Chapter 102 My Eyes Are Rulers!!!

“All right.”

“Just put it in my house.”

Wang Xiaonian shook the muscle-covered but shivering bully dog and said with a smile.



When the two girls saw that Wang Xiaonian was planning to adopt, they all showed a happy smile on their faces, “By the way, Elder Class, it has not yet taken a name, or you will give it a name.” ”

Yu Fanfan said with a smile.


Wang Xiaonian that called a not good at.

“Or call it Xiao Fanfan.”

Wang Xiaonian thought for a moment and smiled.


Yu Fanfan glared at Wang Xiaonian fiercely, turned to look at Qin Zhizhi who was covering his mouth and smiling, and said, “Zhizhi, you still don’t care about your man.” ”


Qin Zhizhi said shyly.

“So be it. Or it’s called ‘bold’. ”

Wang Xiaonian looked at the dumbfounded, trembling bully dog and smiled.


“Be bold?”

“This little guy has a lot of guts, and hopefully it will be the same as its name in the future.”

Qin Zhizhi said softly to the bully dog.

“Xiao Nian, does your family have a dog house?” Or I’ll make some money with Zhizhi and buy one for the little one. ”

Yu Fanfan asked.


“It’s okay, I’ll make one for it.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“What. Class elders, really? ”

Yu Fanfan looked at Wang Xiaonian suspiciously, she didn’t believe that Wang Xiaonian had this ability, “Hmm, when you are ready, you will know.” ”

Wang Xiaonian also didn’t bother to explain that he had the “Apocalypse Inheritance”

Top carpentry craftsmanship, is it not enough to make a dog house?

“Hee-hee, class elder, then we’ll see.”

Yu Fanfan smiled.


Wang Xiaonian responded to the two daughters after they returned home.

Wang Xiaonian took the bully dog to “It Looks Delicious”, well, first solve the problem of food and clothing.


Entering the door, the waiter old aunt, could not help but be frightened by Wang Xiaonian’s bully dog full of muscles, fierce looks, the representative of the goods.

“Auntie, don’t be afraid, this little guy is very gentle.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.


The waiter nodded with some fear In 2003, there were not many people in the summer country who raised bully dogs, and their understanding of them was naturally very small, and at first glance, they really thought it was a small vicious dog.

But actually, this product is really too good.

From walking into “It Looks Delicious” to finishing eating, not only did I not scream, but I didn’t dare to move.

After eating, Wang Xiaonian took the bully dog to the ‘waste recycling shop’ of the little fat parents.

If you want to make a dog house for a bully dog, you need some raw materials.

Wang Xiaonian planned to make a wooden house for it.

Plywood, definitely not.

Wang Xiaonian made a shabby log table, and at the same time, went to the hardware store and bought some tools.

After all, you have to use it often in the future, and you can’t ask others to borrow it again and again.

Ready, Wang Xiaonian returned home with the bully dog.

“Be bold, if you dare to pee and pee anywhere, Lao Tzu will castrate you.”

Wang Xiaonian was very threatening, and it didn’t matter whether this bully dog could understand the bully dog at this time, it really seemed to understand, and even nodded Wang Xiaonian put the bully dog on the balcony of the house, and Wang Xiaonian himself scanned around the house.

I want to see where I can put the ‘dog house’ where the bully dog can be placed.

As for ruler measurements?


Own 【Apocalypse Heritage】

Wang Xiaonian, a top carpenter, his eyes are rulers.

The location of the dog house, Wang Xiaonian chose next to the TV cabinet in the living room.

As for the size of the dog house!

Wang Xiaonian stared at the bully dog boldly.

My eyes are rulers!

Wang Xiaonian had a 3D stereoscopic model of the dog house in his mind.

After the three-dimensional model came out, Wang Xiaonian’s mind began to disassemble into a sheet of parts processing drawings.

At about 12:50 p.m., Wang Xiaonian officially began to process raw materials.

Wang Xiaonian has a top-level wooden emperor craftsmanship, good strength, and processing is also fast.

At about 1:40 a.m., Wang Xiaonian finished processing the pieces of wood planks.

“When I get home at night, I can stitch it together.”

Wang Xiaonian shook the hippopotamus-like head of the bully dog again, and said, “Be bold, at night you have your own house, and the bully dog seems to understand and nod.” ”

“I’ll go to school now, you’re at home, don’t mess with me, but I like animals very much.”

Wang Xiaonian said viciously.

The bully dog trembled again…

The owner in front of him is so big, and indeed as he said, he really likes animals!

Don’t be less like that!!!

“Xiao Nian, is it okay to be bold?”

After coming to the school, Qin Zhizhi and Yu Fanfan asked with concern.

“Absolutely. I love animals. ”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“Then can I go to your house with Zhizhi tomorrow to see it?”

Yu Fanfan said expectantly.

“Of course not!”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

Both women nodded happily.

The second class in the afternoon is the history class, and for science students, the history class of the third year of high school is to cope with the ‘examination’, one class a week. In addition, generally in the second semester of the third year of high school, the science class will stop the history class and go all out to attack the college entrance examination.

“Students, are you all prepared for the discussion of the topic that you prepared last week?”

When the history teacher came to the class, he smiled and said to the students.



The students’ response was not loud, after all, history is just a sub-subject for science students.

Don’t say that it is a poor student, even the excellent students, not many are willing to spend effort on this.

The title discussed in this history class is “Is the Ming Emperor Zhu Youxiao a Useless Emperor in the End?”

In the past, Wang Xiaonian hardly participated in the discussion of topics in history class, not because he was not interested, but because he did not understand.

“Dusk, absolutely Dusk!”

“Yes, if he is willing to listen to Yuan Chonghuan, how can the Ming Dynasty perish so easily?”

“Duan Jun, a useless Dark Lord, knows how to spoil officials and eunuchs.”

“The first emperor of all ages, when there is a place for him.”

Wang Xiaonian, who had not originally thought of participating in the discussion of this topic, felt a faint pain in his chest when he heard the students’ verbal criticism of Zhu Tianqi.

With the Apocalypse Lineage, it was as if he had heard them slandering themselves.


The pain value began to rise.

“Pain +3!”

“Pain +3!”

Halfway through the class, Wang Xiaonian’s face was livid, and the pain value was enough to brush more than sixty points.

At this point he stood up.

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