Chapter 199 Is my little fresh meat losing?

“Ryan, I didn’t expect you to come over so early in the morning.”

The restaurant of the Bulgari Hotel is also magnificent, with several waiters interspersed among the crowd, serving the guests.

There are not many people in the restaurant, only some elites in suits and shoes are dining quietly.

Watching the news with a mobile phone or iPad in his hand.

Someone once joked that in such a luxury hotel, I can only eat breakfast.

But in fact, this kind of luxury hotel is expensive even if it is breakfast.

After Marion saw Chen Yi, the corners of her mouth were only slightly raised. If you don’t observe carefully, you won’t find her smiling.

“I didn’t come here early in the morning, but I lived here yesterday.”

Chen Yi smiled and walked to the opposite of Marion, pulled the chair away and sat down.

“Oh? It seems that the message I sent you yesterday is wrong, I should send you my house number.”

The romantic Ms. France suddenly said ambiguously, her eyes were lazy and melancholy, and her gray eyes were full of coldness.

This kind of cold-blooded tea-related women provokes people, and it really makes men unbearable.

“That’s a shame, Marion… You should put the key card under the carpet at the door.”

Chen Yi joked.

“Unfortunately, there is no carpet at my door.”

She took a sip of the juice in front of her, and also joked, “…It seems that you didn’t have breakfast, do you want to eat it together?”

“Of course, skipping breakfast is unhealthy for the body.”

As soon as Chen Yi raised his hand, the waiter walked over and bent down to listen to Chen Yi’s words, “…give me the same breakfast as this lady.”

“Okay sir, please wait a moment!”

When the waiter retired, Chen Yi smiled and said to the French lady in front of him:

“…Even if Mary, you told me the room number yesterday, I’m afraid I won’t go.”

“Why? Ryan, you don’t look like a timid person, and you are very strategic.”

Mary asked with interest.

“The communication work at the dinner party is very tiring.”

“…And I know that you only arrived in China yesterday, and went to the show without a break almost without stopping. What you need more yesterday is a good rest.”

“…Although you are in very good condition, and there is no trace of fatigue in the spotlight, but I know that you were very tired yesterday.”

Chen Yi dexterously folded the napkin in front of him with his fingers, staring at Marion in front of him with a gentle smile.

He is not wearing that suit today.

Before coming to the Bulgari Hotel, he deliberately changed his clothes and put on the Chanel coat at the same time.(Read more @

Marion is probably not prepared to stay longer in China, and her clothes today are still the same Chanel suit from yesterday.

For a star, it is rare to wear a suit for two consecutive days.

It can only be said that she never thought of staying here for a few days from the beginning, so she didn’t bring other clothes.

Chen Yi also put on Chanel’s jacket because of the similar color and look like a couple’s outfit.

“Big boy, do you observe carefully like this? I really like your care and respect for women.”

“…But you have to know that sometimes men should be brave, otherwise they may regret it if they miss the opportunity.”

In front of her, she was a mature and cold lady with short hair and capable. She tilted her head slightly, as if she was giving Chen Yi advice on life.

And Chen Yi did not disappoint, and said bravely: “… Then Marion, what is the room number you are staying in tonight?”

The sudden change of Chen Yi’s style made Marion laugh.

She raised her slender eyebrows: “…it’s a pity, I’m afraid I won’t live here today.”

Um? What does it mean? Are you suggesting me?

Chen Yi is active.

Because you don’t live here, so live with me?

Chen Yi thinking this way did not answer the conversation. Sometimes it was not good to be too anxious.

Men want gentlemen, gentlemen in all aspects.

After a while, the hotel clerk brought up the breakfast.

Bacon, eggs, a fruit platter, two cups of fruit tea and coffee, two bowls of oatmeal, and then some European-style snacks.

This is a typical Western-style breakfast. It is also healthy. It is not easy to get fat but can be full. It should be said that this is specially selected by Mary.

As a star, she must keep in shape, and Chen Yi can only eat these things because she wants the same.

Even if it is breakfast, the dishes are very delicate and beautiful. Chen Yi looked at these breakfasts and said, “…Are you not used to Chinese breakfast?”

“This country’s food culture has a long history, but I really don’t get used to it.”

“…Of course, if you can get me accustomed to the big boy, that would be the best.”

Marion glanced at Chen Yi, picking up a knife, fork and spoon just like him, preparing to eat.

Hey, why is this woman so active all of a sudden? It’s not because she is too old to be dissatisfied. Let’s play with my little fresh meat!

Wouldn’t it be my loss!

Chen Yi slandered.

“French people are equally good at eating and good at eating. If I have the opportunity to go to France, I hope Marion you can take me to a French meal.”

Chen Yi said while enjoying breakfast.

After Mary swallowed the food in her mouth, she replied, “…I look forward to your arrival, Ryan.”

The two smiled at each other and continued to eat.

The two of them did not have ink marks for breakfast, but ate quickly.

After the meal, Mary leaned back in the chair and gently wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

She raised her head slightly, her elegant and charming eyes looked at Chen Yi and asked, “…that big boy, I will follow you today, where are you going to take me to play?”

“Shencheng has nothing to play, this is the most typical international metropolis.”

“…It’s not far from Suzhou. I’ll take you to the Suzhou gardens.”

“When you come to a foreign country, you always have to look at the architecture and cultural landscape here, don’t you?”

Although Chen Yi is proposing, it is more like a decision, and no one can refute it.

Marion didn’t refute, just shrugged and followed Chen Yi.

Driving all the way from Shanghai to Suzhou, she took Marion to the famous gardens in Suzhou.

These attractions look very boring, but in fact I only know that I have been there. If you want to learn about the culture of a country, this kind of place is the most suitable.

The combination of a man and a woman, a Chinese and a French, made many people stare curiously along the way.

But whether it is Chen Yi or Marion, they don’t care about the sight of others at all, as if they are used to it.

I don’t know if I should say it is fortunate or embarrassing, the European movie stars really know not many people in China.

If a big Hollywood star came here, the crowd would be crowded.

Regardless of whether it is Chen Yi or Marion, both of them have very good physical strength, and the time will be just right after visiting the garden.

With Marion Chen Yi, he rushed all the way back to Shencheng from Suzhou and headed straight to the Bund.

For Chen Yi, the night is the highlight, and the yacht he rented is there.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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