Chapter 127 Chen Shao’s courage

“Chen Shao, do you want to set up a game company to do mobile games?”

At the dining table, Ding Junfeng condensed his excitement and excitement, calmed himself down, and had the scroll-like atmosphere of Chen Yi when he first met him.

The co-founder of Station B frowned, pondered his tone for a moment, and persuaded: “…What I said may not sound good, but Chen Shao and I hit it off right away, so we just spoke bluntly.”

“…Is Shao Chen deceived by some news or the like? Think that the entry barrier for mobile games is low, and you can make money just by doing it casually? In fact, this was true a few years ago, but the situation is different now. ”

Seeing Chen Yi and Ding Junhui seem to be talking about some business matters, the dean who had been making noises also calmed down and ate their food there.

Ruan Zhuyi herself was chatting with those who had changed back to normal clothes. The little bunny girls were chatting happily. At this time, the girls also quickly closed their mouths. No one was talking, and the needles fell on the table immediately.

Chen Yi and Ding Junfeng have the highest status on this table. Before everyone was playing together, they felt that they were easy to get close to each other, but when the two talked about business, the others immediately felt inexplicable pressure.

“Let’s not hide Chen Shao, as a professional in the industry, I know the situation in the industry best. In fact, 90% of the games in the industry are at a loss, and 1% of the games have achieved great success, that is, the monthly turnover is more than 50 million yuan. 2 % Of the games have a small success, with a monthly turnover of more than 5 million, which can be profitable.”

“…And the remaining games that don’t lose money are just barely breaking even.

“With the development of mobile communications two or three years ago, the field of mobile games became a big cake. At that time, a team of 10 or 20 people could make a product in two or three months. To gain a place in the market, and even to be a big success.”

“… But as large companies, such as Goose Factory and Pig Factory, enter the mobile game market with a complete team, competition has become extremely fierce, and customers, revenue, and more are getting closer to these giants. It is difficult for small and medium-sized development teams to get a big cake.”

Ding Junfeng’s words are very euphemistic, but the overall meaning is to persuade Chen Yi not to enter the mobile game market. This market is not a golden mountain and it may not be profitable. On the contrary, it may be a loss.

The two had just met today, and Ding Junfeng was able to say these things from his heart, which shows that he really regarded Chen Yi as a friend.

Although Chen Yi is not an industry insider, he has spent money to find a professional team to do some research before, and has a little understanding of the market in the industry, but because of the understanding of the market in the industry, he is even more sure about the “Tomorrow’s Ark”. The game can be regarded as a miracle.

There are not a few R&D teams, the initial publicity costs are not much, and you have to pay for the publicity fees yourself, but “Tomorrow’s Ark” will be very popular in the future, and it must have its merits.

It is difficult to replicate the success of “Tomorrow’s Ark” with another game, but it can be replicated when this game has not yet appeared.

In order to fear that this game has been tested in the previous period, Chen Yi has also made a special investigation. It is certain that the game company that developed the game “Tomorrow’s Ark” does not exist now, so Chen Yi can boldly bring it. then apply.

“I’m very happy that Ge Ding can tell me these things. It can be seen that Ge Ding can think of me so that he can tell me these words from the bottom of his heart.”

Chen Yi picked up good things to tell Ding Junfeng, because the other party really did it for his own good, and didn’t want to let him stupidly hold money and run into this industry to face losses.

But Chen Yi is determined to try this road, because according to his idea, the success of this road is very high.

Ding Junfeng’s emotional intelligence is sufficient. From Chen Yi’s remarks, he can tell that he will not give up, but he still wants to enter the industry to give it a try.(Read more @

With a sigh, Ding Junfeng said: “… If Chen Shao encounters any problems or troubles that I don’t understand, I can barely be regarded as a senior person in the industry. I still know something and know some people. Then I can help Chen as a friend. Solve fewer small problems.”

Ding Junfeng had already guessed what Chen Yi wanted to express.

Solve some small problems as a friend? This is not what Chen Yi wants. The other party may be able to help you solve the trivial matter once or twice, but the other party will definitely not bother to care about you when the frequency is too large, and he may not be serious about it.

So the best way is to tie him up with interests. As long as both parties have common interests and safeguard them together, then the relationship between the two can even be closer than their relatives.

Chen Yi shook his head and said, “… Brother Chen might think that I’m just playing a ticket, and just want to come to this industry to get a share of the pie, but in fact I have a plan a long time ago.”

After speaking, Chen Yi told Ding Junfeng some thoughts about “Tomorrow’s Ark” that he could say.

“Do you use visual and textual representation as a conceptual design?”

Ding Junfeng nodded. From Chen Yi’s few words, as an industry veteran, he already understood what Chen Yi wanted to express.

Of course, Ding Junfeng doesn’t think this design concept is novel. There are many people who have insights and have their own understanding of the game, but can those concepts be made and whether the game will become popular after the game is made? knowledge.

But Ding Junfeng saw Chen Yi’s seriousness and knew that he was not a ticket. The most important thing is that Chen Yi’s racing skills have brought him great shock and trust.

If you want to have such racing skills, you need to train hard in private, and Chen Yi’s ability to do this shows that he is not a rich second-generation who can eat and wait to die, but a person who can do things and dare to do things. This is Ding Junfeng. Trust the source of Chen Yi.

Ding Junfeng sat up straight, taking a lot of seriousness, and wanted to hear Chen Yi’s specific thoughts.

“I am going to put out about 20 million yuan for game research and development.”

Chen Yi stretched out two fingers and said.

After hearing this, Ding Junfeng nodded secretly. This research and development cost is already very high for mobile games. The research and development cost of the game “Onmyoji”, which just came out of the pig factory, is just over 10 million.

However, the real big expense of mobile games is on publicity, not on research and development, and the money spent on advertising is the real terror.

Just listen to Chen Yi continuing: “…Then I will put out 30-40 million to announce the game.”

This number is also carefully considered by Chen Yi. His goal is to complete the development and release of the game within two months. In two months, he can get about 40 million from the system. Excluding the daily expenses, the rest 30 million can be used as the cost of publicity.

The release of this parallel world game does not require a copyright number or the like, but the review still exists, and if you have Ding Junfeng’s contacts, you can use his contacts to greatly speed up the review.

Hearing that Chen Yi was going to spend about 60 million to make a game, everyone in the room took a sigh of relief. Ding Junfeng is no exception. This is not a small sum.

And Ding Junfeng just said that more than 90% of the game companies will lose money, but Chen Yi still unblinks and says that he will spend 60 million to make games and publish, which makes people suspect that his family background is at least small. Comrade Wang’s level.

A serious family who will let you take 60 million to start a business.

The dean and his two younger brothers were shocked by Chen Yi’s pride. Ruan Zhuyi was also complicated in his heart. He felt more and more of the huge gap between Chen Yi and Chen Yi. The faces of those girls were even more stiff. Guys say tens of millions as drizzle, you know, they’re not bragging right now.

But Ding Junfeng felt Chen Yi’s courage.

Without waiting for Ding Junfeng to speak, Chen Yi said again: “…but although I have a good plan, I still lack important contacts and resources in this industry. This requires your help from Ding Ge. For this, I can give Ding Ge, your game company’s 10% dividend.”

Chen Yi’s words could not be more obvious, that is, let Ding Junfeng use his connections and resources in the industry to invest in shares. Although the “Company Law” does not allow this type of shareholding method, consulting service contracts or framework agreements can circumvent the past.

Or let Ding Junfeng make a symbolic contribution of one dollar, and then stipulate in the company’s articles of association that he will be granted a 10% dividend right.

Chen Yi’s 10% dividend right seems to be a lot, but in fact, as Ding Junfeng said before, 97% of the mobile games on the market are actually not profitable. The other 2% of the turnover is more than 5 million, but the actual profit is It’s not too high. The 1% is the real money maker.

Ding Junfeng didn’t know that the game “Tomorrow’s Ark” would explode. If the dividend rights were too low, Ding Junfeng might be fooled and not work well if he calculates that he can’t make much money.

If this game goes viral, Chen Yi seems to be a loss from the results, but in fact Chen Yi is making a lot of money, because he has a system that doesn’t make money at all. No matter how much the game makes, it’s just a small amount of money. , Not in Chen Yi’s eyes.

For Chen Yi, what he needs most is time, and time is the greatest money. As long as Ding Junfeng’s resources and connections help, he can save a lot of time and allow Chen Yi to carry out all plans in advance.

You can’t be too greedy. If you have to grasp even a small profit, that kind of person will definitely not be successful. Only by knowing how to lay down a part of the flesh can the wolves follow.

Ding Junfeng’s face changed a little, and he took a deep breath and said: “…This is not a place to talk, Shao Chen, let’s find a place to talk in detail tomorrow.”

When Chen Yi heard the words, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He knew that Ding Junfeng had been tempted, and the matter was almost done. The remaining two people had to talk about only some details.

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