Chapter 122 Baby, Come on the Rush!!!

Rich paradise!

Room 402!

Su Mengmeng sat on the sofa with a frightened face, and at this time, her heart was like ashes.

I didn’t expect that the usually polite, elegant and funny department manager was secretly a Sven scum.

He fed his body.

Shamelessly said that he was looking for himself to come to the hotel to talk about the project, who knows, he actually wanted to do such a house thing with himself.

By obeying his words, you can not only turn right in advance, but also get a lot of benefits from him.

If you don’t, you not only threaten to fire yourself, but even threaten to ban yourself in the industry.

This made Su Mengmeng very scared!

I don’t know why, at this moment, Su Mengmeng did not think of others, but the ‘big pit goods’ that ate the buffet with him yesterday.

Su Mengmeng made the god send a text message to Wang Xiaonian, but after such a long time, Wang Xiaonian had not returned.

“Harm, after all, he is a child, where can he handle the affairs of adults?”

Su Mengmeng smiled bitterly.

However, just then, Su Mengmeng’s mobile phone received a text message.

“Sister Su, I’m here, you hurry up and open the door!”

Su Mengmeng was shocked and quickly got up to open the door.

At this time, a sound also came from the bathroom of the hotel suite that made Su Mengmeng feel extremely disgusting.

“Dream baby, you have to think clearly, and after I surging up, how wonderful your life will be.”

Su Mengmeng’s department manager was also almost finished, and his tone was a little impatient.


Su Mengmeng replied perfunctorily, and turned to carefully open the door and after opening the door, what greeted Su Mengmeng was a group of fat people!

Except for Wang Xiaonian, these people Su Mengmeng were somewhat familiar with each other, and seemed to have met somewhere.

“I’m going.”

Seeing the dim pink light in the hotel suite, Xiao Fat Zhou Lieyin couldn’t help but open his big mouth in surprise and glanced at him, and Xiao Fat hurriedly closed his mouth.

This Su Mengmeng’s department manager is still quite good at playing, closing the curtains in the daytime, and inside is a dim pink lamp, it seems that Wang Xiaonian’s guess is not wrong.

“Go! Get in! ”

Wang Xiaonian looked at several people behind him, and they all nodded their heads in a hand-force force.

After entering the room.

The manager of the foreign company in the bathroom, after washing, seems to be coming out.

Su Mengmeng subconsciously tensed up.

Wang Xiaonian turned off the powder lamp without hurrying.

The curtains of this “rich paradise” are particularly strong in the shade of the glass windows, even if it is noon, the room is dark at this time, and the five fingers are not visible.

“Dream baby, how did you turn off the lights?”

“Oh, I know you’re shy!”

“Hey hey, I’m pretty good at playing, rest assured, I’ll let you swell!”

The department manager let out a debauched smile that he thought Su Meng dreamed of playing peek-a-boo in the dark with him.

Soon, the magic hand of the department manager caught something.


“So smooth!”

“Dream, your legs are so tender.”

The department manager laughed.


“This is Lao Tzu’s arm!”

In the dark room, at this time, Li Ge’s angry words came out.


The department manager was suddenly frightened by a stirring spirit, how did the man’s voice come out of this room: “Who are you?” ”

The department manager said in panic.

“I’m your brother!”

“Brothers, up!”

Brother Li, who was touched by a big old man on the arm, said some of the violents.

Soon, Li Ge threw the department manager into bed.

Green Dragon, White Tiger!

Big fat, little fat!

The four of them also pressed the top of the department manager almost at the first time.

Counting the department manager, and Li Ge, 6 people played stacked Luohan.

“The Paper!”

“Your uncle’s, you still want to surging up!”

“Come on!”

“Rush with you!”

5 fat people, adding up to a thousand pounds.

The department manager, a middle-aged man, is thin in his own right, and where can he bear the weight of this thousand pounds.



The middle-aged man was pressed and screamed bitterly, and the large round bed, which was of good quality, also creaked up.


Su Mengmeng, who had been staying by Wang Xiaonian’s side, couldn’t help but laugh out loud after hearing the sound of this ghost crying wolf.

At the same time, customers living downstairs in 402 also heard this abnormal movement.


“This big day doesn’t stop yet…”

“Who the hell are you?”

“You guys are breaking the law, I’m going to call the police and arrest you all!”

The department manager howled in pain and roared angrily.

After Wang Xiaonian heard this, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, really he doesn’t want a face, do you still know that it is illegal?


At once, Wang Xiaonian turned on all the lights in the room.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian saw that Brother Li and they were all in the big round bed, but he did not see Su Mengmeng’s department manager.

“Rise up!”

“Come up with me!”

“My bones are broken!”

Although Wang Xiaonian and Su Mengmeng didn’t see the department manager’s people, they heard a cry like a mourning concubine below Li Ge, oh, and ‘In the middle of the mountain of people, a small arm struggling everywhere came out.

“Brother Li, get up!”

Wang Xiaonian said in a deep voice.


Brother Li, big fat, little fat they got up one after another.

At this time, the department manager whose lenses were crushed saw everything in front of him.

In addition to Su Mengmeng, there were 6 more teenagers in the room, 5 of whom had tattoos on their arms, as if they were bad teenagers.

“You are so bold that you dare to suppress me.”

The department manager, while covering his ribs that seemed to have been crushed, threatened viciously: “And you, Su Mengmeng, give you a chance that you are not useful, don’t blame me…”


With a sound, the words did not fall, and Wang Xiaonian, who was standing next to Su Mengmeng, threw out a slap and slapped it very badly on the face of the department manager.

Furious Wang Xiaonian, the strength of this slap is not small, the thin department manager was directly fanned to the ground by Wang Xiaonian.

“You want to bully my sister, and there is a reason!”

“Come, call you, call the police now!”

“See who gets caught last!”

Wang Xiaonian sneered and threw the mobile phone in front of the department manager, and motioned for him to call.

The department manager saw that these people were all teenagers, had never seen anything in the world, and was easy to grasp, but the leader seemed to be a bit confused.

Despite several of his own ribs being crushed, “Get dressed, roll!” ”

Wang Xiaonian saw that the department manager was stunned and scolded again

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