Chapter 240 Lie to krypton is king

Looking at the meeting room in a frantic state, Chen Yi’s mouth raised slightly. Just as he was about to say something as the boss to quiet everyone, he suddenly thought of something.

Immediately, Chen Yi took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat, found Nan Jiyue’s profile picture with her own photo, and sent a message.

Chen Yi: “Little fairy asks you something, my company’s game is online today, did you play it? How much do you get if you play it?”

This is what Chen Yi suddenly thought of. It is not impossible for her to have 280,000 krypton gold alone for the wealth of the local tyrant, Nan Jiyue.

If this girl really earns 200,000 yuan by herself, Chen Yi won’t have to cry to death.

It turns out that the 280,000 hourly running water of my game was actually produced by one person. In fact, not many people play the game at all, let alone many people krypton gold.

This is really the whole server alone!

Although for this kind of card-drawing mobile game, especially a game that has just launched, it is almost impossible to get two hundred thousand krypton gold.

Even if your luck is bad, a krypton gold 10,000 can get all the characters in the new server.

Now the upper department requires that the card drawing rate of mobile games must be accurate, and coupled with the game guarantee mechanism, even if the non-chief is at the beginning of the game, 10,000 krypton gold is enough.

Of course, unless Miss Nan Jiyue is the kind of non-Chinese non-Chinese, then let’s talk about it differently.

Chen Yi didn’t make Chen Yi wait long. It is estimated that Miss Nan Da was holding a mobile phone at this time, and she immediately responded to the message.

Nan Jiyue: “The game you made is online? Why didn’t you tell me in advance?”

Chen Yi was shocked after seeing the news from Nan Jiyue.

Just when he was about to say, “I didn’t do so many announcements, you can’t see it on Weibo at station B.” He suddenly remembered that he didn’t really tell Nan Jiyue about the game he made. What’s the name.

Chen Yi: “The name is “Tomorrow’s Ark”. You often go to station B and Weibo. You should have seen my ads, so hurry up to download and play.”

“Also, if you have krypton gold, don’t have too much krypton. My company needs accurate data on the first day, so don’t brush the data for me.”

Chen Yi still reminded this little fairy. In the past, Chen Yi didn’t believe it at all when he heard that someone could spend millions of dollars on games.

But since he met Nan Jiyue, he really believed it, because a small amount of money like a million is really not a lot of money to Miss Nan.

Nan Jiyue: “Who knows what garbage game you are doing, I want this fairy krypton gold to be so easy.”

“I can be very picky, junk games are not worthy of krypton gold!”

Looking at the rather arrogant words from Nan Jiyue, Chen Yi just smiled and said nothing.

He just raised his head and clapped his hands, and the whole meeting room was immediately quiet.

Chen Yi can see that the neutral company managers in the entire conference room have a lot of admiration in his eyes.

Although a rich second generation will be envious and jealous, few people will admire it, and will only say sourly that this is because he gave birth to good, his parents are great.(Read more @

But when one person succeeds, everyone will immediately change their mindset, full of awe and admiration.

It is the instinct of every human being to worship the strong.

Obviously, Chen Yi now has the support of these people and has greater authority.

A successful label gives Chen Yi the confidence to do the next thing.

As long as he continues to be successful, Chen Yi can truly rely on his own prestige to stand on top of the crowd after he has done something big.

At that time, Chen Yi dared to say that he really had a social status.

He uttered a word casually, and there may be countless people trying to figure out and analyze whether there is any deep meaning in his words.

“Well, everyone is quiet, the first hour’s results are out, and we can relax for the time being.”

“…But letting go does not mean being able to relax. I hope you will continue to persevere for the next twenty-four hours.”

Chen Yi didn’t speak quickly or slowly. In fact, there was no change in the way he spoke, but in the eyes of other people, Chen Yi suddenly became uniquely majestic.

Mainly this time Chen Yi is the real game master planner. He is not purely paying money to give the game to others.

It is not a big miracle that this result can be achieved in game production for more than two months.

Everyone nodded again and again, they knew that the next twenty-four hours were very important, and there must be no mistakes in the game.

Although it has been tested internally, the test time is too short. Who knows if there are any big bugs that will affect the entire game.

If there is a big bug, they must work overtime to solve it. Otherwise, a game that catches fire may die because it is too slow to solve the problem.

“Also, if someone asks, they will say that our game is actually prepared for a year.”

Chen Yi reminded again.

Making a game in more than two months is not a gimmick that brings traffic, but a big problem.

People will only think that their company is a pitfall, but this time it’s luck that the game has gone viral, which is actually a black spot for the company.

“Understood, boss!”

“Knowing Mr. Chen, we know how to say it.”


The management nodded repeatedly, patted their chests one by one to make sure.

Now who dares to say that the company is not, who dares to say that the game is not, who dares to say that Chen Yi is not, it is estimated that they will be the first to jump out and pick him.

Why? Because they saw the money!

The 5% profit distribution, although it is estimated that each of their entire management will get 0.5%, but for these ordinary people, that is a lot of money.

It can be said that as long as “Tomorrow’s Ark” does not die violently, these people will not leave the company even if you stab them with a stick.

After leaving here, where can I find such a generous boss? Can’t find it at all!

Even if the monthly net profit of this game is only 10 million, each of them can be divided into more than 50,000, which is more than their monthly salary, and the annual dividend is 600,000.

And from the current stage, how can the net profit of this game be only 10 million per month!

In fact, if the game turnover in the first month is only 150 million, then it is really impossible to return the cost of game production.

If you calculate carefully, you will find that the monthly cost of mobile games is not low, and the most tricky one is Apple.

“In the coming days, don’t slacken your efforts. You all know that the game released this time is a castrated version at best, and other content we designed should also be updated and launched as soon as possible.”

Chen Yi reminded again.

After more than two months is too rush, the online content of the game will naturally be less.

Mainly the main task part of the game, because the tower defense level is relatively troublesome to do, so this time the main task of the game is only the first two chapters.

If the game is really hot, in order to be able to maintain the flow, the game must be updated faster.

And in order to deceive Krypton, Chen Yi also deleted some content, such as the function of changing tickets for high-star characters.

If Gaoxing’s card can be easily exchanged, it will reduce the flow for a game!

If it weren’t for fear of being scolded, Chen Yi wouldn’t even want to join the ten consecutive draw guarantee function.

Make people pay as much as possible. This is what capitalists should do.

But anyway, Chen Yi can feel relieved for the time being.

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