Chapter 153 Chen Yi’s most correct decision: buy Ferrari

Chen Yi hung up the phone. He was very clear about Xu Feng’s purpose and a branch manager of the Minhang Bank who wanted to know him.

The bank will look for you for nothing more than to meet a potential customer. In short, it is to give you a loan and send money.

The bank’s main profitable business is loans, but it has to face some very embarrassing things.

Those small and micro enterprises are short of money and need bank loans most to support their business operations or expand operations.

But whether these small and micro enterprises can repay the loans and interest needs to be questioned. If they fail to repay the loans, they will cause bad debts to the bank.

For those salesmen in the bank, the professional standards they abide by are no merit but no demerits.

Therefore, they always have doubts about the loans of these small and micro enterprises, so that the enterprises that are most short of money cannot get money from the bank.

The most desired customers of banks are large companies with sufficient cash flow and sufficient assets.

This type of enterprise has a very strong ability to repay loans. Loans to them are almost a profitable business. It can be said that banks will rush to give them money.

Therefore, Wang Yiyi owed more than 200 billion to the bank at the beginning, which was almost equal to his net worth.

But generally such large enterprises will not be short of money, and will not borrow large-scale loans from banks. This is the biggest problem facing banks. Money can’t flow out!

Small and micro enterprises dare not take out loans. Large-scale enterprises do not take loans from you. If you do not take loans, you will not make a profit. Where did the money go in the end? Naturally all went to real estate.

With the size of real estate that can carry a huge amount of funds, real estate companies are also the most short-lived. Coupled with the development of real estate, the bank’s money will naturally flow here.

The consequence is that all the money in the real estate cannot flow, and social resource allocation cannot be carried out. It is easy to cause major economic problems.

Therefore, the state will curb real estate and introduce various policies to guarantee loans for small and micro enterprises.

It’s a pity that even so, those small and micro enterprises still struggle to get loans, so small businesses are difficult to do.

The richer people are, the more they must learn to owe money to the bank.

Just like Chen Yi has a system, but the system is a quantitative method of giving cash, it is likely to be short of money at a critical moment. At this time, if you want money, you can only find the bank.

That’s why Chen Yi promised Xu Feng to participate in some entrepreneurial roadshow, to get to know the branch manager of the bank. In addition to expanding his network and resources, it is also very important to have a good relationship with the bank.

“Speaking of which, it’s still poor.”

Chen Yi sighed and happened to be heard by the other three people in the dormitory. All three animals rolled their eyes at him and continued to play the game.

Classes exist, but after living in the same dormitory for a long time, even if the three people in the dormitory still have a faint awe of Chen Yi that they dare not touch too much, the relationship can already be called a friend.

University is the last ivory tower, and the huge class gap will be fully revealed after entering the society after graduation.

Chen Yi, who was glaring at the three animals in the dormitory, ignored him. He climbed onto the bed and was going to continue reading for a while.

In fact, what Chen Yi said of being poor has no problem at all. As a person without a foundation of wealth, Chen Yi is actually quite stretched to spend money now.(Read more @

Have you ever seen a wealthy person who actually only has a luxury car, not even a real estate?

With the cash currently owned by Chen Yi, it is indeed possible to buy a few more luxury cars to fill the storefront, but that is completely unnecessary.

Good steel must be used on the blade, now is when Chen Yi is most short of money, absolutely can not spend randomly.

So Chen Yi has been holding it all the time now, and can’t be too sloppy. As long as his game company improves, then the opportunity to soar to the sky may come.

The system upgrade brings more cash, and the other is that he can prove to the world that he has enough talent.

As long as people can believe in his talents, there will be a steady flow of funds to him.

Chen Yi can also use these funds to make a real career, so as to improve his social status and stand at the real top.

One of Chen Yi’s most admired decisions is that he first bought a Ferrari with money.

A luxury car worth only 8 million yuan has become an important business card for him, and his identity from the imperial capital to the university in Shencheng adds more aura to this Ferrari.

When I go to school in another city, I have to spend tens of millions to buy a luxury car. This kind of courage will make people believe that there is a huge energy behind him.

If you replace Ferrari with a real estate, even a pile of gold bars.

So although Chen Yi still lives in luxury, it is absolutely impossible for him to have such a mystical background that people can believe now, let alone have begun to weave his own network.

A Ferrari gave Chen Yi a huge ‘potential’. It has to be said that some people bite their teeth to buy such a luxury car, in fact, to get tickets to a higher circle.

Chen Yi used a Ferrari as a springboard layer by layer, and now he jumped directly to the point where one can believe that he and Comrade Xiao Wang are a level rich second generation.

Chen Yi felt a little surprised by this inadvertent trick.

Of course, he now only has’potential’, and his true strength is still very imaginary.

But as long as his game company can succeed, immediately all the basic disks are stable.

From then on, people will only believe that he is a capable and successful second-generation rich, his’power’ will be able to match the’potential’.

By then, his background is not important in people’s eyes, and he will become important.

‘So I must have perseverance and persistence. As long as I persist for more than one month, it will be another village. ’

Chen Yi secretly cheered himself up, and continued to read the book without hearing anything outside the window.

At that moment, his WeChat rang suddenly, but when he opened it, it was the voice sent by Chu Chuzi.

Chu Chuzi: “…Brother Chen, thank you for your reward today. You are really good at playing games. Next time you must come to the live broadcast room and continue to play with me.”

“… But Brother Chen, don’t spend money on rewards anymore. That’s a waste of money.”

The girl’s voice was light and beautiful, like a chirping lark, poking a man’s fantasy of a girl’s voice very much.

When Chen Yi heard the voice, the corner of his mouth slightly tilted.

This Chu Chuzi is a smart man and has a deep understanding of the live broadcast industry.

Only those small anchors will hold the thighs of other local tyrants every day for rewards after they meet a god-wife.

And for a big anchor like her, the so-called rewards of one or two gods are actually meaningless. What she needs is fame, so that she can exchange gifts that ordinary people pile up. These are the bulk of her gift income.

Chen Yi is now considered to be the second generation on the Internet at the same level as Xiao Wang.

Although the effect is still not comparable to Xiao Wang, as long as a person like him enters the live broadcast room and plays a game with a certain anchor, it will immediately cause a huge gimmick, in return for the crowd to watch.

Even a small anchor can easily be popularized.

For Chu Chuzi, Chen Yi’s current reputation is more important than the money he rewarded her.

But Chu Chuzi’s ability to say these words shows that her emotional intelligence is very high. At the very least, Chen Yi is very happy to see her saying that she should not waste money with rewards.

“Don’t worry about that little money, you can take it and have a meal.”

Chen Yi made an understatement.

On the other side, Chu Chuzi, who had already been broadcast, was secretly speechless after hearing the voice from Chen Yi.

100 Buddhas jumped over the wall, and the reward point of 100,000 yuan in her hands is about 30,000, but Chen Yi said that such a lot of money is used to eat a meal. This is the life of the rich, it is terrible. Got it!

At the same time, Chu Chuzi also sighed in his heart. It was incredible that a rich second-generation who came across at a Ferrari 4S shop was at the same level as the principal.

This made her firmer and determined to hug this thigh!

Silent overnight, Chen Yi prepared a little the next day and went to the venue of the entrepreneurship roadshow.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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