Chapter 293 Become famous all over the world

The next day, Chen Yi got up from the soft big Ritz-Carlton bed. After a few hours of rest, he had recovered all his energy.

After walking to the marble washbasin with clear lines and washing up, Chen Yi put on his bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom to the luxurious living room of the presidential suite.

Leo was notified, and it didn’t take long to see Leo pushing the dining car, bringing Chen Yi an extremely rich breakfast.

Yesterday Chen Yi was a little late after all, and he naturally woke up a little later today, but even so, this is the time when the plan for a day lies in the morning.

Sitting at the dining table, Leo called two beautiful waitresses, and the three stacked the small but delicate breakfast on the table.

The two waitresses in uniforms peeked over from time to time without paying attention. Chen Yi turned on the tablet computer and started to read yesterday’s company briefing.

A boss may not need to worry about things, but you still have to do things like watching the company briefing, otherwise the boss will be too unqualified.

The company’s financial briefing will be sent to the investment bank team hired by Chen Yi on time every day.

It was then filtered by the top students with rich experience in the financial field from the world’s top universities, and then summarized and sorted by the secretary of Han Yifan, and the briefing that was finally sent to Chen Yi was really ‘Jane’.

For office workers, software such as EXCEL and PPT must be used proficiently. Although Han Yifan is a man, he is also very delicate in this aspect. The various forms sent look very clear and clear, and he does pretty well. .

The secretary drew key symbols on some key figures, which allowed Chen Yi to read these presentations without having to look at the messy things. As long as he saw the changes in these values, he could get a rough idea of ​​the company’s situation.

Now Chen Yi has only one company operating, and the volume is small. These briefings are very simple to do, but if Chen Yi’s company becomes large enough, these daily briefings will become extremely complicated.

If there is no professional person to organize the excerpts for him, I am afraid Chen Yi will not do anything for a day, just read the report every day.

Hiring such a professional team that costs tens of millions of dollars a year is Chen Yi’s precautionary plan, allowing him to familiarize himself with the possible future life in advance.

I looked at the newsletter roughly, and there was nothing new in the content, and then Chen Yi saw that there was still a manuscript in his mailbox.

Open it up and take a look at the news reports of major African media compiled by Han Yifan.

For these news reports, he himself extracted the important parts, accompanied by pictures and the source of the report, so that even if Chen Yi wanted to read the original report, he could find it directly.

And Han Yifan also thoughtfully summarized the key points of these reports, so that Chen Yi would not read the long articles. Maybe he didn’t know that Chen Yi’s English was actually very good, and he also translated these reports.

This is not a small project, and it is estimated that it will take Han Yifan a lot of time and energy to do it every day.

Yesterday Chen Yi just informed him that today he got something decent. He is very satisfied with this subordinate Chen Yi. At least he is right with his million-level annual salary.

If he can always maintain the enthusiasm and care of this job, as long as he is loyal enough, Chen Yi feels that he might not be able to help him in the future.(Read more @

Don’t underestimate the position of secretary to the chairman of a listed company. Someone who started his own business and had a wealth of several billions used to be the secretary of the chairman of a listed company.

Chen Yi was watching these reports while eating breakfast. After reading the news, he thought about it for a long time, and finally he didn’t find any breakthrough here.

It seems that the African report reported by the system is not here, but there is no need to worry about this. Let Han Yifan do it every day. As long as Chen Yi is diligent in thinking, he will definitely find what he needs to complete the task.

After breakfast, Chen Yi sent a message to Han Yifan, saying that he was very satisfied with his work, so that he could be affirmed by his leader.

After doing this, Chen Yi just lay down on the sofa. He didn’t want to go anywhere today, so he wanted to take a good rest here.

When I opened Weibo and was about to scan Weibo, Chen Yi was attracted by the push from Weibo.

[Give him a thumbs up, a college student sees righteousness and bravely subdues the wounded doctor gangster# Thumb#]!

“Shencheng police reported that a malignant medical incident occurred in the ophthalmology department of Shencheng Hospital yesterday. The patient’s family member Li (male, 42 years old) was dissatisfied with the operation arrangements. The doctor with a knife will communicate with the doctor and another patient who is seeing a doctor. Chopped.”

“…At a critical moment, a college student fought bravely against the gangster and finally captured the gangster. After receiving the police, the security booth in the financial district of Shencheng quickly went to the scene to control Li. At present, the person has been criminally detained in accordance with the law and the case is progressing. At work.”

“Please forward it a lot, and promote positive energy for the sake of righteousness!”

Yesterday’s event was such a big event that Chen Yi had expected the news on Weibo and the newspaper Chen Yi, but after seeing the direct push on Weibo and the media that sent the news, Chen Yi was still shocked.

“Ten, tens, trillions…”

Chen Yi counted the number of fans of this media with his hands, and finally counted to nine digits, with a total of 120 million fans.

Although this number has a lot of water, but just by the number of fans, you know the weight of this media, because its name is People Daily!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this media is the largest official media for the public, and it is truly one of the top ten newspapers in the world.

On Weibo, this media will post some very formal news content, such as Chen Yi’s righteous actions, and even this kind of traumatic incident that happened is not the only one. In its Weibo, it actually reported it. Many similar cases.

But this time is different from before. The number of replies and reposts under those cases is one or two thousand. After all, with so many domestic media, people actually prefer to watch gossip news rather than serious news.

It’s just that this Weibo related to Chen Yi is like a hand pushing behind it. Not long after it was posted, Chen Yi saw that the number of reposts had reached tens of thousands, and the number of comments had exceeded 2,000. Click Likes are even more exaggerated.

Even the People’s Daily, the number of reposts and comments on such a Weibo is a bit too exaggerated, as if someone wants to push Chen Yi out and commend it.

With the People’s Daily taking the lead, the major media are rushing to forward comments. Hongguang Pavilion, People’s Daily Online, World Wide Web and other large media have also released news, and Tuan Tuan even issued a “Youth is strong, the country is strong”. Small feature article.

It seems that today is a publicity day.

After reading this, Chen Yi was also a little dumb.

It’s not that right, we just bravely done a good deed, how did we do it just like I saved the earth?

Although vomiting in his heart, the expression on Chen Yi’s face is full of pride.

Some people always like to be low-key. If it is an older person, it is okay to be low-key, but if it is a young man like Chen Yi, low-key is not all good.

Because of their young age, they will be despised by others, and even when evaluating some important titles, their young age will become a constraint.

But with fame, let the masses know it, so being young will bring an advantage instead.

The traffic that this incident brought to Chen Yi and the possible future profit and income, these are actually trivial matters.

This time acting bravely is absolutely positive energy. He can put a label on Chen Yi in front of the people of the whole country. As long as he has the label and the capital to be known, then many things will be able to work.

In this environment, purely doing business is not feasible, so how can we get a little sidekick with politics.

Although Chen Yi doesn’t know if the Han family contributed to this incident, the benefits to Chen Yi outweigh the disadvantages of such a big fanfare.

He is not an Internet celebrity. Even if he is famous, he will not be watched by people. So he does not have to worry about life problems. The hidden benefits of these positive reputations are very big.

It is estimated that Chen Yi will soon become famous because of this incident.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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