Chapter 235 Support poor female college students

Chen Yi froze for a moment, and didn’t react for a while, and subconsciously caught the phone that Yu Zixi had handed over.

When he took the old cellphone in his hand, he realized that he remembered that he took a video of her when he was in her hometown in Sichuan and Chongqing before.

At that time, Chen Yi asked Yu Zixi to learn about video production and asked her to try to do post-production for that video.

However, Chen Yi’s work has been a bit busy in the past month, and this incident has never been remembered, and I have forgotten everything about it.

Had it not been for Yu Zixi to find herself today, it is estimated that Chen Yi would have really thrown the matter behind her head.

“The video is finished?”

With a mobile phone in his hand, Chen Yi looked at Yu Zixi, who was a little embarrassed sitting across from him, and asked with a smile.

“Well, you said that I can use the software on my mobile phone to make videos, but my mobile phone is too slow to do it… so I made it all on the computer in the school computer room.”

Yu Zixi revealed a shallow dimple and smiled lightly at Chen Yi, her large, curved eyes full of expectation and the girl’s innocence.

“Video made with a computer? Computer video software is very troublesome to use, would you use it?”

Chen Yi asked in surprise after hearing what Yu Zixi said.

“Computer video production software is a bit complicated. I am not accustomed to using computers, so I went to self-study, so it took so long to finish the video.”

Yu Zixi whispered, his voice with a faint Sichuan-Chongqing accent was very clear, like the stream of a mountain stream, flowing by.

“You even went to learn video production now…”

Chen Yi was a little dumb, but he also admired Yu Zixi.

A girl who can be so serious, dare not say that she will be able to become rich in the future.

But as long as Yu Zixi maintains this sincerity and persistence, it is still very easy to change his current class.

If she is willing, she will be able to leave the mountain village with her family after graduation.

It’s just that Chen Yi sometimes feels that Yu Zixi is actually more suitable to live in such a natural and magnificent environment, rather than living in this boring, seductive metropolis.

Chen Yi thinks that those nicknames are really wrong. Yu Zixi is like a fairy and should not eat the fireworks. As for Nan Jiyue, it is the real public service and enjoy the wealth and glory.

“You want me to help you see how the video is doing?”

Chen Yi pondered for a while and asked.


Yu Zixi nodded repeatedly, pursed her lips and smiled at Chen Yi, eyes full of expectation.

“Then what do you give me your phone?”(Read more @

Chen Yi was a little confused.

“I don’t have a USB flash drive, I have stored things in my phone.”

Yu Zixi replied quietly.

Well, it turned out to be the case. The USB flash drive is the same as cheap to modern people, and Chen Yi also forgot about Yu Zixi’s situation.

The girl is frugal every day, sending the saved money back home to her sister for school.

If it weren’t for Chen Yi’s strong request, sometimes she would give her a nutritious product. Maybe this girl would save even eating.

It’s a lesson to trade your body for money when you are young, and use money to buy your body when you are old.

Chen Yi took out Apple’s laptop from the bag on the side. In terms of office work, Apple’s laptop is indeed better to use.

Although Yu Zixi’s phone is Android, there is also special software in the computer. After opening it, I connected to the phone and extracted a video from it.

Under Yu Zixi’s expectant gaze, Chen Yi put on headphones and opened the video to watch.

“The BGM is good, it has an ancient style, and it matches the video content very well.”

“…The filters used for color matching are a little weird. Next time, use some light tones. It’s best to brighten the entire video.”

“The text is not bad, but there is always a kind of earthy taste.”

“…Well, there is also a problem with the video angle, but it has nothing to do with you, it’s because I didn’t shoot it well.”

Chen Yi watched and commented.

Yu Zixi followed his words, smiling and rejoicing for a while, and a little sad and sad for a while, vividly showing the face change in Sichuan and Chongqing.

“Overall, it’s pretty good. For a novice, this video is already qualified.”

Finally, Chen Yi took off the headphones and smiled and gave such a conclusion.

“Of course, there are still many areas that can be corrected. Whether it is shooting techniques or post-processing, there are many areas that can be improved.”

Seeing Yu Zixi’s face changing there, Chen Yi just felt funny and seriously affirmed her efforts.

“I, I will try to continue correcting next time.”

Yu Zixi lowered his head and said, just like a student who was the only promise in front of the teacher.

next time……

Chen Yi shook her head. This girl was taken into the ditch by herself. She didn’t want to think about why she wanted her to do this.

Although the child is a little stupid, he doesn’t seem to know why Chen Yi asked her to do this. It was only because Chen Yi requested that he worked hard, but Chen Yi still had to give her an explanation.

“Now is the age of entertainment to death, I know Zixi, you want to change your living environment and the living conditions of your family.”

“… But to be honest, simply wanting to rely on a university will not make you completely change.”

“Look at how high the housing prices in this city are now. Even if you are a graduate of Qingbei, how many years will it take to buy a house?”

“…I don’t want you to go slant, but in this age, if you want to live a better life, you have to find a way out that suits you.”

“When I was at your house, I looked at the way you were cooking, and suddenly I was inspired. I felt that you can make a fuss about this. You have this condition and this ability.”

Chen Yi explained very seriously and said very realistic things.

Compulsory education is indeed the best way for people to change their destiny. However, it is difficult for the poor to have a precious son. If you want to really change your life, you must grasp the context of the times.

It may be difficult for people to start a business, but if you just make some short videos and get a share of this emerging track, as long as you have the creative ability and grab the points that people like, it’s not difficult.

Especially when the track is just getting started.

“I don’t understand what you said, but I know Chen Yi you are good to me…whatever you ask of me, I will work hard to complete it.”

Yu Zixi stared at Chen Yi very seriously, her clear eyes filled with trust in him.

This left Chen Yi not knowing what to say for a while.

If I pit this girl, it is estimated that her life will be completely collapsed, and the depression will be mild, and maybe she will commit suicide.

A pure female college student from the countryside of a mountain village believed in a man with absolute trust, but was deceived by others for nothing. That would definitely be a huge blow to life.

Fortunately, Chen Yi feels scumbag, but he is still a good man.

Chen Yi lowered his head and looked at the worn-out mobile phone in his hand, and said, “…I’ll buy you a mobile phone and a laptop.”

Since I am so rich, of course I should help poor female college students!

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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