Chapter 165 looks delicious and is about to be demolished!!!


Prachuap Khiri Secondary School.

After the midday broadcast gymnastics.

Students from all classes returned to the classroom in droves.

“No way, how could Sophie betray Lin Tian?”

“It is.”

“That scheming girlfriend is really disgusting.”

“What is very hateful, I think Xiao Xiao’s may be difficult to say.”

“There’s a shovel, and Xiao Xiao is a green tea.”

At this time, Yu Fanfan was discussing the content plot of “Sophie’s Revenge” with several girls in the class.

Yu Fanfan is the female party.

The rest are girlfriend parties.

Just as the two sides were arguing, a light cough appeared behind them.

“You’re all in your third year of high school, and you still have time to read novels?”

Yu Fanfan and several other women suddenly looked at each other and lowered their heads one after another, not having the courage to look at the extermination master behind them.

Today, the content of the chat was actually heard by the extinction.

“Hmm. You’re really not in a hurry. ”

“Do you think the college entrance examination is far away from you?” How many days are left? ”

The exterminator with a face like frost was too good to export and beat Yu Fanfan to the gray face.

At this time, the class teacher, Lao Liu, saw that the extermination master was educating the students in his class, and he had no choice but to come over with a hard scalp and break the siege for several people.

“Teacher Liu, you have to take good care of the students in your class, this is all burning eyebrows, and there is still time to watch “Sophie’s Revenge”?”

Extinction Cold Hum Road Class Teacher Old Liu was embarrassed.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian and Big Fat on the side, Xiao Fat just passed by.

The three of them naturally did not want to muddy the waters, but Yu Fanfan sent a look of help to Wang Xiaonian.

Never mind!

Let’s help her.

After all, this little girl is her own school flower wingman.

“Sophie’s revenge? Teacher Zhou, have you seen it too? ”

Wang Xiaonian murmured at this time.

It wasn’t loud, but everyone present could hear it clearly.

Yu Fanfan’s eyes lit up.

I’ll go!

This is right!

She was discussing the content of the novel with others, but the fact that Extinction knew that it was its content not only meant that she had read it too, but also that she had read it very carefully.

Yu Fanfan and several other girls looked up one after another, looking strangely at the extinction.

Extinction’s face changed slightly, and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of shame in his heart, and he seemed to have just slipped his mouth.

As a teacher, it is not surprising to read romance novels.

It’s just an extinct human setting, watching such a romance novel, but it is about to collapse.

“Teacher Liu, you discipline them well, you know?”

For the extinction of the teacher’s watch, the expression control is still very in place, and after dropping this sentence without expression, it will be long gone.

After the extinction left, Yu Fanfan and the others couldn’t help but cover their mouths and laugh.

Lao Liu, the class teacher who figured out this scene, also laughed, but soon, he put on a straight face and said to Yu Fanfan and the others: “Still laughing? One of you has written a copy of it for me tonight and handed it over to my desk tomorrow. ”


The smiles of Yu Fanfan and the others suddenly disappeared.

“Hey, class elder, you can.”

“Yeah, class senior.”

“No wonder Fan Fan says you’re an extinction nemesis.'”

“Extinction is dead at your fingertips.”

Yu Fanfan and several other girls in the class, thanks mixed with ridicule.

“Go, don’t talk nonsense.”

“Don’t hurt me.”

Wang Xiaonian rolled his eyes and said without anger.

Afternoon after school.

Wang Xiaonian returned home.

Sasha, the editor of Elin, called and told someone to buy Sophie’s Revenge. of physical copyrights, copyright fees are 20,000.

3 years, 20,000 copyright fees, not low.

However, Wang Xiaonian felt that the money was still a little less, so he directly refused.

At the same time, Wang Xiaonian gave the price in his heart – 50,000.

Editor Sasha felt that Wang Xiaonian’s requirements were a bit high, you are a newcomer, but thinking that Wang Xiaonian was signing the contract, he thought about the film and television publication, and he swallowed back what he wanted to persuade him.


Old Fan sent a text message to Wang Xiaonian.

The patent of [Universal Charge] has been successfully applied.

Wang Xiaonian, who learned of this news, was in English class at this time, and after seeing the information, Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but ‘Oye’.

This sound first silenced the entire classroom, and in turn, the students laughed.

Fan Qin is translating a tragic reading comprehension, and when the translator arrives at the death of the heroine, the students have some grief in their hearts, but they are broken by Wang Xiaonian’s Oye.

“Classmate Wang Xiaonian, can you explain why you are so happy?”

Fan Qin asked with a sharp smile.


Wang Xiaonian was dumbfounded and embarrassed.

At the same time, Wang Xiaonian’s mobile phone moved again.

Another text message came.

“Little boss, after school at noon, do you remember to come to the store, our hotel is going to be demolished?”

The person who texted was Zhao Huilan.

What the?

The hotel is about to be demolished?

No way!

I put the whole hotel inside so beautiful, rockery fake water, and water wheels.

Wang Xiaonian, who poured a lot of effort into “Looking Good”, at this moment, his heart was like a knife.

The whole person’s expression darkened.

Grief is palpable.

“Ding, pain value +20!”

“Ding, pain value +40!”

“Ding, pain value +50!”

Fan Qin on the podium noticed the change in Wang Xiaonian’s expression, and he was a little surprised that he just asked you to explain…

How can you be like crying???

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