Chapter 314 The beginning of revenge

This report from Africa is from South Africa. As the most developed country in Africa, South Africa is more modern than other poor and backward places in Africa.

The newspaper is from the “Cape Times” of South Africa’s largest media company, “Independent Media”. The report stated that swine fever had once again become popular in Kenya.

“African swine fever?”

Chen Yi’s heart moved when he saw this. He leaned back on the chair and tapped the table in front of him with his fingers.

He clearly remembered that Hao Yuanning’s family was engaged in animal husbandry, and his family’s business was the largest pig farm in southern Henan, and he had accumulated tens of billions of net worth by relying solely on pig raising.

Previously, the system said that Chen Yi should pay attention to the news in Africa, plus the personal grievances between Chen Yi and Hao Yuanning. Is there any connection between this?

After Chen Yi thought for a while, he just picked up the phone and made a call.

If the phone rang twice, it was connected.

“Hey, boss!”

It was his secretary Han Yifan that Chen Yi called and called. He graduated from a prestigious Ivy League school in the United States of America and has work experience in various positions in investment banking. Naturally, he has enough ability.

“Han Yifan, I’ll give you a job.”

Chen Yi didn’t say much, just said straightforwardly.

“Boss, say it!”

Even if Chen Yi did not see Han Yifan, he knew that Han Yifan must have suddenly sat up straight at this time.

Han Yifan has been looking forward to the real work 663 ordered by Chen Yi for a long time.

Now his annual salary is more than one million, but his daily work is almost trivial things.

Although searching the major newspapers and periodicals across Africa requires sufficient language skills and the ability to collect and organize information, in Han Yifan’s view, this is still individual labor, not mental labor.

If you are a person who does not seek to make progress, you will be very happy with a high annual salary but don’t have to work hard, and even want to mess around as much as possible.

But for real social elites like Han Yifan, this state will make him scared.

After all, with a high annual salary but not doing anything, this situation is too bottomless, because Chen Yi can use any excuse to fire him at any time.

If you want to rely on a part-time job, you can get an annual salary of more than one million. There are already very powerful people in the entire working class, and this kind of job is not easy to find.(Read more @

“Do you know Feiying Agriculture and Animal Husbandry company?”

Chen Yi thought about the company name of Hao Yuanning’s family, and said slowly.

“Let me think about it, I have the impression that this company should be the No. 1 livestock industry in southern Henan. It seems to raise pigs? I remember that this company was listed on the Xiangjiang Exchange.”

There are tens of thousands of companies across the country, and it is impossible for Han Yifan to know every company well. After all, animal husbandry is not paid much attention to in the industry that people think of.

If it is a big company like ali, goose factory, if Chen Yi asks a question, Han Yifan will be able to answer all the questions.

But it doesn’t matter if it’s not clear. Now that the boss has spoken, make it clear that it is, “…Boss, what do you need to do with this company?”

“Well, the task I give you is related to this company, Han Yifan, no matter what method you use, I will investigate this company well, as long as it is not too blatantly illegal.”

“…I need you to investigate the business status and economic situation of this company. It is not the financial statements they prepared to the outside world, but their possible real financial situation. By the way, find out which institution is responsible for them. Audited.”

Chen Yi put a hand on his chin, squinted slightly and said.

“Boss, do you suspect that the operation of this company is fraudulent?”

When Han Yifan heard Chen Yi’s words, he immediately understood what Chen Yi meant.

“I don’t suspect that this company’s operating conditions are fraudulent, but I hope this company’s operating conditions are fraudulent. Do you understand that?”

Chen Yi’s words were very euphemistic, but Han Yifan already understood what he meant.

The boss is unhappy with this company. This is the same as the ancient siege strategy. It is necessary to find the defensive loopholes of the city and the virtual reality in the city. After knowing all the detailed information, the battle will go smoothly.

“I need you to be like a detective to investigate more aspects of this company inside and out.”

“…I have prepared two million for you. The people in the company are also very busy these days? Keep them busy. You have to do things with high salaries one by one. You have done research in investment banks. , This time I will use all my professional skills!”

Chen Yi’s tone was calm, and the speed of his speech was not hurried or slow, but the impossibility to refuse like a military order made Han Yifan’s heart stunned, knowing that Chen Yi values ​​this mission very seriously.

“Understood, boss! Don’t worry, I will strip you off all the panties of this company!”

Han Yifan licked his lips and assured Chen Yi.

He knows that this is the time to test his abilities. If this is done well, he will definitely rise in Chen Yi’s heart, and he will feel comfortable with this annual salary.

And if things go wrong, it is estimated that he will not be able to do it anymore. With so much money, even the tasks assigned by the boss will not be completed. There is no face left in the company. Chen Yi cannot spend money to raise such a mediocre talent. .

Because the external financial statements may be falsified, it is impossible to investigate a company clearly based on these external materials, and it is even necessary to go to the company’s location in person to conduct on-site inspections.

Then compare the data obtained from the field survey with the data released by the company to obtain the accuracy of these statements, and then decide the next action.

This kind of research is very complicated and labor-intensive, and investment bankers are also very good at it.

It is precisely because this kind of work is too tiring, consumes too much energy, and needs to run around, these elites in investment banks will have super high incomes.

If you add securities issuance, trading, corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, investment analysis, venture capital and other businesses, it will make people feel that investment bankers deserve such high salaries.

Naturally, this kind of work that requires a lot of manpower and professional ability also requires sufficient activity funds. It is normal to spend more than one million research funds.

If these people find out that there is a problem with the company under investigation, they are not reporters and have no ability to publish these, but if they know the reporters, they only need to operate a little…

Many figures flashed in Chen Yi’s mind, thinking about the resources he could use.

Of course, Chen Yi doesn’t know whether Hao Yuanning’s company really has a problem, in case they are just abiding by the law and their performance is thriving.

But since Chen Yi found clues in African news reports through system prompts, he felt that he should try.

It’s just a waste of two million of activity funds. If the other party’s company is really okay, then treat these two million as a drizzle!

Chen Yi just hung up the phone after giving orders to Han Yifan. This kind of research work cannot be completed in a day or two. Chen Yi now has to wait until the team led by Han Yifan gives him a conclusion. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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