Chapter 219 Marketing hype, positive energy Chen Yi

In the luxurious Ritz-Carlton suite, there are several bottles of pure water from Norway on the table, each selling for hundreds of bottles.

A bottle of red wine that has been opened for tens of thousands of yuan, each grape worth thousands of yuan, wears a two million watch on his wrist.

Although it is not clearly stated how much these things are worth, as long as a knowledgeable person sees these furnishings and supplies, he knows how luxurious a person is.

These are the layouts of the surroundings when Chen Yi took a selfie in response to the video. He wants to use such tiny details to tell his daily life.

Those who understand will naturally understand, and will not question whether he is cheating money.

“I don’t want to respond to some things, but there has been a lot of noise on the Internet. The country now supports positive energy. If I do not respond, I am afraid it will bring bad effects to some minors.”

“…Today, I mainly respond to two points, one is about the so-called fraudulent donation issue, and the other is to respond to some people’s questions and questions.”

Sitting on the soft sofa, Chen Yi has a leisurely mind, leaning on the back of the chair, his expression is elegant and calm, and he has his own demeanor.

“These receipt documents are all my previous video revenue and the amount of people’s rewards, and these other documents are proof that I donated all these proceeds to major charities.”

“…As can be seen from the above time, I didn’t donate after questioning my video, but donated all the proceeds to charity a long time ago.”

“For these things, you can find a staff member at station B to prove that the amount is accurate, so I don’t want to say anything…”

“… And the cost of making those videos is my own money, which means that I made no profit for these videos, and I posted a lot of money.”

Chen Yi’s words were not impatient or impatient, and there was nothing to prove his intentions. He just used the most plain words to explain his previous doubts.

This quiet and long-distance attitude is in sharp contrast to the rush and irritability of the dark UP master.

“I have said so much about the question of whether to fraudulently donate. If there are still people who question it, it is recommended to go to elementary school again and learn basic Chinese grammar and mathematical logic.”

Chen Yi ridiculed it both salty and indifferently, and that is what I want to say, the attitude of who you love.

“The other thing I want to say is about some people’s questions…”

“Some people say this is a show, but what I want to say is that public welfare is my own business, and it is not the turn of others to talk about it.”

“… Some people are not only not rich in material, but also in lack of spirit. Donating money is not about the amount, but about the heart, and it will be done when it comes to goodwill.”

“Some people questioned why I don’t donate tens of millions if I have so much money.”

“…The so-called public welfare is to gather sand into a tower, and you can try every day for those who call for public welfare.”

“Or you can donate a small target of 100 million yuan first, and you haven’t done anything, so please don’t bark here.”

“You said that you didn’t do a low-key public welfare cause, and you said it was a show with a high-profile one. All the reasons really let you occupy it. This year’s netizens really can’t do it.”

“…Some people say that I am doing this for fame, ha, it’s really funny, all you need to be famous is profit, that is money, and for me, I already have this.”

“Why should I be thankless here and do things that are of no use to me.”(Read more @

Chen Yi took a sip of the pure water on the table, moisturizing his throat.

He has a free and easy temperament, a gentle smile, and a magnetic voice that makes people unconsciously listen to what he says.

“I don’t know why the UP owner questioned me, wanted to hack me, and I don’t know if you were instructed by someone or how much money you collected.”

“…Of course you don’t need to tell me about these things. I still value my reputation, so please go to the court and talk to the judge.”

“On November this year, I went to Sichuan and Chongqing, and I was shocked for the first time. I saw the hardships of the left-behind children and the widowed elderly in some impoverished mountainous areas.”

“…How many people before the video may not regard fast food like McDonald’s as a luxury for a long time, and even some girls would not be willing to give her these junk food in order to lose weight.”

“But in the poverty-stricken mountainous areas of Sichuan and Chongqing, I learned for the first time that there are children who haven’t eaten McDonald’s once. An ordinary Big Mac burger may be the most delicious food for him.”

“…By the way, I’m not advertising for the Golden Arch, and I don’t think I need to do it.”

Chen Yi just skinned as he talked.

“The prime minister said that there are 600 million people in our country with an average monthly income of less than 1,000. I didn’t believe it at first, but after seeing the really poor people, I finally believed it.”

“… This trip on November has touched me a lot. That’s why I have the idea of ​​doing charity. I don’t ask for how much I can do, I just ask myself to really do it.”

“Here, I would also like to suggest that everyone, if you have the opportunity, go out and walk more to see and see the world.”

“…It doesn’t necessarily require you to go to a foreign country for vacation. This is unrealistic, but just take a look at home and see what the real social reality is like.”

“It’s better than sitting in front of a computer, relying on information that is not true or false to drive your emotions.”

“…I don’t know anything better than myself, but I always feel that I am an expert in civil sciences.

“…I live a very rich life, so I can use millions or even tens of millions to do charity every year. If you are not rich, you can also use one dollar a day to do charity.”

“As I said before, public welfare projects are about gathering less and making more, gathering sand into a tower, not how much you donate, but whether you do it or not.”

“…I also hope that everyone can be a person who contributes to society and the country.”

“I also hope that those who are poor can have the opportunity to use their own efforts to walk out of their own future and leave the mountain.”

“After all, 2020 is coming. Let’s eliminate poor households and go straight to a well-off society.”

“…The above is what I want to say, and thank you all for wasting these few minutes to listen to me here, thank you!”

“As for those Internet blacks, they don’t have to go back to me, I really hate it!”


There is no eloquence, no passionate things, no deep-rooted speeches, just some of the simplest words.

However, Chen Yi’s video had millions of views in just two days, and it was directly on the website’s homepage and rankings.

Even this video went out of the circle, except for station B, it was also circulated on Weibo.

Although people don’t know what happened before, but when the sign of doing good deeds and doing charity is stuck on your head like a label, no one will dare to question you loudly.

Because this is true political correctness.

With thousands of barrage and comments, Chen Yi hasn’t published any company works yet, but he has already started to catch on.

Is fame useful? Of course it is useful, because now is the age of traffic.

You have fame, and even when you go to start a business, investors will come to you, because fame can really be exchanged for money and income.

Otherwise, there will not be so many self-hype.

Even Lei Jun of Redmi knows the importance of self-hype and self-promotion.

When Redmi produces its products, these reputations can be used, and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of advertisements can be made without spending a penny.

It’s just that because of age, people can’t be as high-profile and exaggerated as Chen Yi, and Chen Yi, who is less than twenty years old, can most be grounded and hype himself.

In this way, no matter what product Chen Yi does, his reputation alone will bring him huge profits and benefits, and these things can be converted into social status.

Unconsciously, Chen Yi has become a celebrity.

The labels of rich people, positive rich second-generation, charity, etc. have all been affixed to him.

Even if there is a professional marketing company, it is estimated that Chen Yi will be admired. He has done such a major event with almost no cost.

Marketing hype is the only magic weapon for business, and Chen Yi has also proved himself.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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