Chapter 197 See literally

“Miss Marion, if you don’t detest my youth, you can tell me the unpleasant troubles you have encountered in your life.”

“…I think I’m still very qualified as a listener.”

“After all, this is China, a foreign country for you.”

“…No matter what you encounter here or what happened, it is to you what happened in the past, it is the memory of your past, and it will not affect your life.”

Chen Yi pondered the sentence, he took a sip of champagne, and just said.

His French is not fluent enough to be spoken as his mother tongue, so he doesn’t know if he has expressed his meaning clearly.

Or whether Mary heard what he meant.

Living in a foreign country will not affect your life, and Chen Yi’s deep temptation in just a few words.

Of course, sometimes the words cannot fully express their meaning.

Even the romantic lady of France may not be able to read the extraneous sounds of his words.

Therefore, after Chen Yi drank a sip of champagne, he stared at Marion with blazing eyes.

In those dark pupils, blazing and scorching exudes his appreciation of Marion.

And the kind of young people’s desire for mature and sexy ladies.

Marion has a cold temperament, and her brown pupils have a melancholy and non-literary taste.

No wonder she was taken by that genius director and starred in European literary and artistic movies.

“Ryan, how old are you this year?”

Marion picked up the wine glass, stared at Chen Yi with cold eyes, and asked with her moving voice.

“I am nineteen years old this year.”

In this regard, Chen Yi has nothing to lie.

Marion looked at Chen Yi in surprise, as if she hadn’t expected him to be so young.

After a pause, the cold-tempered French lady smiled slightly: “…I am 27 years old this year.”

Without waiting for Chen Yi to reply, she continued: “…Have you ever talked to Ryan? You don’t look like a nineteen-year-old boy at all.”

“…You are very mature and special. In my opinion, you are more like a twenty-seven-year-old, but you look so young.”

“It’s incredible, is this a special Eastern technique?”

Because my inner age is actually as old as you.

Chen Yi slandered.

He was not a mere college student, but a rebirth, who was about the same age as Marion before he was reborn.

And the system has brought him a temperament bonus, making Chen Yi look much more mature.

Previously, Chen Yi relied on this contradictory feeling to fool countless people.

“This is not an Eastern technique, Marion… You should say that I am unique.”

Europeans and Americans don’t know what Eastern introverted modesty is.

So Chen Yi didn’t have any humility at all, but rather confident, and even said such words with some pride.

Marion appreciates Chen Yi’s confidence.(Read more @

“I have something to say to you, the big boy.”

“…In this foreign city, maybe it is a good time to express your inner melancholy, and you can have no scruples.”

Marion was holding the lady’s cigarette, her long legs cocked, and the toes of her shoes pouring tightly under Yu’s feet.

She has short hair that is cold and charming, and she looks like a lonely fragrant flower for self-admiration.

“…But Ryan, don’t you think this is actually not suitable for talking?”

Marion smiled and looked at the surroundings.

Although it is quiet here, it is Chanel’s cocktail party after all.

And as a special guest of Chanel for a while, Marion will also participate in some activities before the end.

Even if the two are chatting speculatively and happy, the atmosphere is easily interrupted.

Chen Yi frowned. He just wanted to say that when the reception was over, when we were looking for a place to continue chatting, the phone rang.

I picked up my mobile phone and found that it was a call from Miss Nan.

Chen Yi immediately became a damn.

Miss, are you “catch the rape”? The timing of the call is great too!

Chen Yi gave a thump in his heart, but the eldest lady couldn’t fail to answer her call, so she had no choice but to press the answer button.

“Chen Yi, where have you been? Why can’t I find you anywhere?”

As soon as I answered, I heard the eager voice of the little fairy, as if Chen Yi was missing and scared her.

Chen Yi glanced at Marion in front of him, and said helplessly: “…I’m at the bar on the second floor.”

“Then wait, I’ll come and find you.”

After speaking, Nan Jiyue just hung up the phone.

Seeing Chen Yi’s rather depressed expression, Marion pursed her lips and smiled: “…Is that the little girl next to you before?”

“Well, she should have finished talking with the person in charge of Chanel.”

Chen Yi felt that when the eldest lady came, his idea of ​​wanting a passionate night might be out of play.

“Is she your girlfriend?”

“No, she is just a friend of mine.”

Chen Yi shook his head.

How can I say that I have a girlfriend at this time!

“I can tell that she likes you very much…”

Mary meant something.

“It’s a pity that she is too temperamental.”

Seeing Chen Yi’s regretful look, Mary chuckles.

She pinched out the cigarette butt in her hand in the ashtray, embroidered her eyebrows and said: “…I will leave China the next night.”

Chen Yi’s emotional intelligence is enough, and I can’t hear what Marion said.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately said, “…This is the first time you have come to China for Marion, right?”

“…It’s not easy to go to another country once. If you leave in a hurry, you won’t see many customs.”

“I think you may need a local tour guide to take you around and introduce you to the cultural feelings of some historical sites.”

“…I think my French is fairly qualified. I don’t know if I have the honor to invite you, Miss Marion, to go out together tomorrow?”

Seeing Chen Yi’s smooth climbing behavior, Marion just smiled.

Her cold eyes fell on Chen Yi, who looked like an unsmiling queen, but her voice was very lazy and sweet:

“…I also think I lack the company of a big boy like you, Ryan.”

She elegantly took out a perfumed notepad from her bag.

But Chen Yi took her notepad under her surprised gaze.

He took out a Montblanc pen from the neckline and wrote his name and contact information on it.

Writing contact information should have been the privilege of women, but Chen Yi just came up with the reverse operation.

Marion took the notepad handed over by Chen Yi with great interest and looked at what he wrote and said:

“…I can’t read Chinese, but I think your writing is very beautiful.”

“Well, it’s like a work of art. I like it very much. I think it will stay in my book forever as a memorial of having been here.”

Marion closed the notepad dearly and put it back in her Chanel bag.

Ms. France suddenly took the initiative, but Chen Yi was a little uncomfortable.

The handwriting he wrote is of course good-looking, but Chen Yi’s few few have reached level four, and he will practice every day, and he will definitely be able to reach level five skills.

The so-called face-to-face, writing good handwriting is very important, even though there are very few opportunities to write in this age.

At this moment, Nan Jiyue and Yu Xin happened to be here.

The Nanda Miss who saw Chen Yi was full of joy.

But after seeing Marion who was chatting happily with Chen Yi, her face immediately collapsed.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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