Chapter 126 The Whampoa Military Academy of E-sports!!!

Wang Xiaonian and several people stepped on the box to blow bottles.

Wang Xiaonian’s alcohol consumption is not bad, coupled with recent fitness, the first to blow the wine in the bottle.

“Brother, good wine.”

P.P. laughed.

“Yes, brother. Brother Li is among us, that is Dionysus, did not expect to lose to you today. ”

Qinglong, Bai ~ Tiger also said with admiration.


Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but laugh heartily at this time!

“Cough cough.”

“Cough cough.”

Su Mengmeng coughed twice, glanced at Wang Xiaonian, and signaled that you had passed Ha, all of which affected the other tables—eating.

Wang Xiaonian glanced around and found that there were indeed many people looking at him.

“Everybody be quiet, don’t affect other people’s eating.”

Wang Xiao said softly.


The few people nodded involuntarily, and several people suddenly lowered their voices.

In fact, before they spoke the voice is not deliberately to be big, after all, in the street food stalls are used to eating, the voice is small, can not hear at all, this and eating in the Sichuan-Chongqing Hotel is two different things.

“Brother, I’ll give you another drink alone.”

It wasn’t long before PP Force raised the bottle again and said.


Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded, so the two of them showed off again.

As before, it is all about stepping on the box to drink.

The Green Dragon, the White Tiger, the Big Fat and the Little Fat all cheered for the two.

However, the sound of cheering is really small, and the kind of noise that is definitely not noisy at the next table is just that the movements of the two people are too strange, which once again attracts the attention of other guests.

Many customers shook their heads.

As an adult, Su Mengmeng, who graduated from Sichuan-Chongqing Normal University and studied in ivory tower, looked at the scene in front of him and couldn’t help but cover his mouth with his hand and smile.

Look at the blowing bottle in Wang Xiaonian, pp force.

Her whole mood was inexplicably cheerful.

Very happy.

The depression in my heart before was swept away.

After three rounds of drinking, the words of the crowd increased.

Although my father is the owner of the [Star Map Internet Cafe], my father says all day that I am not out of the game, and I know how to play games.”

PP Li said with a bitter smile.

As soon as these words came out, the green dragon and white tiger with a smile on their faces also dimmed in an instant.

They are in a similar situation to PP Li, and what is even worse is that their father is not yet an Internet café owner, just an ordinary worker.

“So, old brother fat, and little fat, you have to study well, don’t be like us, so out of the ordinary, parents can’t see it.”

PP Li laughed self-deprecatingly and said these words, which made Su Mengmeng feel a little sad.

At this time, Su Mengmeng was thinking about how to say something to persuade them to go to work and learn a technology.

“Brother Li, do you really like to play games?”

Wang Xiaonian looked at them and said.

“Of course I like it!”


“Don’t look at us like this, our game level is very strong in Sichuan and Chongqing.”

PP Force said without any hesitation.

Su Mengmeng shook his head again in his heart, what use can it be to play games, it is better to learn a craft while you are young.

Su Mengmeng took a look at Yu Xiaonian and hoped that Wang Xiaonian could persuade them to go to the right path, and it could be seen that PP Li still listened to Wang Xiaonian’s words.

“Brother Nian, do you think we can really play games and make a difference?” Can I really marry and have children with this in the future? Harm! ”

Some drunken PP power, without the usual self-confidence, at this time looked at Wang Xiaonian with love and said.

“If you guys really like games!”

“I have a talent for this!”

“Of course, you can make money with this, hey, it’s no problem to marry eight wives.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.


Pu Li and the others couldn’t help but be frightened, and they didn’t dare to believe what Wang Xiaonian said.

At this time, Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but frown.

“In the field of games, the future direction of development is undoubtedly no problem. But if you want to succeed, in addition to interest and talent, there is also scientific and effective training, not just to set up a team. ”

“Also, publicity is important.”

“Isn’t there a yy voice now?”

“You can play games live on yy, if you play well and the content is also cooked, I believe more and more people will know about you, so there will be more opportunities.”

3 years have not been a serious anchor, this PP force they really like the game, may wish to try, maybe really can have some achievements.

Of course, as a friend, Wang Xiaonian did not forget to remind that if he could not fight and could not be famous, he still had to learn a craft as soon as possible.



“That’s right!”

“Brother Nian, you’re right. Our PP Force Team, although established, has never been specially trained. ”

“We should develop a set of scientific and reasonable training, and we must summarize, analyze and overcome weak loops after the game.”

“In addition to playing games on the computer every day, physical exercise can not be left behind.”

At this time, the PP force that had been groaning for a moment suddenly opened his mind and said with some excitement.

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but smile, good fellow, this pp is full of energy.

“Hey hey, our PP Force team will become the Whampoa Military Academy in the e-sports world in the future!!!”

PP Li suddenly said with arrogance.


These words made Su Mengmeng can’t help but “Brother Nian, thank you for your suggestion, I salute you again.” ”

PP Li poured the wine full and said excitedly.


Wang Xiaonian also raised the wine in his glass.

The two of them toasted again!

“Mr. Cao, maybe I’ll go over and talk to those teenagers.”

A young man said in a deep voice.

At a table diagonally opposite Wang Xiaonian, a middle-aged man who was chatting about the company’s business stopped at this time and was looking at Wang Xiaonian and them. As an assistant youth, he thought that Wang Xiaonian had quarreled with them.


“None of these kids did anything out of the ordinary.”

The middle-aged man waved his hand and smiled.


The youth nodded, “Regarding the question of our [Fu Yao Glass] building a factory in Sichuan and Chongqing, I think.”

The middle-aged man spoke again.

ten thousand

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