Chapter 331 Eyes on the resources of the e-sports circle

“Chu Chu is really good, so I can let Brother Chen come over and play games with you.”

“Niu x, Niu x, Chu Chuzi is really a big anchor now, and we can let Brother Chen come over to play with him.”

“Don’t fool the people in front, Chu Chuzi is really going to float, let’s be honest, Chu Chuzi, you are just playing with you!”

“Chu Chuzi, the medical soldier did a good job, professional!”


Various bullet screens swept across the screen, and Chu Chuzi, who was watching the bullet screen with the computer split screen while playing the game, smiled like a flower, thanking someone for the reward from time to time.

Before no one noticed, she secretly glanced at her live broadcast room heat. For the National Treasure Channel, the 6 million heat was already regarded as the real top-notch.

The agent of the vx company also sent her a message, telling her to be cautious in her words and actions when playing games with Chen Yi. Don’t talk nonsense about some things. Chen Yi is upset by the province. Of course, she should be euphemistic. To please this big guy.

Chu Qiang knew that Chen Yi brought the heat in the live broadcast room.

Today’s Chen Yi has a positive reputation on the Internet, not much better than Xiao Wang, and his status as a top rich second-generation is more concerned and discussed than any major anchor.

In the absence of Chen Yi, her live broadcast can barely reach a million, which is not as big as a big anchor like a prostitute, but it is better than some small anchors.

I think that Chu Qiang was also one of the four major singers in the anchor world, and her beautiful voice was widely acclaimed. She used to mix well on the seafood station.

However, Chu Qiang is very motivated. She also knows that just being an anchor is not a way out. Although the live broadcast circle can also be called the entertainment circle, it is completely incomparable with the real film and television entertainment circle.

So when the National Treasure Terrace was established, Xiao Wang flickered her to the National Treasure Terrace.

The promise given to her is to join his company, the company will use various methods to promote her to the entertainment circle, let her become an entertainment star from the anchor.

Everyone is familiar with the name of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of Comrade Xiao Wang’s entertainment circle. At that time, Chu Qiang also felt that since Xiao Wang had this name, he could not take care of the lives of various stars on the Internet, and his promise must be reliable.

But who would have thought that the banana entertainment plan was pretty reliable at the beginning, but as time went on, Chu Qiang finally discovered that Xiao Wang actually had a p-resource in the entertainment industry.

It is only because his father’s Yida Group has a theater line, and his identity as the son of the richest man, unlike those of the celebrity class, is that he can spray those celebrities casually, so that they dare not repay.

But when it comes to the big dyeing tank of the entertainment industry, even his father’s Yida Cinema can’t be ranked, let alone Xiao Wang’s so-called banana entertainment.

Although this banana project can be regarded as cultivating some people, such as hosts of lpl, some idol trainees and so on.

But in the end, the company did not really cultivate a well-known star, let alone send people to film and television dramas and the like to participate in.

It was also from here that everyone discovered that Comrade Wang’s resources in the entertainment industry were not abundant, but he was very smart and wanted to use his reputation to create a resource. Unfortunately, it was too difficult to start from scratch, and ultimately he failed.

And Chu Qiang was also affected. The so-called Big Four singers who were still on the original live broadcast platform, now one by one, even if there is no rise in popularity, they have not declined.(Read more @

But Chu Qiang found that his popularity has gradually faded.

After her self-examination, she found that this may not have much to do with her. Coupled with some recent rumors, she found that it might really be the live broadcast platform of National Treasure Channel.

This also made her nervous.

Just when Chu Qiang was thinking about it, a sentence in the live broadcast room brought her back to reality, “…Ya’er, help, help, I’m going to die, Sazi, I’m still dead, this person is a cheap one!”

Upon hearing these familiar words, Chu Qiang knew that it was the voice of Teacher Whoring, she immediately giggled and joked: “… Teacher Whoring, who told you to run so far by yourself, we can’t save you. ”

“Hit your banana peel, my mine!”

The prostitute also knew that this was his own mistake, and apologized again and again.

Chen Yi also laughed at the familiar tone in the student dormitory of Shenyu University.

Before rebirth, Chen Yi still had a good sense of sense for her teacher, but at that time, the status of the two sides was very different, and it was impossible to get to know him.

As for now, the relationship between the two parties is completely reversed. From the polite and courteous attitude of the prostitute teacher when playing games with him, he knows the different positions of the two parties.

Of course, this also shows that the teacher who is a prostitute has a high emotional intelligence, and he also knows how to say good things to please.

Naturally, Chen Yi is not just to show himself in the live broadcast room and get the admiration of a group of dog-licking audiences, nor to watch the shameless licking of the big anchors, although this is really cool.

The reason why Chen Yi did this is of course also purposeful.

“Teacher whoring, is there a vx? Let’s add a vx.”

Chen Yi said casually while operating the other side.

First, get a familiar face with the prostitute teacher, and then when you really need the other party, you can go to the door directly, otherwise you don’t even know the other person, and you just go to the door to do the job, even if you are famous, the other party will be suspicious.

If Chen Yi’s later things are done, he can pull the prostitute teacher into his chariot in the e-sports circle. If it fails, it doesn’t matter. You should know this person.

Most of the time, money is omnipotent, but how to spend money is the real problem. If you find the right people, you can spend more money with half the effort.. …..

Just like Chen Yi looking for Ding Junfeng for a game, it saved him a lot of trouble.

The so-called strong dragon does not overpower the snake, even if you have money, it is best to find people in this circle to cooperate when you enter a new circle, so that the chance of success will be higher.

For example, the players of the ym team, who knows the future achievements of those people, Chen Yi certainly does not want to let go. For example, his contacts in the e-sports circle are all Chen Yi’s eyes are greedy.

“Some and some, vx is naturally there, Chen Shao, I will send you a private message, brothers, our old prostitutes have a face, so Chen Shao personally asks for vx.”

The prostitute teacher said with a smile, and quickly found Chen Yi’s avatar, and sent vx to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi wants to get to know him and borrow his resources in the e-sports circle, and the prostitute teacher wants to get to know the really top second generation like Chen Yi. The benefits of knowing this level of people are obvious.

Moreover, the prostitute teacher has also heard that Chen Yi’s family background is better than that of Xiao Wang. Although Xiao Wang’s father is now the richest man in China, he is ultimately a businessman, and Chen Yi is the real power holder.

One of the two is a rich second generation, and the other is a true noble child!

“I really don’t take the initiative to care about others asking for vx.”

Chen Yi said with a smile, and added the teacher’s vx.

Behind Chen Yi, the three animals in his dormitory looked at them with gusto.

At the beginning they still played games with Chen Yi, but in the end they found that it was actually more interesting to watch Chen Yi play games with a group of famous anchors.

So the three of them decisively got off the phone and stood behind Chen Yi watching his wonderful operations and the interaction with the anchors. There was a feeling that the big anchors were playing with them, and the whole person was floating.

The last of this four-person team is a member of the team just formed by ig.

In order to reduce the difficulty of playing the game by himself, Chen Yi still found a professional player to support himself after bringing two ordinary anchors to play.

Because playing games is about winning, it will be very depressing if you lose.

After playing the game for three hours in a row, Chen Yi has done what Chen Yi has to do today. After the end of the game, he said: “…not playing, not playing, a little tired, I will go to rest first !”

While saying this, Chen Yi opened the live broadcast room of the three people who accompanied him to play the game, and each of them posted 10 Buddhas in a row.

Immediately, the atmosphere of the three live broadcast rooms was mobilized to reach the high dynasty. In the full screen of “6666”, “Chen Shaoqiang” and other barrage, Chen Yi left at the speed of light.

Not to mention, this kind of feeling of standing in the spotlight and being licked frantically by a bunch of people is really good, no wonder Xiao Wang always shows up occasionally, pretending to be a b and ran away after rewarding. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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