Chapter 186 This man will eventually be unattainable

In the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Nan Jiyue sat next to Chen Yi, quietly looking at the Shili foreign market outside the window.

I don’t know what this little fairy is thinking.

She wears a boat-shaped hat on her head, her profile is exquisite and beautiful, her petite nose is crystal clear, and her vermilion lips are even more tender and charming.

The faint lip gloss shows a faint light, which makes people want to kiss Fangze and taste the taste.

The usually arrogant eldest lady calmed down at this time, and she was beautiful like a portrait of a beautiful lady in a water village in the south of the Yangtze River.

Chen Yi just stared at the girl’s delicate and graceful side face, and looked at her snow-white swan-like neck.

Finally, his eyes fell on the collar she wore on her neck.

I remember that Comrade Xiao Wang seemed to have bought a Cartier necklace of 50,000 or 100,000 as a collar for the dog.

And the one that Nan Jiyue wears on her neck is three million. If you add a rope to it…

Cough, don’t think about it, Miss Nan is a human, not a cute puppy!

Women’s touch is several times that of men, which is based on science.

Therefore, many girls can accept the touch of their boyfriends, but they will get hairy as long as they are touched by strange men.

Chen Yi’s gaze was too eager, and even made Miss Nan’s neck itchy.

She finally couldn’t see the boring metropolis scenery outside, turned her head to look at Chen Yi, and said slightly, “…what are you looking at?”

Chen Yi, who was wandering, was taken aback. He recovered, feeling a little guilty, and subconsciously wanted to look away.

However, Chen Yi still restrained his instinctive psychological reaction with strong self-control, and smiled at Nan Jiyue with a constant expression: “…It’s nothing, you look good on this collar.”

Well, what Chen Yi praised is that the little fairy is pretty, not that the collar is pretty.

Of course, Chen Yi would not say that what he was thinking just now was whether he could add a buckle to this neck ring and then pull a rope.

Nan Jiyue didn’t know the dirty thoughts in Chen Yi’s heart. She pursed her lips and said, “…This is the jewelry custom-made at Chanel last year. This is the first time I have worn it.”

Her tone was plain and flat, and she didn’t mean to show off at all. Isn’t it just a few million things? It’s really not a big deal.

This is completely different from ordinary people.

If a working-class person buys a 100,000-dollar watch and wears it on his hand, it is estimated that he will have to pull his sleeves all day long, for fear that others will not be able to see the watch on his wrist.

Chen Yi sighed in his heart, the life of the rich is sometimes so exaggerated.

Nan Jiyue may not wear such a multi-million-dollar thing several times in her life.

Except for some business activities or this kind of fashion circle activities, no one can wear such exaggerated jewelry every day.

Although jewelry is not like a dress, you don’t wear it once or twice.

But for a young lady like Nan Jiyue, this type of jewelry may be replaced with new ones the next time she participates in other activities.(Read more @

You can’t wear millions of things a few times. Compared with men playing cars and watches, women are really scary.

“What the hell were you talking about with my brother? Don’t think I didn’t hear what you called him…he dares to respond even when he arrives.”

The roots of Nanji Yue’s ears were red. She did not dare to look at Chen Yi. She turned her eyes out of the car window, her teeth biting her cherry lips.

“Brother Nan and I just chat casually.”

Chen Yi casually perfunctory.


Nan Jiyue was not really interested in what Chen Yi and Nan An were talking about, her mind was not there at all.

The little fairy is now sure that she is really interesting to Chen Yi.

It may even be the first boy she has ever met in her life.

Although the eldest lady speaks straightforwardly and does not speak through the brain, she is actually not the kind of person with a particularly thick-skinned face.

She is only too proud to care about other people’s opinions.

But when it comes to emotional issues, the eldest will be shy, so even if she knows this good feeling in her heart, she will never take the initiative.

I think her Nan Jiyue is top in every aspect, she doesn’t need to say her figure, appearance and family background.

Even the IQ is enough, otherwise it is impossible to be admitted to the 211 university of Shenyu.

In all aspects, it can be described as a top-notch eldest lady among women. Wherever she takes the initiative to pursue others, she has been waiting for Chen Yi to take the initiative.

If Chen Yi takes the initiative, she decides to give the other party a chance.

As long as he is not just for fun, but sincerely, and will not give up the pursuit.

Such a reserved little fairy didn’t mind letting him be her boyfriend.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Chen Yi must take the initiative to break up with that named Ruan Zhuyi, what she needs is an absolutely legitimate girlfriend relationship.

As for what happened after Chen Yi and Ruan Zhuyi.

Whether it is to continue to be his lover or to never see each other again, it doesn’t matter to her Nan Jiyue.

Even if they continue to be lovers, as long as they are not discovered by her, it will be treated as if it hadn’t happened.

But if it is found, I am really sorry, the little fairy will also make trouble.

Born in this circle, Nan Jiyue knew too much about the mess.

She even knew that her father actually had a junior outside.

But her mother has this attitude, as long as you don’t let me see it, and don’t do stupid things to make inheritance issues, then I don’t know.

Unless it’s the kind of man whose rise depends on the woman’s family conditions, or he is a son-in-law at home.

Otherwise, which of those rich men don’t play women in all kinds of ways.

There is no need for hundreds of millions of property, even those who have been acquainted by Chen Yi in the past who have reached the level of one million each have a very slutty private life.

And it’s not the vast majority of people, but all the people at this level that Chen Yi knows, all of them.

Those who say that even if they have money, they can be defenders, either they have already had enough to collect snacks, or they have no money to brag there.

Men get bad when they have money. There is really nothing wrong with this sentence.

It is precisely because the little fairy understands this that she sometimes chooses to close one eye.

In fact, on her terms, even asking her boyfriend or husband to make various demands is not too much, but—

Nan Jiyue secretly glanced at Chen Yi, sighing in her heart.

This man is a bit too good, and she feels it is impossible for her to hold him.

And Nan Jiyue has a hunch that his excellence has not been fully demonstrated.

Maybe in a few years, people will still see a better and more unattainable him.

What about the top rich second generation? In addition to inheriting the family property, they may not be able to maintain this huge family business.

But those who can climb to this class by their own efforts are the real bosses.

After thinking about it, Rolls-Royce arrived at its destination.

This time Chanel’s fashion show was held in Meiben, and the Victoria’s Secret show two weeks later is also here. This month’s Shencheng is really a variety of activities.

Just after getting off the car with Nan Jiyue, Chen Yi heard a female voice calling Nan Jiyue:

“Yueyue, I am here, waiting for you for a long time!”

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