Chapter 514: Lu Xiao’s Crystal Palace

woman, no…

Is Fairy, Queen, Onee-san, Maiden, Loli, Younger Daughter

All kinds, everything.

All of them have extraordinary temperament, and although their appearances are of various types, they are all stunningly beautiful.

These women are naturally the harem of Lu Xiao.

Ace Des, Little Hermione, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Bixiao, Dongfang Invincible, Ning Yao, Zhao Linger, the witch girl…

Except for the witch girl who stayed in the Myriad Realms Store, the rest naturally came to Myriad Worlds Store from various worlds.

It’s just that Lu Xiao couldn’t understand why they gathered here.

And Aizen and Baby Dragon, Zijin Shenlong, and his mount, the Sun-Swallowing Dog Emperor, were also there.

But at this moment, the girls are gathered together, and the atmosphere is a bit…

Taking the world as a unit, the girls formed a small group, looking at each other’s other girls, their eyes could not be said to be hostile, but they also carried a trace of vigilance.

As the clerk, Aizen, Zijin Shenlong, Long Baobao, and the horse swallowing the sun and the dog emperor, naturally understand the romance of the owner of the store…

These women are all the proprietresses of Wanjie Store!

Aizen and Zijin Shenlong, etc., served tea and water one by one, and kept offering fairy melons.

Respectfully and cautiously.

For fear that a careless one will offend them 760, break out the Shura Field, and bring tragedy to the store manager.

“Ha, ha…that’s a coincidence!”

Lu Xiao smiled awkwardly, but then calmed down.

The manager of the shop is so sweet and cheerful, the jade tree is uninhibited, and he has such a high level of cultivation, what happened to the more Taoist companions?! This is not very normal.

“Did we come at the wrong time?”

Bi Xue and Ning Yao spoke, and the other girls on the side also looked at Lu Xiao.

Is it time for them to come?

Although the tone is either gentle or cold.

However, there was a sullenness that wanted to eat Lu Xiao.

“No, you’re here just in time!”

I am grass!

Lying on the grass!

I fuck!

Aizen, Zijin Shenlong and the others, Longgou, were all stunned. After hearing Lu Xiao say this, they couldn’t help but want to say I’m sloppy, for fear of ruining the atmosphere.

Can only be amazed.

Too six!


This operation is a real bull formation!

So nasty!

It can only be said that the store manager is worthy of being a store manager, far beyond what other people can compare to.

Unknown to them, Ace Des and the three girls were also shocked by Lu Xiao.

Just in time…

What should they say?

Originally, he planned to question Lu Xiao, but he didn’t expect that he was too thick-skinned.

Moreover, looking at Lu Xiao next to him, he felt the security and warmth brought by that broad chest.

And Lu Xiao’s doting smile and deep affection in his eyes.

They were not angry at all, especially since it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

Just some small emotions.

Moreover, Lu Xiao’s words really made them laugh.

“”Wuwu Luojing….

. . . ”

The silver bell-like laughter sounded and echoed, which was quite pleasant.

In particular, the girls are all stunning, with sweet smiles, and when they smile, it seems like spring flowers are blooming in the world in April.


Ning Yao grabbed Lu Hao’s ear and blew lightly, the fragrance of serene orchid.

Although the girls were very jealous that Lu Xiao had so many women, it was not a big problem.

Under the introduction of Lu Xiao, they began to get to know each other.

“This is the first to follow me, Ace Des, this is little Hermione, the three sisters are San Gong

Lu Xiao made the introduction with a chuckle.

“Sisters, you are actually the legendary gods, the goddess Sanxiao!”

Dongfang Invincible and Ning Yao looked at the three sisters, surprised and couldn’t help but close their mouths.

In the world of Ming Dynasty, there is a system of immortals and gods in the traditional cultural mythology system of Chinese civilization.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiao actually kidnapped the god Sanxiao.

“Eastern girl, your generation of queens (baei) is rare, and Ace Des, the general of the empire, has never been defeated!” Yun Xiao also praised.

“Where, my sister praised me too much, but those men are useless, except of course husband-kun.”

For Yunxiao, Dongfang Invincible is called sister.

Because of Yun Xiao’s temperament, even hers are not as good, and at the same time, Yun Xiao’s cultivation strength is also strong.

Among all the women, Yun Xiao deserves to be regarded as the eldest sister.

“Sister Yunxiao is praised.” Ace Des blushed immediately, she is the strongest in the world of beheading sisters, but if compared with other women present, she is not the strongest.

“Bi Xiao is so cute!”

Looking at Bi Xiao’s fleshy little face, the girl Ning Yao couldn’t help but stretch out her little hand and rub it.

Being praised and rubbing her face, Bi Xiao couldn’t help but blushed: “Sister too!”

The two complimented each other.

Haha “Haha, stop complimenting each other, they are all cute!” Lu Xiao stretched out his big hand and touched the little heads of the two guys.

All the women came to Wanjie Store, and Lu Xiao also understood the reason.

It was because he was too busy recently and had no time to accompany them, so they came to Wanjie Store to find themselves.

Lu Xiao couldn’t help feeling guilty conscience, of course, only a little bit.

“I’ll accompany you for a while, eat, drink and have fun.”

Lu Xiao said in a sincere tone, and said with a light smile: “I was busy and neglected you during this period of time as compensation, and I already missed you, and I planned to accompany you after I was busy.”




All the women raised their middle fingers to Lu Xiao, expressing disbelief. However, he also agreed to Lu Xiao’s invitation to eat, drink and have fun together.

And there are so many sisters to accompany.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Xiao opened the door to Blue Star.

Let’s go”.”

The witch witch hugged Lu Xiao’s neck and hung it in front of her.

Lu Xiao took Ning Yao with one hand and Bi Xiao with the other, and left the Wanjie Store with the girls.

Blue Star, at this time, nine years have passed since the recovery of spiritual energy.

The entire Blue Star has already recovered spiritual energy, and the link channel with Tianyuan Continent has also stabilized.

Blue Star has also appeared a ninth-order powerhouse, and there are a few humans who have survived the catastrophe and cultivated into immortals.

And the cultivators on the Tianyuan Continent have already started to set foot on the Blue Star and started to invade.

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