Chapter 136 My Overlord Flower Bodyguard Regiment!!!


Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but frown, but thinking about it, there were really little hooligans who dared to eat the overlord meal this year.

“Aunt Li, don’t panic first, I’ll come right over.”

“Also, if these people really don’t pay, you don’t have to care about them, let them go, don’t have a conflict.”

“Remember, safety is paramount!”

The waiters and chefs of “Looks Delicious” are all old aunts in their forties and fifties, and the little hooligans who eat the overlord meal are really moving, where may they be opponents?

To this end, Wang Xiaonian asked them to take care of themselves, and if they wanted to do it, they had to wait until they passed.

“Little boss, they said they were waiting for you.”

“That… That one… I can’t say what it is, so why don’t you come over first. ”

Hotel attendant Aunt Li said.

“Okay, I see.”

Wang Xiaonian nodded and hung up the phone.

Wang Xiaonian’s brow furrowed.

I didn’t expect that someone would come to his shop to eat the Overlord meal, and from Aunt Li’s words, Wang Xiaonian also heard that there were still a lot of people on the other side.

Wang Xiaonian’s body is large, coupled with daily masochistic fitness, and his physical fitness is very exciting.

But for safety, Wang Xiaonian brought a hammer for carpentry.

Also, bring a bully dog with you.

Less than 20 minutes.

Wang Xiaonian came to “It Looks Delicious”.

The hotel did not have the same as he thought, the guests ran out, leaving only a table and a small hooligan who was standing on his feet and swallowing clouds and mist.

The hotel is still full of guests.

There was also no arguing sound.

Wang Xiaonian looked around and did not find the little hooligan.

Everything is normal.

“Little boss.”

At this time, Aunt Li, who called Wang Xiaonian, quickly came to Wang Xiaonian’s side, pointed to a large table in the corner, and said: “It is they who eat the overlord meal.” ”



Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but be frightened.

“Good guys, it’s a bunch of girls in their twenties.”

Wang Xiaonian had some secret passages that could not be laughed at.

Wang Xiaonian walked over, followed by Aunt Li.

“This is our boss.”

Aunt Li said to the 5 girls at this table.

Wang Xiaonian also looked at these 5 girls at a close distance at this time, although they looked very young, but their faces were black, and several of them had gunshot wounds on their arms, and they all ordered more than ten dishes, but the plates at this time were hurried, which made Wang Xiaonian curious about their identities.

Who are these people?

“You. Hello. ”

At this time, the leader of the group stood up and said with a full foot Chinese.

“Little boss, these girls are all Yuenan, harmful, but also a group of children who are suffering from death.”

Aunt Li sighed.

“We don’t have any money, but we can work for you to pay off your debts, as long as you can provide us with food.”

The woman at the head said unashamedly.

“Little boss, look at this.”

Aunt Li said with some helplessness.

“It’s all right, Aunt Li, you go to work on something else first, I’ll talk to them about it.”

Wang Xiaonian said.

“Okay. However, little boss, don’t do it, and get angry. ”

Aunt Li did not forget to remind.


Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded, “Are you full?” ”

After Aunt Li left, Wang Xiaonian did not answer their questions directly, but looked at them with a smile.

Although several people are Yueguo, they can understand Chinese, but their spoken language is not very good.

Several people first shook their heads and then nodded.

Wang Xiaonian smiled slightly, it seemed that several people should not have eaten enough.

This amount of food is really enough, and it is almost catching up with 180 pounds of self.

“Aunt Lee, 5 more of our specialties.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.


Aunt Li couldn’t help but be stunned, but quickly smiled and nodded.

After the meal came up.

Wang Xiaonian let them eat while talking about the calendar.

Soon, Wang Xiaonian learned that these 5 people were actually abducted and sold to China by human traffickers to be brides for Guanggun.

What the traffickers couldn’t have imagined was that the 5 girls had been mercenaries.

After inadvertently learning the purpose of the traffickers, the five girls first beat them up and then ran out.

But they have no money on them and have been hungry outside for 3 days.

Today was too hungry to bear, as the former captain’s ‘big flower’, he gritted his teeth and decided to lead her little sister to eat the Overlord meal.

However, unlike the general overlord meal, after eating, they plan to use labor to pay off their debts.

After learning what happened to these 5 people, Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but sigh.

These 5 girls with light eyes are really very bitter.

All are orphans!

I used to be on the battlefield!

Met the traffickers again!

“Can you fight?”

Wang Xiaonian asked with a smile.


Big Flower nodded, “Try it.” ”

Wang Xiaonian took a handful of chopsticks and gave about 10 to Dahua’s hand, “Yes… Break? ”

Big Flower frowned.


Wang Xiaonian nodded, “Good. ”

As soon as the words fell, Dahua slammed the 10 chopsticks apart with a force.

This strength made Wang Xiaonian secretly stunned.

Even if it is the current self, I am afraid that this is the extent.

“Sir, if you can take us in, we are willing to do any dirty work and tiring work.”

Big Flower bowed her head and said.

“All right.”

“You all stay.”

“If the salary is paid, it is calculated according to the standards set in our store.”

“As for this meal, I’ll invite you.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.

“It looks delicious” is full of aunts, in case there is really some little hooliganism to make trouble, it is also a troublesome thing.

These 5 people are good, not to mention girls, even ordinary adult men, one pick three is no problem, if there is a life and death battle, you can even do one against five.

As for the problem of too many personnel, Wang Xiaonian felt that it was not a problem.

Although “It Looks Good” is small now, it will definitely grow in the future.

These 5 people are their own bodyguard group!! Divine!

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