Chapter 148 Fan Demon Ji!!!

About this 30-acre wasteland’ will be auctioned the day after tomorrow.

Wang Xiaonian wants to register two companies during this time.

Construction companies and technology co., LTD.

Register a construction company in order to be able to qualify for auction.

Technology Co., Ltd., in order to prepare for the future opening of the factory.

There was not much time left for Wang Xiaonian.


Wang Xiaonian continued to ask for leave.

After all, last night’s sick leave note said “If you go to school today, it will arouse the suspicion of the teachers.”

Registering a company is not complicated in 2003, plus Wang Xiaonian has a lot of cash.

Some cumbersome processes have been continuously simplified by Wang Xiaonian’s banknote ability.

At more than 3 o’clock in the afternoon: Wang Xiaonian has registered two companies to run down this day, and he is really tired, as strong as Wang Xiaonian, and the whole person also feels a little tired.

On the way home by taxi, Wang Xiaonian looked at the traffic outside the window, but he was thinking of two things in his heart.

24 After he had to recruit soldiers and buy horses after he was busy recently, he had to have two long-legged secretaries.

In addition, it is that I have to test for a driver’s license and buy a car, otherwise it is too much trouble to run east and west like today.

When you get home.

Wang Xiaonian also took a short rest, watching TV while holding the bully dog.

Wang Xiaonian found that his bully dog was too fast.

Compared to when I first came to my house, my physique has at least doubled.

If it used to be a small dog, it is now a proper medium-sized dog.

The bully dog that was held by Wang Xiaonian enjoyed it with his eyes closed.

The bully dog felt that his master’s hands seemed to be full of magic, making him feel particularly comfortable.


Wang Xiaonian planned to continue to specialize in the reference books he bought.

By the way, I took a look at my own “pain value”.

Currently it is [532]

The [1280] required for the next draw is still a long way off.

The progress is a bit slow, I have to work harder.

Wang Xiaonian read until 6 p.m., when Zhao Tietie brought the meal over.

During this period, Wang Xiaonian accumulated to the point of “pain value”.

Total: 542 points.

“Xiao Nian, when are you going to install it?”

Zhao Tietie looked at Wang Xiaonian, who was devouring the tiger, and said quietly.

“Cough cough.”

These words made Wang Xiaonian cough and he couldn’t help but feel funny and say, “What am I pretending?” ”

“Aren’t you having severe diarrhea?”

Zhao Tietie rolled his eyes and said without anger.


Wang Xiaonian was slightly embarrassed, and even Zhao Tietie knew about his leave of absence.

“Tomorrow I’ll have another day off at home and go to school the day after tomorrow.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

Tomorrow Wang Xiaonian will definitely not be able to go to school, he has to go to the auction to buy land, which is related to whether he can open a factory, and future planning!

“All right.”

Zhao Tietie looked at Wang Xiaonian with some helplessness, and the books on his dinner table.

Even the ghostly Zhao Tietie couldn’t figure out what Wang Xiaonian was going to do at this time.

This is all about to take the college entrance examination?

You actually read these books.

Zhao Tietie stayed at Wang Xiaonian’s house for about half an hour, washed dishes, cleaned up, and then left with an insulated lunch box.

“Brother Iron, welcome back tomorrow!”

Wang Xiaonian did not forget to smile and say goodbye, “Hamapie! ”

Zhao Tietie rolled his eyes in disgust.

After Zhao Tietie walked downstairs, at this time and Qin Zhizhi, who had come to visit Wang Xiaonian, Yu Fanfan met.

The two sisters of Bashu Middle School, after looking at each other, smiled and nodded their heads and left, “I don’t know why, they are obviously smiling and greeting, but I feel as if I have seen the shadow of the sword and light.” ”

Yu Fanfan had a secret passage in his heart.

Soon, the two daughters came to Wang Xiaonian’s home.

“Elder Class, it turns out that you are pretending to be sick, and you have been worried about you.”

“You really have no conscience, even we hide it.”

Seeing Wang Xiaonian, who was alive and well, Yu Fanfan said in a humorous tone.


Qin Zhizhi said with disgust, “That, I really have a problem, next time, I will definitely tell you in advance.” ”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“By the way, Elder Class, you are very close to Zhao Tietie.”

Yu Fanfan seemed to have inadvertently mentioned a sentence, “I just met Zhao Tietie downstairs.” ”

“Brother Iron is my brother!”

Wang Xiaonian said.


The corners of Yu Fanfan’s mouth twitched, “Yes.” ”

Wang Xiaonian explained with a smile, although Wang Xiaonian said it sincerely, the two girls were still half-convinced.

“Elder Class, don’t be Chen Shimei.”

Yu Fanfan said with a smirk.

“Go and go…”

Wang Xiaonian rolled his eyes in disgust.

The three of them chatted for a while, and although the two daughters did not know what Wang Xiaonian was going to do, they would help him take a leave of absence when they went to school tomorrow.

At night.


Wang Xiaonian sent Su Mengmeng’s manuscript “Sophie’s Revenge” to the editor of “Yilin”.

What made Wang Xiaonian a little unexpected was that only half an hour had passed, and the editor decided to sign a contract with Wang Xiaonian.

Just a pseudonym.

Considering that there are more female readers.

Wang Xiaonian is not good at taking names.

Therefore, the editor gave Wang Xiaonian a pen name of a fan of Youji.

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