Chapter 129 Me! Wei Zhentian came!!!


with a bang.

Wang Xiaonian and Su Mengmeng, the two brothers and sisters, high-fived as an oath, reached this agreement quickly, Su Mengmeng did his homework at Wang Xiaonian’s home.

Wang Xiaonian started as a ‘carpenter’ at home.

The mascot of “Looks Delicious” is one by one.

Wang Xiaonian, who has the “Apocalypse Inheritance”, drew the drawings last night and has already processed the logs almost completely.

Strive to be completed today.

Half an hour later.

Su Mengmeng came out of the study and saw that Wang Xiaonian had spelled out a Wei Zhentian head.

This surprised Su Mengmeng again.

His former disciple of waste wood seems to be playing with nothing, to be precise, he not only will, but also very 6.

Wang Xiaonian, who was immersed in the assembly, did not notice that Su Mengmeng was behind him.

After Su Mengmeng looked at it for a while, he couldn’t help but think funny in his heart: “This guy’s serious appearance is quite handsome, it seems that the girl’s relationship is so good, and it is not completely attracted by dogs.” ”

Time passes by minute by minute.

5 p.m.

For 3 hours.

Wang Xiaonian will complete the assembly of nearly a thousand small parts.

A 1.8-meter-high miniature version of Wei Zhentian in the living room of Wang Xiaonian’s home Wang Xiaonian was very satisfied to see his own works.

Of course, this is not yet the full version of Wei Zhentian.


You have to give a set of ‘skins’.

Wang Xiaonian had to paint him.

After putting on the skin, the mighty day.

The luster and texture of the metal are almost like coming out of the animation, especially the pair of eyes, full of life.

After painting his eyes, Wang Xiaonian’s pet bully dog was ‘bold’, and after walking in front of Wei Zhentian, he couldn’t help but take a step back in fright.

After being turned on by Wang Xiaonian’s “Master of Dogs”, the bully dog with the intelligence of a 6-year-old child also watched several episodes of Transformers with Wang Xiaonian.

It knows how powerful the bully dog is!

At this moment, I really thought that the mighty earth had descended on the earth.

“Pack up!”

Wang Xiaonian scolded funnily.

Although the bully dog dared to despise the little fat Zhou Lieyin, but for this owner, it was afraid of it, and after being scolded, it was not angry, shook its tail, and slipped into the dog house on the balcony.

“Oh, little year, you can.”

At this time, Su Mengmeng, who came out of the study room, said with surprise when he noticed the Wei Zhentian in the living room.

“Hey, it’s not bad.”

“When the paint is dry, tomorrow I’ll put it at the door of “It Looks Good.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

Su Mengmeng was a little surprised, Wang Xiaonian did this Wei Zhentian not purely for fun, but to attract business for the hotel. But think about it, this kid has a lot of flowers, “Into the Third Year of High School” program group, isn’t it his elaborate design to deceive you?

“Xiao Nian, I have done the homework for you, and you will check it yourself.”

“My sister went back.”

Su Mengmeng smiled.


Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded After doing Wei Zhentian, Wang Xiaonian, who was a little tired, did not bother to go to “It Looks Good” to eat, so he planned to casually deal with a meal in the restaurant downstairs.

After going downstairs.

“Little Year.”

Wang Xiaonian’s neighbor Aunt shouted behind him.

“What’s wrong? Fat auntie! ”

Wang Xiaonian asked with a smile.

“After you go out these nights, you must lock the door back, recently our community has entered the thief.”

The fat aunt frowned.

Wang Xiaonian nodded, a few days ago, the neighbors of the two communities entered the thief, although the loss is not very large, was stolen a few hundred yuan in cash, for this reason, Wang Xiaonian will get the marathon 20,000 yuan bonus, deposited into the bank card.

“Okay, thanks, fat aunt, I see.”

Wang Xiaonian nodded.

At present, the family’s money is on their own, unless the thief moves the appliances, furniture, and in addition, there are bully dogs guarding the house. Wang Xiaonian was not too worried, of course, it was not good to live up to the fat aunt’s kind reminder.

“Well, good boy!”

The fat aunt laughed.

“Looks delicious” inside the hotel.

“Mengmeng, didn’t you give me Amway several times that it looked delicious?” How come after that, you are not happy yet. ”

Fan Qin pretended to be angry.


Su Mengmeng was dumbfounded, she was quite fond of eating “It Looks Delicious”, but today when she learned that this shop was opened by Wang Xiaonian’s stinky boy, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, his girlfriend actually invited himself to eat here.

“Didn’t… No, I’m happy, I’m happy. ”

Su Mengmeng smiled happily.

“Oh, let’s order.”

“I heard that the [authentic Bishan rabbit] in this shop is very delicious, better than ‘Boss Cai’ and their family.”

Fan Qin said.


Su Mengmeng nodded, she believed it, because she had eaten it the other day.

“Don’t say, although this store is not big, the business is very hot.”

Fan Qin said again.


Su Mengmeng nodded at this, and Su Mengmeng was convinced.

The location of this restaurant is not good, but the guests who come to eat are endless.

And all this is inseparable from Wang Xiaonian’s riot operation.

One is the taste, cost-effective.

Second, the marketing promotion of this store is really good.

7 p.m.

Wang Xiaonian went to the Sunshine Gym as usual.

Although the recent muscle lines are getting clearer, they are still far from the ghost’s back, and in addition, it is also a good way to stabilize the brush [pain value].

After coming to the Sunshine Gym, Wang Xiaonian and Master Fan began their training today.

Barbell rowing!

Practicing back without rowing is equal to white training!

Half an hour later…


Lightning flashed and thundered outside the gym.

“No, it’s still windy and sunny during the day, and it’s going to rain now!”

“This ghost weather!”

Master Fan couldn’t help but complain.

In this regard, Wang Xiaonian did not care, anyway, he did not have clothes to dry outside, the doors and windows were closed.

On the other hand.

Wang Xiaonian at home.

The bully dog on the balcony boldly heard the lightning and thunder, and did not look like an ordinary dog, frightened and trembling, but watched curiously on the balcony.

At this time, the outside was dark and dark.

Several shiny electric lights fell from the sky, and the scene was quite spectacular.

After the opening of the wisdom of the bully dog, the dog appreciated lightning for the first time in his life.

However, when the light of the lightning shone on Wei Zhentian in the living room, it made the bully dog feel a little numb.

Even though it knew that the thing was made of wood, at this moment, it felt as if it could come alive.

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