Wang Xiaonian went to the [Jiayuefu Supermarket] near his home.

“I go, why are there so many people today?” Wang Xiaonian was a little surprised, it was only less than 9 o’clock now, and there were many people outside this supermarket, even if it was a weekend, it was not so exaggerated

Isn’t there any activity?

Suddenly, at this moment, two familiar voices sounded in Wang Xiaonian’s ears.

“Little year…”

“Little year…”

If it is not his own friend ‘big fat’ and ‘small fat’, who can it be?

It’s just that Wang Xiaonian is very unexpected, you know, these two people generally sleep until noon on the weekend and wake up naturally, and now it is only 9 o’clock, how can it appear here?


The most crucial point is that their pocket money is dedicated to the lottery shop owner, do they go to the supermarket?

“Xiao Nian, but I finally found you.” Big Fat walked quickly to Wang Xiaonian and spoke

“What’s wrong? You guys are! Wang Xiaonian laughed

At this time, the two explained to Wang Xiaonian.

The “Jiayuefu Shopping Mall” opened by this out-of-town boss is holding a 5-year celebration today.

What is said to be…

The Spicy King Challenge is divided into several stages of rewards, and the grand prize can even get a new Nokia mobile phone.

But there is a premise to participate in the competition, that is, to buy supermarket items for more than 100 yuan.

The two have no money….

But like to join in the fun.

For this reason, I thought of Wang Xiaonian, a good friend of the big dog family.

Early in the morning, after getting up, the two went to look for Wang Xiaonian, but they never opened the door, and the two thought that Wang Xiaonian was sleeping lazily, so they came over by themselves.

Even if you can’t participate in it, it is good to at least look at it.


“Spicy King Challenge, maybe you can get a mobile phone?”

For a moment, this made Wang Xiaonian interested.

After this morning’s self-discipline and morning run, Wang Xiaonian currently has a total of [49] points [pain value], that is, 4900 yuan.

Buy a mid-to-high-end mobile phone, there is nothing wrong with it.

But if it can be obtained for free….

Wouldn’t it be better.

Come to think of it….

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but say to his two good friends, “So what are you waiting for?” Hurry in. ”


After entering the supermarket.

Wang Xiao began to make crazy purchases.

For these small money things, very few big guys will go shopping around, carefully selected and so on, a word, is to buy buy buy …


Body soap!



In addition to these daily necessities, Wang Xiaonian also bought a large number of snacks.

Bought almost 300 yuan.

In this way, Wang Xiaonian has 3 ‘tickets’ for the Hot Girls King Challenge.

“Give!” Wang Xiaonian kept one for himself, and at the same time, he also gave one for his two nemesis

After receiving the tickets, the two fat men had a look of excitement on their faces and were eager to pounce into Wang Xiaonian’s arms.



Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but laugh and scold

“Brother, brother!”

“Yes, brother, I really deserve to be the leader of a class.”

The two of them slapped the horse’s ass without any bottom line, and the slap was called a meat hemp

“Hey hey, is it?”

“Since you thank me so much, if you get the prize later, we will score 73 points.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed playfully

“No problem!”

“Seven or three points!”

“Yes, brother, you have to get sixty percent.”

The two fat men sang and harmonized again

“I’m saying, I’m 7, you 3.” Wang Xiaonian said quietly


“Brother Nian…”

“You this…”

The two fat men instantly pulled their heads together, and the fat flesh on their faces was about to fall

“All right, all right.”

“Don’t pretend to be pitiful!”

“If you can really win the prize, I won’t take anything.”

Wang Xiaonian said without anger

“Really?” Little Fat Zhou Lieyin said in surprise

Wang Xiaonian glanced at him, and Xiao Fat immediately laughed.


The Spicy King Challenge is in full swing.

The host is a young and beautiful girl, very eloquent, so that some of the audience, who are not very interested, went to the supermarket to buy 100 yuan to participate in this activity.

There are 7 types of rewards for the [Spicy King Challenge].

Worst of all, the sixth prize: 1 bottle of Coke + a bag of drawers

Fifth prize: On the basis of the sixth prize, plus, a box of bags of instant noodles

Fourth prize: On the basis of the fifth prize, plus two barrels of cooking oil, a bag of 20 kilograms of rice

Third prize: On the basis of the fourth prize, plus a box of paper, a brand new razor, a hair dryer, a bicycle

Second prize: On the basis of the third prize, plus a microwave oven, an oven

First prize: On the basis of the second prize, plus, a refrigerator (market price 4800 yuan).

Grand prize: At the first prize, plus a Nokia mobile phone (market price 7200 yuan



After the third prize, the value has a qualitative leap.

And from the second prize, it is all valuable home appliances.

For this reason, it can be concluded that the difficulty coefficient after the third prize is very scary.


“Anyone who has a ticket to the [Spicy King Challenge] and eats our ‘special chili cake’ will receive a prize of the sixth prize.”

“Those who insist on 10 seconds and don’t drink water will be able to win the 5th prize.”

“Friends who stick to 1 minute will get the fourth prize!”

“After 1 minute, if you can eat another piece of ‘special chili cake’ and insist on it for 10 seconds, you will win the third prize.”

The beautiful host smiled and followed the audience behind and introduced the rules of the game

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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