Chapter 140 Spiritual satisfaction

The leaky houses, the weeds piled up in the corners, a few big tanks, and only a few rice noodles are left.

The room was very dry, but there was no musty smell, but this messy room once again showed Chen Yi what it is like to be a family member.

Don’t say that it is Chen Yi who has become a goddess now. Even before he was reborn, he had never seen such a scene with his eyes.

Standing by the wall in front of Chen Yi are three children, an older brother and two younger sisters, who seem to be under 10 years old.

Judging from the identities of the three people, this family did not give birth to so many children because of patriarchal sons. As for why the family is so poor and still have so many children, that should be the thinking of rural people.

The three kids were wearing very old clothes, and the sneakers on their feet were dirty. At this time, they were like students who had been punished by the teacher. They stood in a row in fear, looking at Chen Yi with fear in their eyes.

Chen Yi took out his mobile phone and started taking pictures, learning from reporters asking questions.

“Are there any elders in the family?”

Chen Yi tried to slow down his tone and make himself appear gentle.

The two younger sisters were very scared and both looked at his brother. The little boy plucked up his courage, took a peek at Chen Yi, and said, “…Dad and mother have both gone to work outside, and only grandpa is in the house.”

“… Recently, the autumn harvest is about to be harvested. Grandpa has been busy in the field all the time.”

After a pause, the little boy said again: “… Brother, are you okay? If it’s okay, I’m going to help Grandpa.”

The little boy is very thin and scared when facing Chen Yi’s tall man, but he still looks very courageous.

Chen Yi shook his head. To be honest, he doesn’t like children very much. He always feels that children are very noisy, especially those bear children.

But if all the children are like the siblings in front of them, or as obedient and obedient as the sisters Yu Zixi and Yu Ziying, Chen Yi thinks that children are actually quite good.

He took the phone and continued filming, and asked the children a few more questions, such as going to school, family situation and so on.

The child Tong Yan Wuji told him everything and would not lie. By then, Chen Yi had a better understanding of the lives of children in these poor areas.

It can be seen that the people here respect the grassroots cadres who help the poor.

Chen Yi also respects those people. To be honest, it is very tiring to work at the grassroots level. It is precisely because of the sacrifices of these people that the lives of others are changed.

I took out the remaining hamburgers and handed them to the three children. They could see that the three children were very excited, but they still didn’t dare to eat what was given by a stranger, but looked at Yu Ziying.

The folks in the street knew each other, and the three children naturally knew their sister Yingying.

“Brother is a good man, eat quickly, this burger is very delicious.”

Yu Ziying was like an older sister, urging the three children to eat quickly.(Read more @

In this poor mountain village, the title of good person has not changed.

The little boy took the hamburger that Chen Yi handed over, but instead of opening it to eat, he gave the hamburger to his two younger sisters first, and said, “…Let the younger sister eat first, I’m not hungry.”

The two little girls took a bite of the burger, and those innocent eyes lit up.

They took a bite with expressions of dismay, but they passed the burger to their brother again, “…My brother also ate, this is delicious.”

Chen Yi felt a little bit sour when he saw it. It was just a McDonald’s burger. It was 2017. It turned out that there were children who hadn’t even seen it.

“You don’t have to be modest to each other, everyone has a share.”

Chen Yi handed over all the remaining burgers, and the little boy hugged the burger and ate it.

But after taking a few bites, he just stopped, looked carefully at Chen Yi and asked, “…Brother, can I keep one for grandpa, he has never eaten such a delicious thing in his life.”

“Of course you can leave it to Grandpa.”

Chen Yi touched the head of the little boy in front of him, and did not dislike his dirty hair.

The video was almost shot, he just stood up and said: “…Difficulties and poverty are temporary, study hard, work hard, and I believe you will get better and better in the future!”

He didn’t know whether these little children could understand, but there were some things he really had to say.

“Thank you brother, goodbye brother…”

When Chen Yi was about to leave, the little boy and his two sisters waved to Chen Yi and sent him out of the house, very polite.

Sure enough, politeness and education are not determined by wealth and poverty, or by the level of education.

After leaving the house and returning to the village, Chen Yi thought about it and decided one thing.

In September, because he spent most of his time in military training, Chen Yi didn’t spend much money.

In addition to the cost of 2 million to buy a watch, about 700,000 to rent an office building, plus hundreds of thousands of hiring an investment bank team to conduct research and purchase a shell company.

With other expenses, Chen Yi actually spent more than 3 million yuan.

In addition, it was eleven yesterday and the system issued another 20 million. Chen Yi now has more than 36 million in cash.

Although the company’s expenses and costs are high, these expenses and costs do not need to be taken out all at once.

Moreover, the publicity fee for the biggest head is temporarily not used, and may need to be used next month.

At that time, the system would send another 20 million. So now Chen Yi doesn’t spend tens of millions of dollars to buy a house or a luxury car, then his funds will be abundant.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Yi conducted research in the village again and gained a more detailed understanding of the situation in the village.

Then I took out my mobile phone and contacted the phone number of the grain shop I had left in the city.

He directly bought a bunch of rice noodles and daily necessities.

I also asked the people over there to help buy some clothes, pants, shoes, school bags, stationery and the like. You don’t have to buy too expensive ones, just the small shops on the street.

After doing this, let the people in the grain shop drive the truck to deliver everything.

Sometimes money is indeed omnipotent, and if you give a few thousand dollars in transportation and labor costs, you immediately get busy over there.

In the end, Chen Yi calculated that he had spent less than 100,000 yuan in total, not much money to buy a bag at Hermès.

These things cannot change the poverty of this village, it is a typical symptom and not the root cause.

However, Chen Yi thinks it is worthwhile to spend a little money to let the people in the village lead a fulfilling life.

If you are poor, you can benefit yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. Chen Yi does not have the ability to change the ecological and economic environment of one party, but he can help others as much as he can.

After doing all this, Chen Yi suddenly felt that his thoughts were clear and his heart was happy.

He has a system where everything is obtained for nothing. Although it can meet all material needs, it is easy to cause mental numbness.

Now he feels refreshed, especially when the poor villagers are grateful to him, it is even more satisfying Chen Yi’s vanity.

People are self-interested. Those who do good without asking for rewards are indeed great, but they are actually not desirable.

Only when you do good things will you get rewards, not necessarily material rewards. This spiritual satisfaction will actually make more people do good deeds.

This is human nature!

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