Chapter 224 The circle of the rich second generation

The ‘Magic’ nightclub was full of excitement. The sparkling lights stimulated people’s excitement, and the fierce DJ sound made the whole venue noisy.

In a venue with a futuristic mechanical style, an unknown number of men and women are swaying with the music, venting the tremendous pressure of being overwhelmed by this society, or looking for fun.

Nightclubs are places where young people, white-collar workers, wealthy people and even college students have fun.

That kind of smog, full of punks, poisons, and the like, generally speaking of discos from the last century.

And now the high-end nightclubs and those discos are not the same thing at all.

Nan’an has long reserved a center, the most lively deck.

As one of the top nightclubs in Shanghai, it is quite difficult to find a good deck when you come here suddenly.

The boss here is also a person with a bit of identity background. The nightclub itself also has its own strict management. It is difficult for ordinary second-generation people to make trouble here.

Ten people sat down in the entire deck. Nan An and his sisters Nan Jiyue and Yu Xin were all known to Chen Yi. The remaining men and women Chen Yi met for the first time.

But don’t even think about it. If these people can play with Nanan, the family must be rich or expensive.

Little fairy herself doesn’t like nightclubs, but even the rich second-generation big night has no place to go. The place where you can play is more happy, that is, nightclubs.

At this time, Nan Jiyue looked extremely excited, sitting next to Chen Yi and chatting non-stop.

Occasionally drank a glass of wine and whispered to Chen Yi, or laughed with friends like Yu Xin, who I knew.

For this kind of gathering of a group of rich second generations, the value of wine has become a meaningless thing.

The so-called Shenlong set directly ordered four sets. Louis XIII put several bottles like white water, and various champagnes such as the flower of Paris can only be used as a foil.

After the two entertainers graciously peddled their horses here, their faces almost turned into chrysanthemums.

Some people dressed up like bodyguards were also called by these entertainers to surround the deck, in case anyone who didn’t open their eyes would disturb the interest of the young masters and ladies.

The girls in bunny costumes and the glamorous waiters all smiled, sending fruit platter and other things in an endless stream.

This ostentation immediately received the constant attention of countless people.

“Fuck, there is a group of rich second generations, right? The wine on their table is f*ck worth hundreds of thousands!”

“Just the wines I recognized, add up to 700,000, plus the other mess, this meal is not a small one million, it is estimated that it will not come!”

“The cliff is a rich second-generation. The fifty-one bottle of Louis XIII will be drunk as soon as you open it, and you don’t even think about it. If it is really a dick, who would drink this kind of wine?”

“You think too much. Even if Dio Si is fishing for a girl, it is estimated that she can’t buy Louis XIII and so many Shenlong sets, and she can’t make this scene.”

“Brothers come to nightclubs less often, don’t you? I will come a few more times in the future. It is not new to see rich second-generation, celebrity entrepreneurs and even celebrities here.”

“Then I can be regarded as playing with celebrities and rich people?”(Read more @

“Haha, that’s true, but people always take the big deck to go to the box, let’s just play in the small deck at the end of the game.”


A group of small groups dressed like college students and white-collar workers were chatting there, and their words were full of envy.

But there is not much jealousy, after all, now everyone is for fun, and playing is a joy. At this time, there is no spirit to be jealous.

“Look over there, sisters, it’s a real second-generation game. Who can get in there?”

A group of pretty good-looking girls gathered together, looked at the game located in the middle of the field with excitement, and started asking around to see who had the ability to get in.

There are always some “goddess troupes” who often come here to play in the night market. These girls may be white-collar workers from large companies or students from a certain university.

The private lives of these goddesses are not messy. It is very difficult to ask them out. Apart from relaxing, they also have the idea of ​​fishing for good luck and getting to know people.

These so-called goddesses, some Internet celebrities and professional PUA players, the most favorite is to get together with those celebrities or rich second-generation games.

Hundreds of thousands of wines are placed on the table and casually drunk, chatting with some celebrities and rich people casually, especially to satisfy people’s vanity, saying it is bragging capital.

I saw so and so today. I had a drink with him and talked about some things that weren’t. I drank hundreds of thousands of drinks. Others would definitely be envious of it.

If you are lucky, you can actually catch the rich second generation. Even if you can’t catch the rich second generation, just knowing these people is enough.

If you can get acquainted, these wealthy people may be able to help you solve those difficulties that are very troublesome for ordinary people, and even opportunities to make more money.

Social communication between people is everywhere.

“I know the receptionist very well, and I just asked about it. It seems that outsiders are not allowed to enter the game.”

One of the long and very beautiful girls said regretfully.

In the past, some wealthy male second-generation men ate and drank here, and they would find these women to accompany them for a drink.

You don’t have to use your hands or feet or do some activities at night. What you need is an atmosphere of men and women, especially all beautiful women.

If any second generation can ask people out, then that is your own ability. If you are accidentally cheated by a woman, it is also that you are too stupid.

But it’s a pity that today’s second-generation game seems to be different from the past. At least the few girls sitting there playing are not like accompany, but more like real ladies.

In this case, these “gods” really can’t get in. After all, women’s biggest enemy is also women, and it’s not enough to be ridiculed by these ladies.

Chen Yi was drinking and bragging there, and they knew the thoughts of the women around them.

The old drivers who come here often know the thoughts of those women too well.

If there were no Nan Jiyue, Yu Xin and others, Chen Yi, Nan’an, and those friends from Nan’an, they would definitely let a group of beautiful girls come over for a drink.

As for whether there is no meat left to be eaten by the fairies, or whether the monkeys fight against the bone spirits, or whether everyone is in peace, that is all showing their magical powers.

“Brother Gao can’t come over today if he has something to do, but Brother Gao said that next time he has a chance, he must invite you to play with Brother Chen. This time he will let me accompany you for a crime.”

Nan’an is the oldest in this small group, and is relatively stable. Naturally, it is like a big brother.

The brother Gao he was talking about was the son of the current director of the Shencheng TV station. When Chen Yi approached Nan’an before, he wanted to introduce the brother Gao to him.

“Haha, then it can only be said that this time there is no fate, but fate will be there next time.”

Chen Yi and Nan’an laughed and drank a glass of wine with each other.

There are men and women in the entire deck. Most of them are rich second generations. If the top 50 richest people in Shanghai are listed on the list, many children can be found here.

Of course, these people are not all the people Nan An knew in Shencheng, but they can only be said to have a relatively good relationship with him.

He completely accepted Chen Yi into his circle.

Except for these rich second generations, there are relatively fewer children in public officials’ families, and those people will be more low-key than anyone in some matters.

The girl sitting next to Nan Jiyue and Yu Xin may be the one with the largest position in the family.

This girl is called Cheng Xin, about the same age as Chen Yi. She is not very beautiful and she is not very proud, but rather shy.

Her grandfather is the current deputy director and deputy secretary of the Shencheng Public Security Bureau. This is Shencheng, not a small place. Although it is a city, it is calculated by the province.

This position is no longer low, and there is still a chance to rise, and it should barely be able to walk to the edge of the core of the imperial capital.

“Cheng Xin? This name is the same as the name of the heroine of the immortal god of death in Da Liu’s “Three-Body”. Isn’t it a pseudonym?”

Chen Yi asked the shy girl jokingly.

There is a basis for him to ask this question. A car accident in the imperial capital in 2012 could even be said to have changed the entire political landscape at that time.

The person who was involved in the car accident at that time used a pseudonym.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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