Chapter 319 Bingbing must take my co-pilot!

The Ferrari booth was a sensation. Chen Yi spent 30 million to buy only three Rafa apertas in the country.

Immediately, various cameras were shooting wildly here, and reporters from major automobile media or other media rushed to interview Chen Yi, but Chen Yi refused all these interviews.

He just came to buy a car, although the money spent was a lot, but at most it was just an ordinary transaction, and no one else would say anything.

But if you buy such a tens of millions of luxury car and accept the media interview, it will have the meaning of showing off your wealth, and it is easy to get disgusted by others.

Although Chen Yi decided to take the high-profile route, it is better not to do this high-profile approach.

Today Chen Yi wears a temperament card of ‘warm and moist as jade’. Facing the surging media reporters, Chen Yi just waved his hand in rejection with a smile and politely.

But that handsome appearance and elegant temperament prevented these reporters from interviewing him, although it was regrettable, but he was excited and excited to shoot wildly there.

Today Chen Yi is very popular on the Internet. His name and his photos are synonymous with traffic, which is no less than that of Comrade Xiao Wang.

Comrade Xiao Wang occupies the advantage of the name of the son of the richest man, but Chen Yi is handsome enough.

And in this era when the Three Views follow the five senses, his appearance that is enough to be an idol is more eye-catching than the name of the son of the richest man.

In just a few days, the entire network has become popular, which makes any star-making company jealous.

But the success of Chen Yi’s fame cannot be replicated by others. Not to mention that 650 is not something ordinary people can do. Just with the vigorous propaganda of China Television, this has surpassed all other media energy.

Not to mention that in addition to China Television, there are vigorous promotion by official media such as Tuan Tuan and Hongguang Pavilion. There is quite a way that the country wants to praise Chen Yi as a modern outstanding youth representative.

These luxury cars at the auto show will not post the price of the car. Some car enthusiasts before seeing this Rafa aperta just thought it was very handsome and thought it was a gift for the 70th anniversary of Ferrari.

But when they knew that the base price of this car was as high as 22 million and the domestic quota was only three, the car enthusiasts immediately went crazy.

Any car model or beautiful woman hurriedly get out of the way, don’t stop me from watching the car, the group of people hurriedly called out friends, called more people, and began to take pictures around this Rafa aperta.

The three great cars, Rafa, P1, and 918, don’t care about the performance of these three cars, but they have heard of their fame as long as they know a little about the car.

But now there is an advanced version of Rafa, a Rafa aperta that many people have never heard of, how can it be unexciting, how can it not be exciting.

Mr. Tao, the Ferrari regional president, looked at all this with a smile. The car itself was to be sold to Chen Yi. Now, thanks to Chen Yi’s reputation, he personally handed the keys to him at this auto show. Free advertising.

Ferrari may not be suitable for that kind of TV advertising, but exposure is very important. Only when Ferrari becomes synonymous with luxury, the rich will buy generously.

Don’t think that Lali is so famous, but its annual net profit is only 5.6 billion euros, which is not comparable to those of Volkswagen brands.

Of course Chen Yi knows this, but he doesn’t care about Ferrari’s hot spots, because Ferrari is synonymous with rich and luxurious, and it can be regarded as a match for himself.

If you talk about Chery’s hot spots, Chen Yi must go as far as possible, because when you bind with low-end brands, you become low-end as a whole.

Shaking hands with Mr. Tao, Chen Yi just bid farewell.

He is not here just to buy a Ferrari, but there are other needs.

Walking out of the slightly crowded crowd, Chen Yi suddenly felt whether he should hire a bodyguard or something.

But after thinking about it carefully, with his current style and wealth, it seems that he doesn’t need a bodyguard. When he becomes a real boss, then the bodyguard will be the standard equipment.(Read more @

After all, he believes in the security of the country, especially since he himself is a master of Maga, he can easily cope with normal situations.

Walking out of the crowd, Chen Yi immediately saw Han Bingbing. She was still wearing that red coat with a white turtleneck inside. She had a sweet and friendly smile, and her eyes looked like two crescent moons.

When Chen Yi saw Han Bingbing, his eyes brightened, and he hurriedly walked over, smiled, and said, “…Sister Bingbing, you didn’t change your clothes. You wore this suit the first time you saw you. See you a few days ago. You are the same when you are.”

“…I saw you today, you are still in this suit, maybe Sister Bingbing, you don’t have any other clothes.”

Chen Yi’s words are mostly ridiculous, and there is no meaning to mock Han Bingbing’s inability to dress.

Of course Han Bingbing could understand the smile in his words. Somehow, she couldn’t help but said: “…Didn’t you say that I look good in this dress? Since I want to see you today, I will wear it. ”

After speaking, Han Bingbing suddenly felt that there was a lot of ambiguity in what he said, and it was too ambiguous, he blushed immediately, and quickly remedied:

“…Our reporters run around all day long. They are too busy at work and have no time to think about clothes, nor do they have so much space to take a pile of clothes and go out to interview.”

“Although we did not require us to wear formal suits such as suits during the interview, CTV also required them. Many clothes that are too gorgeous are not allowed to wear, and the impact is not good.”

Chen Yi listened to Han Bingbing’s explanation with a smile, showing a look that I understand, and nodded: “…I understand that I understand that this is all because of the strict requirements of Zhongshi. It is not sister Bingbing that you wear this way for me.”

“I hate you!”

Although Han Bingbing was twenty-four years old, he still looked like a little girl, raising his small fist and hammering Chen Yi lightly.

Her white jade face flushed with shame, and if there was a flattering in her eyes, her numbing voice sounded like a baby, and it was not lethal at all.

Realizing that his posture and expression are like his girlfriend acting like a baby to her boyfriend, Han Bingbing quickly turned his face straight and said to Chen Yi: “…Have you finished buying the car?”

“You took the picture just now?”

Chen Yi didn’t answer, but instead asked rhetorically.

“Yes, it was filmed, but so many people are filming, it’s not an exclusive news.”

Han Bingbing complained a little, but she also knew that she couldn’t find any exclusive news in places like the station.

After all, all the multimedia is here. The reporters of other media are not fools. Just like many reporters are following Chen Yi sneakily, they also know that Chen Yi can generate big news even more.

“I am doing this for Sister Bingbing. In case other media report the news, you will not report Sister Bingbing. This will not make China Television doubt your business ability.”

Chen Yi smiled and spread his hands, showing a shameless look.

Han Bingbing rolled his eyes and said with a hum, “…Fine, I know you did it for me.”

While joking with Chen Yi, Han Bingbing also secretly smacked his tongue.

The base price is 22 million. There are only three sacred cars in the country. The landing price may not be determined. Even if she is a reporter from China Television, she is very knowledgeable, but she has never seen a luxury car of this price and this level of wealthy car. of.

The difference in class lies there. She is a small CTV reporter who hasn’t had the ability to make her circle of friends all over the billionaire level.

Yu Xin is the wealthiest Bai Fumei she knows, but the Chen Yi she met through Yu Xin helped her know what is truly amazing.

No wonder so many people want to get to know the rich, just like Comrade Xiao Wang is always licked by others. He really knows a rich man. As long as he gets acquainted, he can get to know more of the higher class. People.

And even if these people leak something from their fingers, they may make you rich.

“When the car arrives, I invite Sister Bingbing to be my first co-pilot. Sister Bingbing, you have to give me face.”

Chen Yi raised his brows and whispered in Han Bingbing’s ear.

His hot and humid breath spit on Han Bingbing’s jade-like earrings, making Han Bingbing soft and his ears trembling.

Most people have vanity, and Han Bingbing is no exception. His body is pure and clean, but in his heart, Han Bingbing also has delusions of getting rich. Most people have the same dream.

She glanced at Chen Yi and smiled sweetly: “…Don’t lie to me.”

It is impossible for men or women to refuse to be able to be a sacred car with only three cars in the country. Otherwise, there will be no need to rent a Ferrari for being a ‘celebrity’.

“Of course I won’t lie to you, have you finished the interview with Sister Bingbing?”

Chen Yi laughed and asked.

“They are all interviewed while watching, there is no specific process.”

Han Bingbing replied casually.

“Since it’s a follow-up follow-up, sister Bingbing will go around with me, just to see what other cars I want to buy.”

“Are you going to buy another car?”

Han Bingbing was dumbfounded, only feeling dizzy, and finally understood how the rich spend money.

A top-notch car like this is not enough, and we have to buy other cars. This really picks Chinese cabbage from the vegetable market! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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