Chapter 116 Wei Zhen Tian! Little Profiteer!!!

Has [Master of Dog Picking]. Wang Xiaonian, after picking up the bully dog for 30 minutes, carefully observed it.

It’s also unclear what exactly this bully dog will strengthen?



Intelligence quotient?

Or something else!

Another 5 minutes passed.

Wang Xiaonian found that the bully dog did not seem to have changed at all.


“It is difficult to become a labor-owned [dog master] is fake—!”

“Or do you have to wait a while to see the effect?”

Wang Xiaonian suddenly lost interest, and turned on the TV in boredom to watch.

Wang Xiaonian, who picked up the remote control and constantly changed channels, suddenly heard a familiar music ringing in his ears.


That’s right, it’s the soundtrack for Transformers.

With the appearance of Wei Zhentian, Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but be bright-eyed.

Yesterday, when he was making waterfall bonsai, Zhao Tietie mentioned making a mascot to place at the door of “It Looks Delicious”, which is best related to young people.

After all, it’s young people who eat out these days.

“Or I’ll be a mighty heaven!”

“The wooden version of Wei Zhentian?”

“How’s it going? Hahaha! ”

At the same time, Wang Xiaonian, who has a poor memory, can’t help but remember that he and Zhao Tietie made a bet yesterday, and if they can get a place in this marathon, Xiao Nizi will do a month’s housework for herself for free.

No wonder, when I received the award, I didn’t see her!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaonian suddenly came to his senses.

If after the marathon, I get the happiness of 5 kills.

Then Zhao Tietie gave himself a month’s housework, which is equivalent to completing 5 kills in the Internet café in the past life, and the network manager personally delivered a bottle of chilled Coke to his seat.


Wang Xiaonian’s whole body was almost rested.

He led the bully dog boldly to “Look Good” for lunch.

Although the bully dog is very afraid of humans, Wang Xiaonian will still lead the dog leash when walking the dog outside, which is responsible for himself, and at the same time, it is also responsible for others.

After coming to “It Looks Delicious”, Wang Xiaonian found that there were more people at once, more people than after the “Entering the Third Year of High School” was released on Sichuan-Chongqing Satellite TV.

Many of the guests even lined up outside.

Among them are familiar faces, such as the media reporters who interviewed themselves this morning.

I’ll go…

Are they attracted by their morning food introduction?

Seeing that there were so many people, Wang Xiaonian thought, either go to Shaxian next door to eat, and don’t add trouble to Zhao Huilan’s aunts.

Wang Xiaonian was about to leave when a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

“Little Year…”

Speaking is Zhao Tietie, this little girl likes to help in the store, as if “It Looks Delicious” is like her Di Xin family.

“Brother Iron, you remember yesterday.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a bad smile.

“Don’t stand here stupid, come with me quickly and move yesterday’s waterfall bonsai in.”

Before Wang Xiaonian could speak, Zhao Tietie preemptively said.


“All right.”

Wang Xiaonian led the bully dog and came to “It Looks Delicious” with Zhao Tietie

The back door, in collaboration with several waiters and aunts, put the waterfall bonsai in the lobby of “It Looks Delicious”.

After plugging in the power supply!

Waterfall bonsai is working.

The green mountains and green waters made the guests who ate in the lobby look over one after another.

At this moment, people’s hearts suddenly relaxed, and there was an inexplicable relaxation.

This makes the already delicious taste even better.

At the same time, Xiaoyun, a reporter from Sichuan-Chongqing Satellite TV who was queuing at the door, saw Wang Xiaonian and the staff inside the store put the waterfall hot spring in, and his heart could not help but wonder.

What is the relationship between this little guy and this store?

Is it difficult to come here on the weekend to do part-time work?


His family conditions are good, there is no need to work part-time.

So why is that?

Reporter Xiaoyun always feels that Wang Xiaonian and “It Looks Good” have an unusual relationship.

“Little boss, this bonsai is really beautiful.”

“It felt like it was real!”

“If my family can’t put it down, I want to ask the little boss to make one for me.”

At this time, a waiter aunt couldn’t help but smile and praise.

“Haha, Aunt Li, if you want, I’ll do it for you at any time.”

Wang Xiaonian said generously.

And this conversation made Xiao Yun, a reporter who was queuing, stunned and dumbfounded.

Is Wang Xiaonian the owner of this restaurant?


He’s a high school student!

Well, it should be his family!

That’s right!

That’s right!

Everything was right.

No wonder the last time I went to their school for an interview, this kid brought everyone here to eat, it turned out to be advertising for their restaurant. At the scene of the marathon today, in addition to wearing an ogo printed with “It Looks Good”, when interviewed by the media, he did not leave “It Looks Good”.

I said, a small restaurant, where willing to send out dozens of good quality sports short sleeves for free.

Good you stinky boy!

This series of things turned out to be arranged by you behind the scenes.

Looking at Wang Xiaonian, who left not long after moving the waterfall bonsai to the lobby, reporter Xiaoyun couldn’t help but feel funny, it turned out that everything was in the calculation of a high school student.

“Ahem! Little profiteers! ”

Reporter Xiaoyun muttered to herself, but when she said this, a smile of appreciation appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“Brother Iron, don’t forget what you promised me.”

When Wang Xiaonian led the bully dog away through the back door, he did not forget to remind him.


Zhao Tietie replied perfunctorily, “Brother Tie, should you not play Lai?” ”

Wang Xiaonian confirmed again.

“Rest assured, do I look like the kind of person who doesn’t keep his word?” Isn’t it just to sweep the land for your home for a month? ”

Zhao Tietie said without anger.

“Hey, Iron Brother is naturally not that kind of person.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

After speaking, Wang Xiaonian led the bully dog to the nearby Shaxian snack for lunch.

Zhao Tietie looked at the back of Wang Xiaonian’s departure, and she was calm for a second, and her face suddenly turned crimson.

On this street, there are three restaurants in total.

After the opening of “It Looks Good”, the two bosses next to it regarded it as a potential enemy, after all, it opened, more or less to take away some traffic, but to the surprise of the two bosses, after the “Look Good” business became more and more popular, the business of their own stores also caught fire.

“Boss Wang, please!”

The boss of Shaxian Snacks, after seeing Wang Xiaonian come in at this time, greeted him very politely, “Boss Zhang, you are polite.” ”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

For the counterparts of these two restaurants, Wang Xiaonian did not have much hostility.

After all, the pattern is here, as a king of Versailles in a previous life who had no interest in making money said, his biggest competitor must be in another industry.

Wang Xiaonian ordered a lot of things, and he did not forget to pack a copy for the bully dog.

The owner of Shaxian Snack is also very polite, a total of 31 yuan, he boldly and atmospherically reduced himself by 1 yuan.

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