Chapter 312 Son of the Chosen

After Han Bingbing interviewed Chen Yi, he devoted himself to the next job.

Because there will be other interview work in the future, as a reporter, it is impossible to sharpen the gun. Most interviews have a long preparation time, especially dedicated reporters, who must prepare for the interview in advance.

At night, when Han Bingbing was sitting in a hotel room rushing to submit the draft, her mobile phone rang suddenly. She picked up her mobile phone and saw that it was her father who was calling. She was shocked and answered. Telephone.

“Dad, are you looking for something to do with me so late?”

Han Bingbing held the phone between his head and shoulders, and continued to tap on the keyboard with a pair of slender fingers.

“What is Bingbing doing?”

Han Bingbing’s father’s rather elegant voice came from the phone.

“I’m catching up with the draft.”

Han Bingbing said while typing on the keyboard.

“Well, it doesn’t matter if I call you. I just told you that your interview yesterday was very good. You just cut out some unimportant things and it will be broadcast on TV tomorrow.”

Han Bingbing’s father said slowly.

Han Bingbing was stunned for a moment. She temporarily retracted her hand that was typing on the keyboard, held her mobile phone, and said in surprise: “…Dad, are you on the show so soon?”

Normally 27, unless it is a state-level event, ordinary programs need a certain period of editing and review, and only after they are completely sure that there is no problem can they really be reported on CTV.

After all, CTV is an extremely serious media, and you must be careful and not make any mistakes.

When Han Bingbing wanted to come, she thought that the fastest show would be broadcast next week.

“The energy of that Xiao Chen’s family is really not small. It was a word from the head of the main station. Let us quickly review and go online.”

Han Bingbing’s father sighed softly. The report that Han Bingbing and Chen Yi worked together made him think that Chen Yi is a great young man.

Now that there is such a powerful energy and background behind Chen Yi, this is no longer pure and powerful, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an evildoer.

To some extent, this young man is the chosen one.

“Tomorrow the program will be launched directly on the China Television Headquarters. At the same time, our station will also be released on the official accounts of major video websites and media. This can be regarded as a full-scale publicity.”

“… This time Bingbing, you did a good job, and the leader appreciates you very much. When you are accumulating some experience and experience, Dad can easily help you move your job.”

Han Bingbing’s father said casually on the phone.

For big news or important news, CTV will only send more experienced reporters to report, and Han Bingbing, a newcomer, can only report on small news.

Chen Yi asked Han Bingbing to write the report, she herself was not qualified to publish it, so she asked her father to help.

Hearing that he had the opportunity to be promoted and that he could report more profound things in the future, Han Bingbing was naturally happy.(Read more @

She also knew that this was completely swayed by Chen Yi’s light. Without Chen Yi, how could a young reporter like her have the opportunity to be promoted so quickly.

CTV is not a private enterprise. The upward climb of this kind of organization cannot rely on pure ability, but also requires a certain background and working age.

If you have a background, you don’t need to care too much about your age, but if you don’t have a background, then you have to improve your qualifications. This is how his father came here.

And this time Han Bingbing had a chance to be promoted. It was Chen Yi’s background that became her background, which gave her a little benefit.

Han Bingbing was naturally grateful to Chen Yi in his heart, thinking about how to repay him.

“Bingbing, what’s your relationship with that Xiao Chen, what’s your personality?”

Han Bingbing’s father asked, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

Han Bingbing didn’t notice that her father’s tone was wrong. She thought about it for a while and said: “… Chen Yi and I have met each other, and the relationship is not bad.”

“…As for what kind of person he is, I think he is a particularly good person who is not old but very mature.”

Thinking of Chen Yi, Han Bingbing’s mouth curled up unconsciously, revealing a sweet smile, and his voice burst into joy.

After hearing this, Han Bingbing’s father said ‘um’: “…Since you are a good person, then Bingbing, you will also contact people more in the future.”

Hearing what his father said, Han Bingbing fell silent and sighed in his heart.

Of course she understands what her father means, because Chen Yi has a very large background, and more contact and closeness with him will only bring all kinds of benefits.

Han Bingbing doesn’t like these, but she also knows that people sometimes have to be more utilitarian after they enter society. Only in this way can they make their own path more smoothly.

Simply having money will not make others fawn, because the money will not be distributed to others.

But if it is a person with resources and a background, it will be flattered by many people, because those people know that even if this kind of real boss just leaks a little through his fingers, it is enough to feed many people.

In the past, Chen Yi can only be said to be a rich man, but now Chen Yi is already a man of status who will make others flatter.

“Well, I see, Dad!”

Although she didn’t like the kind of utilitarian feelings in her heart, Han Bingbing responded to her father, and she knew it was for her own good.

“Okay, then I won’t bother you to rest, Bingbing, you should go to bed earlier, and pay attention to safety in Shanghai.”

After Han Bingbing’s father asked her, he just hung up the phone.

Putting the phone next to the computer and looking at the draft in the computer, Han Bingbing suddenly didn’t want to write.

She went to the bathroom to wash up, put on her pajamas and lay down on the hotel bed. Somehow her mind was filled with Chen Yi’s figure, just tossing and rolling, and she didn’t know how long it would take her legs to sleep with pillows between her legs. Past.

As for what she dreamed of in her dream, no one knew.

“Mr. Chen, this is yesterday’s daily flow report. The increase has more than doubled the day before yesterday.”

In the Citibank Building in the Shanghai Financial Center, Chen Yi sat in his office. The manager of the marketing and operations department walked in and excitedly placed a paper report on his boss’s desk.

773   These reports should have been sent to Chen Yi’s mailbox, because the manager was too excited and typed out a paper document.

“Mr. Chen, if this growth can be maintained in the coming time, then this month…this month our turnover should exceed 400 million!”

The manager of the marketing department pressed his inner joy and said with trembling.

A game that has been on the market for a month has a monthly turnover of more than 400 million. What does this mean? This shows that this game is already a hit!

Chen Yi was very calm at this time, because he knew that in the world before rebirth, the first-month turnover of the game “Tomorrow’s Ark” was as high as 600 million.

Because the time and content of the release are slightly different, Chen Yi didn’t think that the “Tomorrow’s Ark” he made could also have such good data at the beginning.

But no matter what the result is, as long as the monthly turnover exceeds 50 million, it is actually a success.

Now this result can only be said to have completely exceeded expectations.

Moreover, Chen Yi guided that this is just the beginning and not the end. I am afraid that the monthly flow of the first month of “Tomorrow’s Ark” that I made can exceed the one before the rebirth.

Chen Yi looked at the computer on the desk at this time, and the interview program of CTV had already been released.

With CTV’s help to promote itself, coupled with its own game with sufficiently excellent content, it is foreseeable that this game is about to become a big hit, even if there is no system, Chen Yi can easily become a billionaire by relying on this game alone. Millionaire. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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