many men who are willing to pursue this Jurchen who has become a legend.

After all, first, this legendary female fairy is beautiful.

Second, it is this legendary Jurchen who looks soft and cute.

Third, this legendary female fairy is cute.

No way, cute, soft and beautiful, all in all, looking good is king!

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