Chapter 298 Imperial Courtyard

Looking at the address and information in WeChat, Chen Yi had some things in his mind.

From these addresses alone, many things can actually be inferred.

The highest governing body is the Senate Council, which is jointly controlled by the Senate.

Only members of the Senate Council will live in the core office.

Chen Yi has now been able to determine that Yuanzi’s grandfather should be a senator in the current Senate Council. Of course, he ranks relatively low, ranking sixth, but he is also one of the highest in power.

The reason why even the Chief of the Public Security Bureau personally came forward when he was in Shencheng was because that senator was the chief executive officer of Shencheng before he entered the Senate Council.

The current chief executive officer of Shencheng is probably also the direct line of the elder. Therefore, it can be said that the Han family has a lot of energy in Shencheng and can relatively easily mobilize various forces in Shencheng.

Chen Yi saved Yuanzi’s life. As long as the Han family knows about Entupao, Chen Yi dare not say that he can walk sideways in Shencheng, because the various forces in Shencheng are still intertwined.

But Chen Yi will definitely be given the green light to do things there, and will never be embarrassed by the ruling agency.

The current and retired members of the Senate Council live in the central office, and there are many courtyards surrounding the central office. Those courtyards are used by the seniors second only to the veterans.

Chen Yi’s current address, if he had expected it to be correct, should be a courtyard near the central office. From this address alone, he knew that the grandfather’s status was definitely not much lower.

Of course, this is not absolute. If Chen Yi is right, the grandfather should belong to the military, but he doesn’t have to live in Xiaoqingliang Mountain. It’s not bad that he likes to live in the center of the city.

Pressing the thoughts in his heart, Chen Yi silently closed WeChat. Now it is time to talk and chat with his parents, so don’t think about it too much.

After a family of three ran out of meals, Chen Yi took the initiative to wash the dishes.

After washing the dishes, the three of them just sat on the sofa in the living room and watched a boring TV series.

“Xiaoyi, why don’t you play on the computer? You watch TV shows instead?”

Seeing Chen Yi didn’t even play on the computer, Chen’s mother asked in surprise.

“It’s been a long time since I saw you mom, what kind of computer to play on, let’s chat with mom with you.”

Chen Yi smiled and replied.

When Chen Yi was 20 years old, he really liked to sit in front of the computer every day, sitting for a day without doing anything.

But now Chen Yi is the reborn Chen Yi. His mental age has already reached almost 30 years old, and he is no longer as addicted as he was when he was young.

In other words, as people grow older, people always change. They don’t need parental reminders to put on long trousers, eat first before drinking drinks, and eat more vegetables instead of only meat.

It can be said that the stinky problems that occurred when I was young have naturally been corrected as I grow older, and have become what I once hated the most.

But this kind of change Chen Yi feels very good, which means that he has matured.

“Look at our kids, it’s different after going to college, they grew up all at once.”(Read more @

When Chen Yi said that she wanted to chat with her, she smiled and said to Father Chen.

Father Chen didn’t say much, but he also sighed, “I’m grown up,” but seeing the corners of his mouth slightly aroused, it can be seen that he was also stealing joy in his heart.

Chen Yi chatted with his parents in this way. In the end, his parents couldn’t stand it anymore. One of them took his iPad and started watching online TV series, while the other took out his mobile phone and started playing various kinds of games.

These parents always prevent their children from holding their mobile phones and computers every day, but in fact, they are the same, and they are also addicted to mobile phones.

It was almost eleven o’clock in the conversation. Chen’s father and Chen’s mother returned to their room after washing, and Chen Yi also returned to his bedroom.

Lying on the bed and chatting with friends, mainly amusing a few girls I knew, and then turned on the phone’s station B and watched the video for a while. It was almost after Chen Yi charged the phone and got ready to go to bed.

I’m going to see the mysterious grandfather tomorrow. I’d better go to bed early and refreshed.

The bed at home is not as comfortable as that of Ritz-Carlton, but lying on this bed makes Chen Yi feel more at home.

The next day Chen Yi woke up early, and after talking to his parents, he went out, had breakfast downstairs, and then he took a taxi.

Chen Yi didn’t wear too formal today, but he didn’t wear too much personality. He tried his best to maintain the ordinary clothes that an eighteen or nineteen-year-old should have.

At the same time, Chen Yi changed into the ‘Golden Ge Iron Horse’ temperament card, and tried to restrain his momentum.

Since Grandpa is a member of the military, he will definitely like people with military qualities.

But the temperament of Chen Yi’s temperament card is too strong, it doesn’t matter to outsiders, but in front of this grandfather, it may be suspicious.

That’s why Chen Yi has converged on this momentum, making it more in line with his age and life experience. It can be said that in order to meet the mysterious grandfather, Chen Yi has done everything he can think of.

On weekends, the emperor is not as crowded as on working days, and it didn’t take long for Chen Yi to come to the center of the emperor capital.

After getting off the car, looking at the map in his hand, it took Chen Yi a while to arrive at a hidden courtyard. There are guards with guns and live ammunition standing at the door. If you want to get in, you need a pass.

Hutong culture can be regarded as a characteristic of an imperial capital. Many people think that those who live in hutongs live in courtyards.

In fact, it was called Da Za Yuan, which was used by the poor both in the past and now. In ancient times, the real Sihe Yuan was only used by high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

There are very few siheyuans left in modern times, and the ones that can be sold are even rarer. Moreover, the prices of those siheyuans can easily be hundreds of millions.

When he got here, Chen Yi knew that he had come to the right place. He stepped back and came to a place that was relatively safe for the guards. He took out his cell phone and called Secretary Zhang.

“Hello, hello.”

There was a male voice on the phone. It sounded about 30 years old, and the tone was very gentle.

“Hello, my name is Chen Yi, I have reached the door, and no entry is allowed here.”

Chen Yi said calmly.

Secretary Zhang hurriedly said: “…Is it Xiao Chen? Are you at the door? Wait a minute, I’ll come here.”

Chen Yi hung up the phone. It didn’t take long before he saw an ordinary-looking man with glasses trotting over.

Seeing that his back muscles are straight and strutting, although he may be a civilian, he is also a soldier.

After seeing Chen Yi, Secretary Zhang hesitated for a while before he walked over to shake hands with Chen Yi, smiled and asked, “…Is it Xiao Chen?”

“Well, it’s me, Secretary Zhang.”

Chen Yi didn’t know this Secretary Zhang, so he was neither humble nor overbearing.

“Xiao Chen, why didn’t you call me before you came over, so I went straight to your house to pick you up, which made you wait at the door for a long time.”

Secretary Zhang seemed to complain a little, but the tone was extremely enthusiastic, and the two people were closer together in a few sentences.

Chen Yi knows that the big reason why he is so passionate is because of that grandfather.

“Where I need to trouble Secretary Zhang, I can come by myself.”

Chen Yi did not have the shyness and restraint of any young man, nor did he have any arrogance, and replied with a slight sense of distance.

For strangers, such a slight sense of alienation is best.

“No trouble, no trouble. The old man asked me to pick you up, but you came by yourself. I haven’t completed the task.”

Secretary Zhang pretended to laugh at himself, and then led Chen Yi forward: “…Let’s go, I’ll take you in, don’t let the old man wait for a long time.”

Although Secretary Zhang just came out of it, and he should have met the guard standing guard.

But the guards still strictly checked his various certificates and pass documents, and then Chen Yi wrote a bunch of things before he was allowed to enter, which shows how strict the management here is.

Chen Yi took a deep breath. He was not worried about seeing the mysterious grandfather. After all, he was a systemic person, and he was more curious.

Chen Yi is sure that this grandfather may have been created by the system, and of course it may be a relative relationship unique to this parallel world, because Chen Yi is convinced that he definitely did not have such a grandfather before he was reborn.

The system itself is not logical, so Chen Yi didn’t think much about it, but followed Secretary Zhang to his destination.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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