Chapter 221 There is no dream before capital!

Although many young people nowadays don’t watch TV much anymore, computers, mobile phones, iPads and the like are the things they will not put down in their hands.

But this is only in the group of young people.

In the eyes of the vast majority of middle-aged people and even the elderly, TV is still a must-have item at home. Without TV at home, there will always be a lot less taste.

In TV programs, the most authoritative TV station is naturally CCTV.

CCTV’s 20 free and fee-less stations together make up almost half of the entire domestic media market.

Each channel of CCTV has its own professionalism. Of course, a set of integrated channels is a big brother-level existence.

Programs that can be advertised or broadcast on a set are expensive and very important columns.

And even if it is not a set, as long as it is a program broadcast on CCTV, it is authoritative in the hearts of ordinary people.

Among these channels, social channels are most closely related to the lives of ordinary people.

If there is a set of news broadcasts, it will be known nationwide immediately after only a few seconds of appearance. Of course, Chen Yi didn’t want that.

As long as the show he wants can appear on the social facts channel, Chen Yi will be satisfied.

Just as Chen Yi thought, this show was got on the social channel by Han Bingbing or her father.

“Hello everyone, my friends, I’m Han Bingbing, a reporter from CCTV…”

Chen Yi watched TV a rare occasion. You must know that he never turned on the TV in the past——

Except when watching the World Cup!

On the TV screen, Han Bingbing appeared with a sweet smile.

Her eyebrows are trimmed extremely slender and sexy, and a pair of large watery eyes reveal a touch of purity, if it is the first love in people’s hearts.

Not long ago, Chen Yi met Han Bingbing in the Imperial Capital. Suddenly watching her host a program as a reporter on TV, it was really delicate.

Compared to the Han Bingbing who I saw that day, Han Bingbing on TV was more glorious and confident.

Her words are clear, her voice is sweet, and she is accompanied by a soft smile that makes people completely invisible, which only makes her heart beat.

“Bicycle sharing started last year and gradually entered every household. The concept of sharing is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.”

“…With the emergence of the concept of shared bicycles, various shared services and items have sprung up.”

“The shared bicycles have indeed brought convenience to many people and made up for the last mile of travel.”

“…Nowadays, you can see shared bicycles at all major subway stations and on the side of the road.”

“Every time it comes to and from get off work, there are office workers who flock to it, riding on shared bicycles to the next public transportation.”

With the microphone in his hand, Han Bingbing first talked about the benefits of sharing bicycles in front of the camera, which brings convenience to people’s lives.

However, this is called first raising and then lowering, just when people thought that this program was an ‘advertising’ for shared bicycles and introduced the convenience of shared bicycles, the screen shots suddenly everything.

A shocking scene appeared on TV.

On a flat area covered with weeds, thousands of shared bicycles filled the entire space like a mountain of garbage.(Read more @

Seeing the combination of weeds and dirty metal makes people feel like cyberpunk or even wasteland.

“My friends in the audience have seen it. This is a cemetery for shared bicycles. This is only a corner of the city. There are such cemeteries in many places in the city.”

“…These shared bicycles that are broken and cannot be repaired are so messy that no one cares about them and threw them here.”

“To deal with such a huge amount of garbage, an extremely rigorous garbage disposal mechanism is needed.”

“…I interviewed OFO and Mobike for this, but neither company will accept interviews.”

“It can be seen that the two companies did not anticipate this situation, nor did they have sufficient articles of incorporation and measures to solve this problem.”

As soon as the screen turned, it appeared that Han Bingbing wanted to interview the two largest bike-sharing companies on the market.

However, when the two companies heard that she was a CCTV reporter, and they had to interview about the disposal of shared bicycle garbage, all of them chose to refuse.

Chen Yi understands this too well. As a new-concept company, it must have imperfections, and the disposal of rubbish is one of them.

Why not deal with it? Because the cost is too high, so high that these two financing companies are simply unacceptable.

They can only rent some land, pile up all the rubbish here, and turn it into a scene of the city.

If you accept an interview and face some sharp questions from the reporter, it is easy to make mistakes, so it is better to refuse to come.

The next step is the conversion of countless pictures. Broken bicycles drifting in the clear river, bicycles randomly discarded on the side of the road, occupying roads and sidewalks, and bicycles randomly placed.

Anyway, after watching these pictures, it will give people a feeling that these shared bicycles are the culprit that destroys the beauty and cleanliness of the city.

After reporting on the destruction of the environment and the cleanliness of the city by shared bicycles, the whole program was cleverly cut to people.

Han Bingbing randomly interviewed some passers-by, and all citizens, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Liu, appeared on the program.

These citizens, without exception, are complaining that these shared bicycles occupy the roads and are placed without regulations, making the clean and tidy streets cluttered.

Occasionally, a few people would praise the convenience of sharing bicycles, and then they changed the conversation and said that the government should introduce policies to manage these bicycles.

Anyway, these interviews look very real. Although most people are scolding, they will also say two good things.

But as to whether it is really true, only the program team knows.

After all, editing is a good thing. Who knows how many people Han Bingbing interviewed before he found so many answers he wanted.

After interviewing passers-by, Han Bingbing went to interview some properties in the community.

This time all the property staff were swearing. After all, the appearance of these shared bicycles has made the property management of many communities difficult.

“Our community has prepared a new policy to prohibit these shared bicycles from entering this community.”

“…Yes, yes, these shared bicycles have made our community very messy, and many owners are complaining.”

“But we can’t throw it, let alone destroy it, we can only force it.”


A program, in addition to using the previous text description to say that the sharing of bicycles is good.

The next step is to use pictures and texts to focus on the huge drawbacks of these shared bicycles, and the pictures are more impactful.

It can be seen that the people doing this show are very professional, know where to focus, and clearly express the purpose of the show.

In the end, Han Bingbing ended the broadcast of the entire program with a thought-provoking sentence.

“In the beginning, a deposit of 299 yuan was required to use these shared bicycles. Although the deposit is now less, it is also 199 yuan.”

“…At the current bicycle price, the money is actually enough to buy a brand new and good bicycle.”

“For a company, it is understandable to charge a deposit, but this deposit is still a bit more expensive for ordinary people.”

“…And the security of these deposits is also a bit worrying. I don’t know if OFO and Mobike can really guarantee their own.”

After the program is finished, advertising time comes next.

Chen Yi sent a WeChat message to Han Bingbing after watching the show, thanked her, and invited her out for dinner after an appointment.

These programs are all released on CCTV’s Weibo.

Chen Yi originally planned to spend some money to hire the navy to spread rumors in the form of gossip, such as OFO’s deposit was embezzled, such as OFO not accepting audits.

This can cause some people to panic.

At the same time, he is also planning to find someone to write a soft article on WeChat, the name of the article is “Beware! “Deposit Scam for Shared Bicycles” and the like.

This stuff is most easily forwarded by those middle-aged grandpas and aunts.

As long as those who have a deposit in OFO, after seeing these contents, they will definitely be nervous, and most likely they will choose to return the deposit.

After all, 199 yuan or 299 yuan is not a small amount, this kind of software that can deposit a deposit at any time before going to ride a bike, in fact, the deposit is not that important.

It’s just that things are developing faster than Chen Yi imagined. He hasn’t even made any moves. Someone has begun to verbally criticize OFO.

Chen Yi knew that this was the big capitalists who had been smashed by OFO founders and finally couldn’t help but started to get rid of their skins.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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