Chapter 156 Mom no longer has to worry about me whoring for nothing

The American Express Centurion Black Gold Card, also known as the ‘black card’, is not really exaggerated if you want to count down its service rights.

In Chen Yi’s view, this thing is actually more like a butler service. Going to an unfamiliar place makes your daily life more convenient.

According to legend, this card can be overdrawn without limit in foreign countries, but in fact it is all nonsense. There is no limit.

If you buy something that exceeds your risk control limit, someone from the American Express company will call you to confirm.

As for the domestic black card, the quota of 10 million is the top priority.

However, this quota is generally sufficient. Few single items will cost 10 million. If you need to purchase more than 10 million, you need to call the bank to temporarily adjust the quota.

As for the other so-called rights, what are the global airport VIP privileges, the distinguished services of major luxury hotels, and the shopping privileges of major department stores around the world.

There are even so-called postcards to enter some private clubs, and even to send you SPA maintenance, etc. There are many such services.

But in fact, these things cannot be said to be completely useless to the real rich, but it is true that they are useless.

That is to say, you may be in some places where you are not familiar with your life, and you need the personnel of American Express to help you with some trivial things.

The so-called airport VIP lounge? Don’t tease me, it can be considered as CIP at best, so there is a fast security channel.

The real airport VIPs go directly to the VIP building, and never go to the so-called VIP lounge.

The runway used there is not the same as the terminal building. These are the real VIPs, all of whom are big bosses with private jets or the courtesy of direct charter flights.

Why would Xiao Wang say that most people can’t see him at the airport, because most of the time he goes to the VIP building, he will not enter the terminal at all.

As for the so-called private club business card, people recognize that it is a person but not a card. The card may be fake, but the person cannot be fake.

From a domestic perspective, the black card issuance requirements of the civil bank are the lowest. For example, there are many requirements for deposits of tens of millions and hundreds of millions of dollars in the universe.

But even if you can apply for a black card from the People’s Bank of China, if your assets are not enough, there will be a huge limit on the amount. This is what Chen Yi is most concerned about now.

For Chen Yi, he pays tens of thousands of card fees every year. What he wants is not those rights, but the pretense of a titanium alloy card.

People’s recognition of the so-called black card is very high, and people who have this card are very good. If you put this card in your wallet and swipe it out, it is indeed quite bluffing.(Read more @

However, if the quota is not enough, I will immediately become a fool. I buy a car with a few million dollars, take out a bank card, and then tell me that the quota is not enough and I need to call the bank. This is not pretending but embarrassing.

Immediately Chen Yi threw his doubts out. He doesn’t have much to use as a mortgage now. How is the limit of the black card calculated?

President Lu knew what Chen Yi was worried about.

“…This is easy to say, your car can be used as collateral.”

“If you have cash, you can deposit the cash in our bank. You can use your credit card as a savings card for the time being. I will directly open the highest quota ratio for you.”

“…Black cards are well-known because they are recognized abroad, but if you really want to talk about rights, black cards can only be fun. It depends on our own infinite diamond card, I I can also get you one…”

Then the President Lu said a lot about Balabara.

Simply put, if you apply for our unlimited diamond card, you are a real VIP Super VIP.

Those rights and interests similar to the black card will not be mentioned, mainly because you, as a real VIP, can enjoy some financial products that other people can’t access, and a long enough interest-free period.

That is, those financial products that require a lot of basic funds, but can be settled at daily interest rates, and have relatively high yields.

In addition, there is an interest-free period on this card, so you can spend first, and then use the money for financial management without paying back during the credit card’s interest-free period.

As long as your money base is large enough, this part of the interest is not a small amount. When the interest-free period is about to come, you can pay back the arrears.

Compared with those useless rights, this is the real benefit.

It is the same as those of companies with huge cash flow or platform e-commerce companies that put money in their own hands as much as possible, and then go for money to make money.

Moreover, Chen Yi discovered that the President Lu seemed to let himself apply for a credit card, but the real purpose was to let himself put the deposits in the universe bank in their private bank.

High, it’s really high. This is really a deposit and loan business with both hands. Let’s take a look at other people’s ability to do things!

But for Chen Yi, it doesn’t matter, where money exists or not. Anyway, there doesn’t seem to be so much profit from the existence of the universe, so it’s better to exist in their civil affairs.

Moreover, I think that the businesses I will do in the future are all industries with very large cash flow. At that time, I can also be used as a means to threaten the civil bank to give myself greater concessions.

If you don’t give me more concessions, Laozi immediately went to other banks, which would surely make their banks go downhill immediately.

And if he can really develop, this President Lu will definitely continue to climb up with his own strength, which is equivalent to binding him to himself, so many things can be green light in the bank.

President Lu didn’t actually make much real benefit this time. He blogged about Chen Yi’s future and his background. Chen Yi actually only made a little bargain. He also blogged about the future.

The two were chatting again. Chen Yi listened to President Lu’s talk about some interesting things in their industry. When the roadshow was over, the guests and the host had a great time, and the two immediately decided where to go for a meal.

Called Xu Feng, the three of them found a good restaurant, and then Chen Yi was surprised to find that in addition to the three of them, there was a security pavilion in that area.

Regardless of the fact that this pavilion chief is not big, but he can manage a lot of things in his jurisdiction, and because it is in a system, he also knows many pavilions in other areas of Shanghai.

In addition, the jurisdiction under his jurisdiction is the core area of ​​the financial sector, which has extremely high requirements for law and order.

For Chen Yi, getting to know this pavilion is really a pleasant surprise. If you commit a major matter, other people can’t manage it, but if it is a small matter, the other party can easily help you make the major and minor things smaller.

For example, if you go to a white prostitution and get caught accidentally, it is definitely a phone call to find the kiosk, and you can get it out for a small amount of money.

In fact, most people can afford that small amount of money, but if you have money, it doesn’t matter to the Internet. You still can’t make it out, so you still have to squat for a few days.

Just like some celebrities on the Internet, white prostitutes were arrested and ruined. This shows that his relationship is not good, or that his relationship has not entered the system.

That’s great, mom never has to worry about me going to a prostitute in the future!

The country has made repeated orders to not be corrupt, but this is a private gathering between friends, so we don’t give gifts for meals, and we don’t spend a penny from the public.

Boss, tear me up the label of Maotai, and bring up everything that is delicious and drinkable. By the way, do you have any relatives that need to be arranged? Our company still lacks a driver to drive for Finance. Don’t worry, the salary is favorable and the monthly salary is absolutely high.

Our company is rich, and I am not a black-hearted capitalist. Even a cleaner, I am well paid!

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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