Chapter 257 Trainee Inspector

A group of junk youths lay on the ground crying and howling, looking at Chen Yi with horror.

A few people didn’t actually feel as painful as they thought, but all of them were lying on the ground and afraid to get up, shivering.

No one was a hero at this time, and these junk youths were not heroes at all.

Chen Yi stood alone, and a dozen people lay down beside him. This was like a scene in a movie, which gave people a strong sense of shock.

In particular, there are some trash girls sitting on the ground and crying. The miserable voice is simply the most appropriate BGM, making everyone watching Chen Yi feel in awe.

“Awesome, buddy, you are so awesome, you have a good fight, beat them to death!”

At this time, some of the onlookers clapped and applauded. As soon as Chen Yi heard the accents of these people, he knew that he was not a native of Xiangjiang, and he should have come here from the mainland to study.

Many people are full of enthusiasm. Seeing the trash notices posted by these trash youths, can they really be regarded as turning a blind eye?

In fact, many people are filled with righteous indignation, but the vast majority of people will not take action. Apart from their own inability, they also have the idea that more is worse than less. This is the truth for most people.

Now that Chen Yi stood up and did what they wanted to do but didn’t dare to do, it was naturally a shocking applause, with excitement and admiration amidst shame.

For those who just watched and didn’t stand up, Chen Yi didn’t have any contempt. After all, people always care about their own safety first, and escape when they encounter problems. It is normal behavior to treat them as invisible.

Those who can come forward regardless of their own safety can already be called heroes to some extent.

Therefore, Chen Yi admired the man named Yang Tiantian very much.

Yang Tiantian is not like Chen Yi, because he has a master-level Maga technique in his body, so he can take care of his leisure.

He himself dared to face these trash youths on his own. Although this behavior is not sensible, his courage is worthy of everyone’s admiration.

Chen Yi nodded to Yang Tiantian, walked to Yu Jinyu’s side, and pulled the bitch up.

Grabbing Yu Jinyu Haobai’s wrist, Chen Yi patted the dust on her body, and said with concern: “…Is it all right, bitch?”

For Yu Jinyu, Chen Yi really loves this moment.

The bitch didn’t know that Chen Yi had this fighting power. As a girl, she stood up bravely and stood in front of him, for fear that those trash youths would harm him, and even didn’t care about his personal safety.

And the bitch is courageous and strategic. It is not irrational to line up with those junk youths. They will use their advantages as a female to put themselves on the moral high ground.

This bravery and resourcefulness made Chen Yi feel that even without him, a bitch can live a good life in the future life on his own.

Of course, you don’t need to think about directly crossing several classes. It’s not the so-called cleverness and courage that can succeed. Sometimes you need noble people and opportunities.

“I still have some pain.”(Read more @

Yu Jinyu showed an expression of weeping, and the tears fell down when she was really rusty.

She clearly knew that the matter was not over yet, and she couldn’t seem to have nothing at all at this moment, and she was still performing there.

Just watching her wink her beautiful eyes at Chen Yi secretly, Chen Yi knew that she was all pretending, but in fact she didn’t even have a bruise.

Chen Yi also continued to pretend to care about her, and from time to time he stared at the junk youths lying on the ground.

Seeing Chen Yi’s eyes staring, all those people shuddered, and the whole person was utterly imaginary.

Sure enough, waste can only be waste.

“My buddy, you are so skilled, you have to practice for many years before you have this technique, not much to say, it’s awesome plus!”

Yang Tiantian approached Chen Yi at this time and said excitedly: “…get to know, my name is Yang Tiantian, is your female partner okay? Would you like to take it to the hospital first?”

Yang Tiantian didn’t know that Yu Jinyu was acting, so he asked with concern there.

Without waiting for Chen Yi to reply, he was very anxious and said: “… Brother, don’t worry, it was their hands that acted first. You are a legitimate defense and you are absolutely fine.”

“…Even if it is your first hand, I have to make you all right!”

Yang Tiantian patted his chest to ensure that he was driving over with a Lamborghini, and his family was definitely rich. Therefore, at a glance, he could see the luxurious clothes on Chen Yi and Yu Jinyu, and the million-dollar watch.

But even if he knows that Chen Yi is rich, there is a saying that the dragon does not crush the ground.

It is not easy for the Raptors to cross the river. As a mainlander, Chen Yi may suffer here.

And he, a local person, is different, especially the rich and powerful people in the local area, facing a few poor students, there are ways to concoct them.

Regardless of the jubilation of these junk youths two years later, they mainly targeted the local managers. For the credibility of the management, there are many methods that can not be used at all.

But the capitals don’t care so much, they don’t need credibility, so the methods are more ruthless.

“Thank you, my girlfriend is fine, so I don’t have to go to the hospital.”

Chen Yi smiled and nodded with Yang Tiantian.

Only then had the opportunity to look at this Yang Tiantian.

He is not very tall, about 1.75 meters tall. He looks very thin, but he is dressed very fashionably. His hair has been burned, and he has stud earrings on his ears.

At first glance, it looks like the kind of unemployed people who run around on the street.

But looking at him driving a Lamborghini, the clothes he wears are also high-end brands, and he is still a ‘Roolier.’ In this case, he is not a gangster, but a rich second-generation idler.

But who would have thought that this rich second-generation, who has a rather non-mainstream style, is a very courageous angry youth?

It can only be said that people can’t show their appearances.

At this time, Chen Yi will naturally give a bitch face, and directly define her as his girlfriend.

Yu Jinyu also showed joy after hearing this. Although she knew that this was all fake, she hugged his arm directly, her face was full of joy, with a very affectionate look.

Yang Tiantian was envious when he saw it. Just now, Yu Jinyu took the initiative to stand up and defend Chen Yi’s scene, and he saw it all. He felt that such a girl was worthy of giving affection.

At this moment, just as it was in the movie, the Hong Kong Police Department arrived late.

But in fact, they have arrived very quickly. After all, it didn’t take a few minutes for these Sirs to arrive here after the onlookers called the police.

Seeing people coming from the police station, the crowd of onlookers immediately separated a road. A total of five police officers came. Chen Yi was surprised that the leader turned out to be a woman, who looked not too old.

Especially this lady is wearing a white shirt with a white bear strip and a collar flower. The epaulettes have a flower pattern and the HKP seal.

This dress and the flower represent that this female police officer is also a trainee inspector.

For such a small matter, the trainee inspector came directly. It is estimated that the place where the incident happened was at Xiangjiang University.

After all, as the best university in Hong Kong, the maintenance of public order here is very important.

Seeing people coming from the police station, the trash youths quickly got up from the ground, crying and crying: “…Sir, these inland boys beat people!”

A group of junk youths pointed at Chen Yi. Although Yang Tiantian didn’t do anything, he was also pointed in.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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