Chapter 23 Chen Shao, who played the cards in an unconventional way

Hermès bags are expensive and small in quantity. This brand has an extremely strict manufacturing process for its own bags. Each one is made by hand, using the best leather, and even has an extremely high level of color. The level of harshness.

The three most famous series of Hermès bags are Birkin, Constance and Kelly, known as BKC, the cheapest of which is about 50,000 to 60,000 yuan. Generally, men have no idea about the price of women’s bags, of course other luxury The brand’s bag price may not be so exaggerated, but Hermès is standing on the crown, and it is also the dream of countless women.

Because the output of these bags is limited, they are naturally expensive. In fact, the shape of these bags of Hermès is not very different. The new styles each year are generally only changed in details. The price of the bag is the most important in addition to the luxury premium and size. Look at the skin.

It’s like the TOGO leather asked by the lady who is asking the cabinet sister at the Hermès store. This is his introductory leather. The leather is bull, which is the cheapest type mentioned above.

However, things are rare and expensive, and because of this, the Hermès store has some bad rules when selling bags, that is, ‘distribution’!

What is distribution? Simply put, it is a bundle sale. If you want to buy a bag of 50,000 yuan, if you really come to the Hermes store with 50,000 yuan, no matter what bag you want to buy, the teller will definitely say no, just like the one in front of you. Lady like this.

If you really want to buy, then you have to match the goods, buy some other Hermès items and collect enough money, then they will sell you. Generally, the proportion of the goods is between 0.5 and 1.5. For example, buy a 5 Wan’s Hermès bag, you need at least 70,000 to buy, and the 25,000 requires you to buy other things in his house, which is still the least proportion.

Although this kind of bundling sales is not good, it has long become an unspoken rule between Hermès customers and sales. Everyone is tacitly aware, and it can be regarded as a promotion of B, which also makes those girls who have Hermès bags hold them in their hands. When the bag is more vain, Hermès has become a status symbol, and tellers also get higher commissions in this kind of bundling sales.

Therefore, Hermès bags are very popular in the second-hand market, because the second-hand market does not require distribution, and the bag can be used for a long time as long as it is well maintained. Some girls who have worked so hard to save money bit their teeth and bought a second-hand one. .

However, the distribution is not absolute. For example, in some small cities, the consumption level is not high. There is an Hermès store, or a certain package in the store has been overstocked for too long, so I will sell you directly. This situation is generally relatively rare. Fortunately, it is even more impossible to buy the one you like. Those that can’t be sold are unpopular or unsatisfactory in color.

This lady who came to Hermès to buy a bag should understand the doorway, she looked like she was trying her luck, Chen Yi secretly shook his head, this store is considered the largest store in Shanghai, how could it be here? Encountered that kind of luck.

As for the man’s embarrassment, I guess it’s because he is poor. Let him stand here on pins and needles. What a man fears is embarrassment. His girlfriend can’t buy a bag, and he has to be blinded by the teller. Who would suffer from ordinary men? , And if he was really rich, there would be nothing to do.

Chen Yi looked at it casually and found that both men and women are 27 or 18 years old, and may have an annual income of 200,000. At this age, this income is very good even in big cities, but even so In the face of these top luxury goods, you don’t even have the qualifications to be a younger brother. Buying a bag is so troublesome, because it costs tens of thousands of dollars to distribute the goods, and most people will bleed in their hearts.

It is so difficult for an ordinary person to buy a luxury item, but for those who are truly rich, these are basic living expenses. Don’t you see those top ladies? Are Hermes bags all in one cabinet? This thing is not a luxury at all for them, it is completely Chinese cabbage.

The life of the rich is really desirable.(Read more @

Chen Yi retracted his gaze and smiled at the salesman beside him: “…I choose clothes, and you hold them for me.”

This lady teller is also in her twenties and she has a very good temperament. According to Chen Yi’s score, if she wears makeup, she is definitely a beauty with a score of more than 80 and close to 90. She is wearing a decent professional outfit. It seems that I have had some basic deportment training. Yuqi, wearing a pair of silk stockings, is standing there, and it smells like a flight attendant.

Luxury stores like Hermès are the same as luxury hotels like Ritz-Carlton. They value the image and temperament of their employees very much. They are not necessarily the kind of particularly beautiful beauties, but they must have temperament.

At the very least, Chen Yi is sure that this sales lady is definitely the object of many men to please in her daily life.

The form of buying it with a big hand seems to have momentum, but it makes Chen Yi dislike it, and the leisurely picking style is more comfortable.

Well, this Odyssee T-shirt should be the cheapest one here, it’s only 3,000 yuan, the color is very good, it is suitable for matching, two colors, yellow and white, the same one.

The color of this COTEST 桖 is the kind of slightly deep pink. It is estimated that it is difficult for most people to wear it, but now I am a clothes rack, and I asked Leo to ask a collocationist to buy it or use it as a collocation and take it away. One piece is more than 8,000.

The round neck T-shirt of Rayures is classic black, but there is a circle of pink on the edge of the neckline, it looks very fashionable, 7800 yuan.

Hey, this ETUDET design is a bit incomprehensible, but it feels amazing, a dark color, a light color, and let the collocationist go and match it to me, a 14,000. Two pieces are 28,000.

It’s still summer. The clothes here are all spring and summer. You can’t just buy T-shirts. At least you have to buy some shirts. Cache slim shirts. The color is monotonous but very warm. It can set off a warm masculine temperament. 6,000 yuan to take away.

This CACTUS floral shirt looks very coquettish, suitable for handsome young people like me, 9500 yuan is also fine.

Many men don’t know how to match clothes, and Chen Yi is the same. Simply put, it is a straight male aesthetic. The pursuit of beauty is also a learning. You need to learn slowly and study hard.

But it’s okay. You don’t need to have money. You can find a clothing collaborator to help you match your figure. The premise of all this is to buy more clothes of different styles and colors so that the collaborator can choose.

Chen Yi just chooses randomly according to his favorite aesthetics. In fact, according to his current figure, these clothes are all designed by masters. No matter how they are worn, they will not be ugly.

The teller lady on the side was a little stunned. Seeing Chen Yi walking in the courtyard, her first thought was not that she met a local tyrant, but a liar, but with such a good temperament and such a handsome liar, she just didn’t know if he lied. Heart?

No way, a person wearing a street stall buying clothes in Hermès is probably a liar. This is why many people wear Hermès clothes and hold Hermès bags when shopping at Hermès, so that they can show identity.

The real rich man is not interested in the set of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Since people can look at you admirably, why do you want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Chen Yi didn’t embarrass the cabinet sister either. He took out a business card and handed it over, and said with a smile: “…send the clothes to me here then.”

Sister Cabinet took the business card and saw the font on it, her face changed immediately.

That is the business card prepared by Ritz-Carlton for the presidential suite customer. In case the customer goes out and buys a lot of things to be sent to the hotel, he also has to say the hotel name and room number by himself, and hand him a business card directly. It’s solved.

As a salesperson of Hermès, he naturally knows luxury goods, and he also understands the meaning of Ritz-Carlton presidential suite customers. How can a person who can stay in a presidential suite of 70,000 yuan a night be poor!

Immediately, the attitude of the teller became even more enthusiastic. If Chen Yi’s handsome appearance made her smile with a trace of sincerity before, then her smile is now all sincere and brilliant.

“Sir, your last name?”

While asking about her surname, Miss Sister also complained in her heart, why did she encounter such a rich young master who did not play cards according to common sense? Fortunately, there is still a chance to make up for it!

The pair of men and women who were still wrangling with the counter at this time also looked at this place dumbfounded. The other lady tellers were not stupid. When they found that something was wrong, Yingying and Yanyan immediately surrounded a large group of people, one by one. Rush to help Chen Yi get things.

Did you meet a really rich man?

The two thought in amazement.

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