Chapter 163 Weight Loss Training Camp?!!

At this time, he seemed to be Wang Xiaonian’s old friend, and he talked happily.

By the way, both men were holding a bottle of chilled Coke in their hands.

“Mr. Wang, can I really develop muscles?”

The white fat man asked with some anticipation.

“Rest assured, Tang Gong, we are professional in fitness.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.

The white fat man’s surname is ‘Tang’.

Saying, Wang Xiaonian also formulated a ‘training plan’ for Bai Fatzi.

Fitness Nutritious Meals’.

Although Wang Xiaonian has not been a fitness instructor, he does not have a coaching certificate.

But with the back of the ghost, that is the best convincing.

Bai Fatzi kept every sentence of Wang Xiaonian firmly in mind.

On the other hand.

Chuxue Technology Co., Ltd.

“What? Mr. Tang came to us for an interview? ”

“Okay, I’ll be right over.”

Just half an hour ago.

The boss of Chuxue Technology Co., Ltd. 24, ‘Yang Chuxue’, immediately rushed from the company after learning the news that the super talent ‘Mr. Tang came to the interview.’

If Mr. Tang joins, the technology of Chuxue Technology Co., Ltd. will undergo earth-shaking changes.

For such talents, Corporal Li Xian is the most basic.

However, after Yang Chuxue arrived at the scene, he found that Mr. Tang was actually in the opposite camp.

At this time, I was having a good conversation with a young man.

This person, Yang Chuxue knew.

It’s him!

“What’s going on?”

Yang Chuxue had a cold face and asked the supervisor who was walking towards him.

“That. Mr. Yang. ”

The cold sweat on the supervisor’s forehead kept flowing down.

Yang Chuxue did not say a word.

But soon, with a smile on his face, he walked towards Bai Fatzi and Wang Xiaonian.

“Sister Hatsuyuki!”

Bai Fatzi, who memorized the fitness training plan with his heart, also noticed the arrival of Yang Chuxue at this time.

“Brother Master.”

Yang Chuxue nodded with a smile and said, “Brother Master, you have returned to China, why don’t you contact me?” ”

“That… Am I not afraid that you are busy, sorry to bother you? ”

The white fat man said.

Yang Chuxue and Bai Fatzi are both studying in the United States, although the two are not the same class, but in the special environment of a foreign country, when they are in the United States, the two have a good relationship.

Not long ago, Bai Fatzi returned to China, and he was low-key and introverted, and did not inform his little sister, on the contrary, it was Bai Fatzi’s girlfriend who informed Yang Chuxue.

Bai Fatzi, who is obsessed with research, does not understand the human nature of Xia Guo at all, according to his ability, experience, where do you need to come to the job fair interview, directly call Yang Chuxue, everything.

But it was precisely because of this that Wang Xiaonian picked up a leak in vain.

Get such a super cadre!

“Master, have you worked since you returned to China?”

Yang Chuxue said with a smile.

“Well, there is.”

Bai Fatzi smiled and held out his hand to Wang Xiaonian: “Sister Master, I joined Wang Zong’s [Nian Nian Technology Co., Ltd.]. ”

“Mr. Yang, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

At this time, Wang Xiaonian smiled and said hello.

“Mr. Wang, I am glad to meet.”

Yang Chuxue also responded politely, not seeing the anger generated by Wang Xiaonian after he dug the corner.

The two officially met for the first time.

At the auction before, although the two had bidd, but there was no intersection at that time, Yang Chuxue did not think that he would have an intersection with Wang Xiaonian in the future, but after learning of his tumultuous operation of pit ‘Li Jufu’, he also asked the secretary to inquire about some news about him.

It was not until Wang Xiaonian opened a factory opposite his company that Yang Chuxue realized the danger.

This person is likely to become his biggest competitor.

But what made Yang Chuxue not expect was that this day would come so quickly.

Under his own eyes, he actually poached his own brother.

“Master, I will go over to my company for some things, and if I have time, I will invite you to have a meal with my sister-in-law.”

Yang Chuxue saw that his brother had been chatting with Wang Xiaonian, and his arrival seemed to disturb him a little, and he smiled bitterly in his heart, but at this time, he also left very and appropriately.

“Well, okay, Sister Hatsuyuki.”

The white fat man laughed.

After saying that, the white fat man continued to ask Wang Xiaonian Slim Fat, ‘What else do you need to pay attention to?’


Yang Chuxue, who left, sighed again in his heart, this Wang Xiaonian really has the means, how long it has been a kung fu, it is better than the friendship of several years of himself.

Looking at the back of Yang Chuxue’s departure, Wang Xiaonian narrowed his eyes.

This woman has a good city, and she has been cut off by herself, but she has not shown a sense of anger.

The polite words he said to the white fat man before leaving were most likely to want to dig the corner and come back.

However, at this time, Chen Rongrong, the commissioner of the personnel department, ‘saw that Wang Xiaonian had been looking at Yang Chuxue’s back, and couldn’t help but frown slightly, and his girlfriend’s boyfriend seemed to be a little dishonest.

When I go back in the evening, I have to call Su Mengmeng and ask him to take care of Wang Zong.

After recruiting to the white fat man.

The company has recruited eight or nine people one after another.

The technology research and development department recruited a total of 6 people, including white fat people.

Looking at the technical department employees who surrounded Wang Xiaonian, Chen Rongrong and her stayed to help, and Huang Dongyang, who cameoed as a personnel commissioner, was dumbfounded.


The company’s technical department is all white and fat.

White fat man, black fat man, fat man with four eyes, fat man in the Mediterranean…

Those who know know know that they are the backbone of the future technology department.

But people who don’t know think they are ‘weight loss bootcamps’.

After all, at this time, they were discussing with Wang Xiaonian how to exercise.

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