Chapter 124 The Champion Drives to!!!



Looking at Manager Zhang’s wife constantly calling over, Wang Xiaonian at the other end couldn’t help but laugh.

“Dude, I didn’t expect you to have this unique skill, it’s too strong.”

Li Ge smiled and straightened up, looked at Li Dachun and said.

Li Dachun couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Li Dachun, the girl’s clip tone, is really talented.

I remember when I was a sophomore in high school, Li Dachun was particularly disgusted by a girl who could still speak normally in junior high school, but when he got to high school, he learned to speak behind the backs of others, and as a result, he found that learning was particularly similar.

This skill, Li Dachun usually does not want to show, after all, this is too humiliating, if it is not his good brother Wang Xiaonian!

If it wasn’t for Wang Xiaonian, he would have invited himself to a big dinner!

Even if Li Dachun is killed, he will not show it.

“Brother, if you play a game with your voice, it is estimated that many people will be willing to recharge money for you.”

At this time, ‘Li Ge’, who is the captain and boss of the PP force team, said half-jokingly.

3 years there are online games, such as, legends and so on.

There are also voices, the earliest yy voices.

If Li Dachun really plays a game with the big guy in yy, the big guy estimates that he will have to rush to charge Li Dachun.

“What about…”

Li Dachun first rolled his eyes, turned around, and his eyes turned, “Really fake? ”

“Go, you guys, you really want to be bent.”

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but laugh and scold.

“Uh… Big fat, I’ll have to stay away from you in the future. ”

Little Fat Zhou Lieyin said disgustedly.

“Get out!”

Li Dachun said without anger.

Watching these tumultuous years of gags and teasing each other, Su Mengmeng somehow became depressed and relaxed!

“Brother Li, you haven’t eaten.”

Wang Xiaonian suddenly asked.



The PP Force Team, codenamed Green Dragon’, and the members of the ‘White Tiger’ nodded subconsciously.



But at this time, Li Ge’s two slaps suddenly slapped the back of their heads, and said with a straight face: “You two foodies, why didn’t you eat, didn’t we just finish eating not long ago?” ”

When he spoke, Li Ge kept making eye contact with the two of them.

“Oh, yes, remember, we ate.”

Green Dragon, the White Tiger said hurriedly.

“Brother Li, you helped my sister Su this time, or we’ll have a meal together at noon.”

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but feel funny.

Brother Li also wanted to postpone it, and wanted to see Wang Xiaonian so insistent, so he agreed.

This brother is really a wonderful person, righteous enough not to take advantage of others, very good at observing the color, in addition, this seems to be doing nothing every day, fooling around, but he has formed a game team.

You know, this is the era of game anchors in 2003!

Wang Xiaonian led everyone to the most exclusive hotel in Sichuan and Chongqing!

Chuanyu Hotel.

5 star hotel!

“I’ll go, brother, are you sure you’re here to eat?”

Even the PP power of the Internet café owner’s son couldn’t help but swallow his saliva and said in disbelief.

“Of course.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“Brother Nian, in fact, our friends are the same everywhere they eat, and they don’t need to waste so much.”

PP Force said.

“Yes, Xiao Nian, this 5-star hotel, a meal is estimated to cost thousands.”

Big fat, little fat can’t help but say.

Su Mengmeng also looked at Wang Xiaonian with a furrowed brow, as if he were saying, “Xiao Nian, don’t be big.” ”


Wang Xiaonian smiled and said, “You are relieved, didn’t we hold a marathon in Sichuan and Chongqing yesterday?” ”


The crowd nodded.

“Hey hey, the little student is not talented, won the first prize.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“First prize?”

Everyone was stunned, for these fat people, marathon is a distant sport.

How could Wang Xiaonian be?

Brother Li looked at Wang Xiaonian again at this time.

All right!

Although everyone weighs the same amount, others are muscle blocks, and we are fat meat. ”


Wang Xiaonian laughed.

Yesterday, on the way home with 20,000 yuan, Wang Xiaonian heard the neighbors of the community talking downstairs, and recently a thief broke into their community. For the sake of safety, Wang Xiaonian deposited 20,000 yuan into his bank card.

“Then we’re not welcome, brother.”

Green Dragon, the White Tiger had some expectations, and said hopefully.

“Haha, it’s all right.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled heartily.

Several people left from the “Rich and Noble Paradise”, also riding on the motorcycle of the Focusing Brother, but on the way to this “Sichuan-Chongqing Hotel”, Wang Xiaonian and Su Mengmeng rode together.

Green Dragon, White Tiger and Little Fat ride one.

Big fat and Li Ge rode a car, after all, the weight of the two was the heaviest among all the people.

Oh, by the way, and the bully dog bold, and Wang Xiaonian’s bucket of fish caught by the river, were also placed in front of Li Ge and the big fat motorcycle.

Li Ge was worried that when everyone was eating in the restaurant, the fish would be stolen, so he let Qinglong bring it in.

At this time, the largest hotel in Sichuan and Chongqing, wearing qipao at the door, two welcome ladies with beautiful figures, saw Wang Xiaonian’s line, taking a big stride to enter, which made them a little stunned.

Not to mention that their clothes do not look like they can be consumed at the Sichuan-Chongqing Hotel, they even carry a bucket of live fish in their hands, what is the rhythm of this???

Are they here to deliver food? Or did you come to dinner?

“Hello, several. If you want to deliver the food, please go through the back door. ”

At this time, a welcome lady had to say hard.

“We’re not delivering food, we’re here to eat.”

Wang Xiaonian said calmly and calmly.


The welcome lady was stunned.

The two welcome ladies did not look down on Wang Xiaonian, who was dressed in plain clothes, after all, they were not rich people themselves. Just think that Wang Xiaonian probably doesn’t know how high the consumption level inside is, so the two of them kindly reminded them so that these people would retreat from the difficulty, and don’t feel embarrassed after they didn’t go in.

“Sister, our brother is the champion of the Sichuan-Chongqing Marathon!”

“Yes, beautiful sister. We are old brothers, not bad money! ”

Big Fat, Little Fat proudly introduced their brothers.

“Ahh… This, all right. ”

The two welcome ladies were a little crying and laughing, and at this time they did not stop again.

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