Chapter 295 Return to the Imperial Capital

“Hey, Mom, what’s the matter if you call me?”

Chen Yi sat upright and recovered from the entertainment mood she had just watched Weibo. His mother called him at this time. Chen Yi also guessed what his mother was going to do.

“Xiao Yi, where are you at school now?”

My mother’s gentle voice came through the phone. Although Chen Yi would call her mother from time to time during this period of time in Shencheng, Chen Yi’s heart was still calm when she heard her voice.

Chen Yi’s mother worked as an accountant in a public institution. She had an organization and was not very busy at work. Although her income was not particularly high, she was still at a well-off level.

His father was similar. He worked in an agency, but he was a grassroots staff, and his money was not high enough. The only advantage was that he had an iron job, so he didn’t have to worry about losing his job someday.

Only people over 30 will understand that working in enterprises and institutions has the benefit of iron rice bowls, because people over 30 will be confused and worried about what they will do in the future if they don’t get out of their lives.

However, there are only a few people who come first. It’s like there are always more grassroots and fewer cadres in a company, and where are the employees who are at the same time as the management? Naturally it was eliminated.

Chen Yi’s family has a residence in the Imperial Capital, and it is also an Imperial Capital account. His parents are healthy and worry-free. To some extent, even Chen Yi without the system can be regarded as a high-quality man.

Of course, this kind of high quality can only guarantee a basic life. If you want to enter a higher class, it is impossible to get in touch with the ladies and the rich and beautiful.

“I’m not at school now, I’m outside.”

Chen Yi looked at the luxurious environment of the Ritz-Carlton Presidential Suite around him and said.

“Well, pay attention to safety outside…”

Mother Chen first asked Chen Yi, and then worried: “…I heard that you seem to have done something good?”

As soon as Chen Yi heard it, it was so secretly. The mother called at this time and it was really related to what happened yesterday.

Even Chen Yi could guess that someone must have told his mother about this, because although his parents would go online, they would never play Weibo or something. It is impossible to receive news so quickly.

He calmed down and said casually, “…Mom, you mean what happened yesterday? A friend of mine is in danger. I can’t watch people get killed. Of course, I can help as long as I can.”

“…I can be regarded as brave enough to do what is right.”

But Chen’s mother was not interested in Chen Yi’s bravery. She was just worried and said: “…You, you, I have watched the video too, why are you so stupid that you rushed forward? People have a knife in their hands! “(Read more @

“…If something happens to you, what should I do with your dad! Next time you don’t be so impulsive. If you can hide from such a thing, don’t do it!”

Listening to the muttering words of his mother, Chen Yi felt warm in his heart.

For parents, they don’t necessarily need their children to stand out. They care more about their children’s health and safety. Compared with winning awards for righteousness, Chen Yi’s safety is what his parents care about most.

Although it is not good for the whole social environment that the mother can hide from the situation, the parents will not care about it. Maybe this is the so-called relative.

Said that the last one who was more worried about Chen Yi’s safety than his handsome performance was the girl Nan Jiyue.

Of course, Chen Yi would not be stunned with his mother in this regard. He smiled and said: “…I know, Mom! Next time I encounter this kind of thing, I will not just rush forward stupidly.”

When Chen Yi said this, Chen’s mother was finally relieved.

Then she listened to Mother Chen again: “…The one in the video is really you? You have grown taller and stronger.”

Hearing what his mother said, Chen Yi sighed in his heart. He originally planned to go home during the winter vacation. By that time, after half a semester, these changes would be understandable.

However, Chen Yi calculated it carefully. He left home to play in August. Now there are four months, and the four months have changed so much, it can barely be explained.

“Maybe I’m growing up. My dad is almost 1.8 meters tall. Don’t you think my height was a bit short before? I think my height is reasonable now, or I doubt if I am biological. NS.”

As soon as Chen Yi’s voice fell, he heard his mother angry and said: “…What are you talking about, brat, you are not your own life or something? Do you dislike your mother for being short?”

Chen Yi’s mother is indeed not tall, and there is a big difference in height from his father.

“Just kidding, just kidding, don’t be angry… I think I have changed a lot in the past few months. Don’t recognize me when you go back.”

“You are my son, don’t I recognize my son?”

Hearing what his mother said, Chen Yi just smiled.

Fortunately, the appearance of this system is changed on the basis of Chen Yi’s own facial features. Otherwise, if this is a big face change, it may be really not recognized by my mother.

In order to be a precaution for his mother, Chen Yi said again: “… By the way, mom! Didn’t I tell you before that I started a company with my friends? That company has very good returns, your son, I Very rich now!”

Use your background to make others believe in Chen Yi’s initial capital and source, and then use the current company profits to convince the family that he has worked hard on both sides.

The family would not doubt where Chen Yi got the money for establishing the company. Just like Chen Yi said, it was a company created by cooperating with a friend.

“Your dad and I don’t care if you have any money. Even if you are really rich, you don’t need to spend too much money. Your dad and I don’t need to manage too much here. Our salary is enough for living, and there will be a lot of retirement pensions in the future. .”

“…Your dad and I won’t care about what you are going to do, but you just don’t want to pull down your studies.”

Listening to his mother’s words, Chen Yi thinks that this is probably his parents. Although not all parents are like this, some parents are really vampires, sucking blood on their children madly.

But Chen Yi is very fortunate that he has a very good family environment, no matter whether it is parents or relatives, there are not so many troubles.

And from his mother’s words, Chen Yi always felt that his mother seemed to care less about money, and even had a strange sense of disgust.

Without waiting for Chen Yi to think about it, the mother Chen on the other side of the phone fell silent, and then listened to her sighed and said: “…I don’t know what you did. Your grandpa found out, and he said he wanted to see you. you.”

“… In the past few days, you can ask for a leave. Why don’t you go home first. Since your grandfather said so, then why don’t you see him too.”

Chen Yi frowned first and then stretched it out again. He knew that the problem at home was here, and if his mother knew what he did and watched the video, it must have been told to her by the ‘Grandpa’.

However, Chen Yi asked in confusion, “…Grandpa? What grandpa? I remember we don’t have this relative.”

“It’s your grandfather’s elder brother. Your grandfather passed away early. At that time, you didn’t have any impression. For some reason, our family didn’t have much contact with each other.”

“…Your dad and I used to work in a state-owned enterprise. We were laid off together during the layoff frenzy ten years ago. Now this job is determined by your grandfather.”

“I can’t tell you some things. Your grandpa didn’t say a lot of things back then. When you see your grandpa, you will know everything. Can you ask for leave from school?”

From the mother’s words, she can tell that she respects that grandfather’s brother, but at the same time, it seems that she doesn’t want to have more contact with that side.

Chen Yi nodded and said, “…I just talk to the school instructor, then I’ll book a ticket to go back now.”

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