Chapter 143 The real “protagonist”

The female dormitory of the Japanese Department of Shinyu University.

Nan Jiyue sat on the chair in front of her desk, with two snow-white slender jade legs bent, stepping on the edge of the chair in a squatting posture.

She pursed her moist red lips, stared at the laptop in front of her with beautiful eyes, bowed left and right, and performed a wonderful operation in the game.


“You group of dish B, will you play? You can’t beat one of the three, so hurry up and delete the game!”

The little fairy looked at the second place displayed on the screen. After eating a chicken butt, she was angry from her heart. Kaimai was just a bad curse. After she finished her cursing, she quickly quit the game, and her mood finally improved a lot.

Although her voice is clear and sweet, but when playing games, especially when facing a girl she doesn’t know, the average boy will not let the girl.

If you encounter a grumpy brother, it is even more likely to be ridiculed and scolded. Nan Jiyue has rich experience in this aspect, so he runs away after scolding, and definitely does not give his teammates a chance to fight back.

In the final round just now, there were three people in their team, and there was only one left on the opposite side. They thought that Nan Jiyue, who was very stable, took the lead in the charge, left the bunker and rushed up.

The enemy on the opposite side was not very skilled, but there were three idiots running on the plain of Yimapingchuan, using a stone as a shelter, and all three of them were suddenly killed.

Nan Jiyue knew that she had a big problem, but Little Fairy would never admit it.

She just thought that I rushed up to death alone, why did you two rush to follow me? Isn’t this stupid?

Of course, the little fairy is also guilty of conscience, knowing that she is irresponsible, so she ran away after scolding her teammate.

Today, there were two chicken butts in a row, which made her feel that it was bad luck. Nan Jiyue decided to change to another game.

Turn off PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and turn it on. Although she is a girl, her game skills are not bad. Even if she doesn’t play the auxiliary position, she also hit the diamond segment. This technology is already top-notch among girls.

But today may be really not suitable for playing games, she single Yaoji directly blows the opponent out in one hand, but can’t help the up and down two lanes and the jungler to send off.

Facing her teammates whose stats were all negative except for herself, the little fairy could only surrender without tears, watching her crystal explode.

“The base exploded, it’s not a big problem.”

Sitting dejectedly in the chair, Nan Jiyue murmured, feeling exhausted, rubbing her somewhat messy hair, and she was completely empty.

Even fairies don’t like to wash their hair when they are not going out!

At this time, Nan Jiyue didn’t want to play games at all. Now playing games made her just want to scold her mother. She was bored and opened the live broadcast website. Bored, she began to watch the game live broadcast.

As a top rich second-generation who has spare money and does nothing to do every day, Nam Jiyue will give tips on the live broadcast platform when she is fine, and she is very familiar with some female anchors on the National Treasure Channel.

Nan Jiyue neither hates men nor is gay, but she looks down on most men, and coupled with her own family reasons, most men don’t bother to bother about it.

It’s the same even if she rewards on the live broadcast platform. She only rewards female anchors who are beautiful and good at playing games.

Moreover, the rewards are tens of thousands, 100,000, which makes her very famous on the live broadcast platform, and she is one of the few goddesses.(Read more @

As for the male head anchors, occasionally watching the other party’s live broadcast boredly, if she makes a smile to herself, she will also give tens of thousands of rewards, which is regarded as a reward from the fairy.

The reason why Nan Jiyue watched the live broadcast of National Treasure Channel was because of Comrade Xiao Wang.

As the top rich second generation in China, this circle is very small.

Although she didn’t like the mouth, and the long and handsome Comrade Xiao Wang didn’t like it very much, but everyone knew each other, so she reluctantly gave her support as a friend.

The live broadcast platform is very deep. The small rewards are still more real, and the more the big rewards in one breath, the more fake data.

Many of these large rewards are used by guilds. Some so-called famous local tyrants are guild accounts. After the rewards are completed, the platform will refund part of them. The actual expenditure cost is not as high as expected.

This is what the so-called squire’s money is returned in full, and the people’s money is divided between three and seven.

Although Nan Jiyue is an individual and not a guild, she herself is equivalent to a trade union, and she knows the boss of Guobaotai. Naturally, it is impossible for her to take all her money.

Comrade Xiao Wang’s goal is to make the National Treasure Taiwan listed and collect money. He and Nan Jiyue are friends, and Nan Jiyue’s rewards can be regarded as improving her platform’s reputation. Naturally, he can’t take all of the money.

Except for the part allocated to the anchor, most of the remaining money will be refunded to Nan Jiyue, completely treating her personal rewards as a platform guild, purely for her to have fun.

Although Nan Jiyue didn’t care about these tens of thousands, why didn’t the other party refund the money, so he would continue to reward him when he was okay anyway.

Her life is more like the protagonist in some novels.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, Nan Jiyue became even more boring and wanted to find someone to play.

However, most of her circles are in the imperial capital. Because of her cousin, she also knows some people, but she is not familiar with them, so she can’t play together for the time being.

She didn’t dare to run back to the imperial capital. She told her parents that she could live a good life alone. It would be too shameful to run back like this, and she might be laughed at by her parents.

This is absolutely unacceptable to the proud little fairy.

“Nanjiyue, tomorrow we are going to go shopping in the mall, will you go with us?”

At this time, a girl in the bedroom said aloud.

Although Nan Jiyue is sought after and pursued by a group of men, she is not very popular among girls, especially the two in the dormitory have been ignoring her, and don’t give her a good face every day.

But not all girls have this kind of personality. They are especially aimed at one person. The other girl in the dormitory will occasionally talk to Nan Jiyue.

The other two girls frowned when they heard this. To be honest, they didn’t want to go out with Nan Jiyue.

Nan Jiyue didn’t even think about it. She didn’t know what tact was called, so she directly said to the girl who was kind to her: “…No, there is really nothing to go shopping with you.”

The girl opened her mouth, but in the end she didn’t say anything, her expression was not very good, and the other two girls in the bedroom sneered.

Nan Jiyue said this very honestly, but she didn’t care about other people’s feelings at all, just doing her own way there.

She really felt that there was nothing to go out with the people in the dormitory. They commented on the clothes worth hundreds of dollars one by one. After trying for a long time without buying them, Nan Jiyue was really not interested.

She also likes to go shopping, but the way she goes shopping is to see what she likes, regardless of whether it is appropriate or not, whether it is used or not, just buy it first, and even if you don’t need it, you can put it at home as a decoration.

In addition to LO clothes, she also has many high-end luxury brands and even high-end clothes.

As a girl who spends millions on buying clothes every year, she is more accustomed to let those shopping guides take all the new clothes to her home, and then she just picks a few and buys them.

For this top rich second generation, their shopping fun is different from ordinary people.

Although Nan Jiyue likes to play games, she is not a pure dead house. She still hopes to play with friends.

She thought for a long time, and found that the only person she knew and was familiar with in Shencheng seemed to be Chen Yi.

The eldest lady does not dislike the poor and love the rich, but she really knows that her own outlook on money and values ​​are completely different from those of ordinary people, so she naturally cannot play with ordinary people.

“Tsk, let me take the initiative to contact you!”

She gritted her teeth stubbornly, Nan Jiyue didn’t want to take the initiative to find Chen Yi.

But apart from him, I really couldn’t find anyone to play with for the time being. In no way, the little fairy could only snorted, and took out her mobile phone reservedly to contact Chen Yi.

Then she became stupid the next moment. She found out that she and Chen Yi had not exchanged any contact information at all, let alone WeChat, even if it was a phone number, a penguin number, and the like.

Ask your classmates to find out Chen Yi’s mobile phone number? She felt that if it were spread out, she would be ashamed of herself.

Thinking about going, Nan Jiyue suddenly brightened her eyes. She thought of her cousin Nan’an that she seemed to have exchanged WeChat messages with Chen Yi in a nightclub that day.

Thinking of this, she immediately began to contact her brother.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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