Chapter 177 To learn from my brother-in-law

The roar of Ferrari’s engine resounded all over the campus. Chen Yi had already stepped on the accelerator as much as possible. After all, this is a university campus.

Nan Jiyue had nothing to say, she bent a pair of slender and straight legs slightly, with the soles of her feet stretched straight, and said to Chen Yi:

“…If you really go to some colleges and universities to find your little lover, what kind of second, third, or fourth wife is there, you must run less supercars.”

Listening to the plausible words of the little fairy, Chen Yi was even more surprised by what the eldest lady said.

He stepped on the brake lightly, turned his head to look at Nan Jiyue’s almost perfect profile, with a pretty face, and curiously said: “…what’s the saying?”

Nan Jiyue pursed her lips, and said, “…You should know that colleges and universities have a lot of energy in our country, especially schools like Qingbei. No one dares to make trouble.”

“… Regardless of whether it is a rich second-generation or a descendant of aristocrats, I dare not run in these schools.”

Hearing Nan Jiyue’s words, Chen Yi nodded secretly.

In fact, colleges and universities are really terrible, so many outstanding graduates for so many years.

These graduates have long become the pillars of major industries and even higher-level institutions, forming a huge network of relationships.

So when someone wants to take the rhythm of these colleges and universities, their voice will be suppressed immediately, and the ordinary people will never be given the opportunity to hack these schools, and the media will take the initiative to avoid suspicion.

Schools like Aurora, Qingbei, really entered, no matter what kind of descendants of a real nobleman you are, or the second generation of the richest, you are not all honest.

Although Shenyu is not up to that level, there is not such a big gap. Many Shenyu graduates may eventually go to the Foreign Education Department.

This is also a wayward girl like Little Fairy, who is honest in school, and she has never heard of her showing off her wealth or even jumping in particular.

That is, Chen Yi is too good to be able to attract attention.

“So when you go to these colleges and universities, it’s best to keep a low profile. Don’t know everyone who drives a sports car. You may make some leaders in the school unhappy one day. That’s very troublesome.”

“…And unless you are looking for a girlfriend, it doesn’t matter if you are just right.”

“If it was your lover, she wouldn’t think it was an honor for you to drive a sports car to pick her up, but it might be embarrassing.”

“It’s not a good thing to be a lover. This is especially prone to gossip in sports car school. This is not something that everyone can bear.”

“…Especially now that the Internet is so developed, there are all kinds of monsters in school forums, so if you drive an ordinary car to pick up other people’s girls, it makes the family easier.”

Nan Jiyue talked there like an old driver, and Chen Yi listened very carefully. This is all knowledge.

The girls who can read these colleges and universities are naturally very good at learning and care about their reputation. This is indeed reasonable.

In the past, Chen Yi did not have the qualifications to fund poor female students, so he had no experience at all. Instead, Nan Jiyue said that it was comprehensive and convincing.

“Of course, it doesn’t matter if you go to an art school or the like. Naturally, the more you drive, the better. The atmosphere there is different from that of ordinary universities.”

The little fairy said a lot, she licked her fragrant lips, and then she walked around.(Read more @

It’s a pity that Ferrari is not a luxury car like Rolls-Royce. There is no small refrigerator in the car. Naturally, she just can’t find a place to drink water.

Just when Nan Jiyue was disappointed, Chen Yi smiled, took his right hand back, took out a bottle of VOSS purified water and handed it over.

Nan Jiyue’s eyes lit up immediately, and she said in her lark-like voice: “…you like to drink this too.”

With that said, she took the water bottle and didn’t need Chen Yi to help her, just unscrewed it and drank it.

Most of the time girls don’t want to unscrew the bottle cap, so they can’t unscrew it. When they want to unscrew it, they can easily make a P. This is Schrödinger’s girl strength.

“Who told you these things?”

Chen Yi doesn’t believe that Nan Jiyue realized this by herself, and she is a girl, can she still find a girl to be a little lover?

Nan Jiyue’s sexual orientation is normal, which Chen Yi can still confirm.

“My brother, just tell me this every day when the Mediterranean is fine.”

The corner of the lady’s mouth curled, her face was full of disdain for Nan’an.

“Why does my elder brother tell you all this…”

Chen Yi forgot to speak carefully this time, and uttered what was in his heart straightforwardly.

The little fairy was shocked. She blinked those big transparent eyes, and said in amazement: “…what are you talking about?”

“No, I mean Brother Nan is really experienced, and I must communicate with him more in the future and strive to learn more experience.”

Chen Yi quickly changed his words, righteously speaking.

Nan Jiyue’s complexion was crimson, she turned her head to look out of the car window, but from the faint reflection of the window, she could still see Chen Yi who was driving, with a smile on his face.

Don’t assume that Miss Ben didn’t hear what you just said, you just take advantage of me, you!

But inexplicably, I was not angry at all, but a little bit happy, a little proud.

“Hey, don’t fail to learn from him!”

The little fairy took a sip.

Although as a girl, Nam Jiyue certainly does not want her future boyfriend or husband to raise a lover outside.

But being born in this kind of family, the surrounding environment is also the slutty life of those rich people, she sees this aspect more openly than most ordinary girls.

Because they are in different positions.

Just like those who fight on Weibo every day, they are the kind of people that Little Fairy looks down on most.

What are you doing on the Internet every day? A real person who has the ability to come and find me, sister, I won’t give you two punches directly.

She knows too well what it means to be full of doctrine, and her heart is full of business.

During the chat between the two, Chen Yi drove the car to the food court near the school.

The food courts near the university town are all prepared for students. It is absolutely civilian. What is it like to drive a supercar to eat a stall? This is how Chen Yi feels now!

The roar of the V12 engine burst on the side of the street. This is not a school. No one cares about it. You can do whatever you want.

Stop the car to the side of the road of the food court, directly occupying one-third of the road.

The campus of Shenyu is located in the university town. There are seven schools nearby. No one knows Chen Yi anymore.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t know Chen Yi, as long as you know Ferrari.

“Fuck, which school is that from? Does our school have Ferraris?”

“Who knows which school is from, it’s not our school anyway.”

“The men are so handsome, and the women are so beautiful…”

Some girls look very envious.

Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue walked together, and people couldn’t even give birth to the idea of ​​who should support the other. It is really the little fairy who is domineering, and the young lady’s aura is too strong.

She doesn’t have to please any man, she naturally feels confident.

People say that they are right, and this sentence is really true.

“Just ask me to eat this, is it dirty…”

Seeing Chen Yi taking herself to a streetside barbecue restaurant, Miss Nan just curled her lips.

However, he said no, but the body was very honest and walked in with Chen Yi.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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