Chapter 334 Hermes in milk tea

“Mr. Chen, we have found a milk tea raw material production factory in Gan Province that meets your requirements.”

“…The equipment of this factory is novel, and most of the equipment is new. It’s just that the owner of the factory has failed in other industries and urgently needs to withdraw funds, so he wants to sell the factory.”

“Our people have conducted detailed investigations and audits. This factory has no debt problems. The failure of the factory owner in other industries is also true. It is not a lie.”

“…The price of this milk tea raw material production factory is lower than that on the market. The only request of the owner of that factory is that after we acquire this factory, we hope that we will not fire the bottom employees of the factory.”

During the video conference, Chen Yi’s secretary Han Yifan was holding a report, introducing Chen Yi’s research results.

“Oh, the owner of this factory is still conscientious and doesn’t want his workers to lose their jobs.”

Chen Yi laughed and said.

This is not the Great Depression, and it is not enough to fire employees to save costs. As long as the technical quality of these grassroots employees is satisfactory, Chen Yi is willing to keep them and save them from recruiting.

The brothers and sisters of the factory are also making hard money. They cannot let people lose their jobs. Of course, the management of the factory must be changed all over again.

As a 660 professional team that spends tens of millions of yuan every year to raise, Chen Yi naturally can’t let them eat for nothing. There is a lot of work waiting for them at all times.

Most of the employees were sent to southern Henan by Chen Yi to investigate Hao Yuanning’s company, but the entire team has a lot of people, so some people can still be spared to conduct research on raw material production sites in Jiangxi Province.

If you just open a store, then the best way is naturally to work directly with a factory to buy their raw materials, which will save a lot of costs.

But Chen Yi’s design from the beginning was to set up a high-end milk tea chain. In order to save time in the future, it was natural to directly purchase a raw material production plant to better meet Chen Yi’s needs.

This is also what Chen Yi believes that the series of formulas given by the system are absolutely high-end and the taste is absolutely attractive. In this case, the protection of the formula is also very important.

Although it is not like Coca-Cola, even people who know the formula cannot fly on the same plane, Chen Yi has already done a series of risk policies for keeping the formula secret.

As a group of elites working in investment banking, this kind of thing is what they are best at. Gradually, Chen Yi has discovered that it is really worth raising a team of tens of millions every year, saving him a lot of effort.

Otherwise, let Chen Yi do these risky plans by himself, and he will be exhausted.

However, due to the small number of stores in the early stage, this kind of factory only gave a quota to one store, which was high in transportation and various costs. It can even be said that the chain of high-end milk tea brands will naturally lose money at the beginning.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi said: “…The factory must be fully operational. When there is excess capacity in the early stage, you can pick up some private jobs from other stores first, and the market price can be slightly lower.”(Read more @

“…Our factory has limited production capacity. Even if the price is a little lower, it will not exchange industry shocks. It is resisted by other peers. Use this method to minimize the early losses.”

Chen Yi’s idea is also within the team’s plan. Han Yifan nodded when he heard it: “…Good President Chen, we will take care of these.”

As Chen Yi’s personal secretary, Han Yifan certainly knows Chen Yi’s series of layouts and plans. As a subordinate, he will not comment on Chen Yi’s decision.

All he has to do is to conduct various researches after Chen Yi decides to establish a high-end milk tea brand, and try to make Chen Yi’s decision less detours.

Besides, the formula Chen Yi given by the system has also been blended in private. I have to say that the taste is really good. Han Yifan has also tasted the trial products. The secretary therefore concluded that Chen Yi’s idea can be successful.

As for where Chen Yi’s formulas came from, Han Yifan would naturally not ask too much.

In the future, when the brand is established, the cost will become lower and lower. Even when the brand is deployed across the country, the production capacity of a factory will definitely not be enough. At that time, Chen Yi will build new factories across the country.

“Have you found the store?”

Chen Yi asked again.

“I have found a shop close to your school with a size of about 200 square meters. The decoration is very good. If you modify it a little bit, it will have that high-end luxury.”

Han Yifan did not have any flaws in all aspects of his work, and perfectly completed all the tasks that Chen Yi explained to him.

Since it is to build a high-end brand, the shop naturally cannot be a small workshop like an ordinary milk tea shop, but like Starbucks, the decoration of the shop must also be qualified.

Even Chen Yi’s marketing strategy has been decided, the most common network promotion is inevitable.

In addition to these, there are some more disgusting methods, such as hiring people to queue up, forcibly lengthening the line, creating the illusion of full popularity, and even buying a cup of tea to give birth to the scalper industry.

‘X Tea’ succeeded with this disgusting method. The milk tea taste of that shop can only be said to be average, don’t you see that the new shop established by X Tea afterwards has never been so popular again.

Then spend money to promote soft articles on Xiaohongshu and Weibo, and shape your store into an online celebrity store.

Because Chen Yi’s formula from the system is indeed good, it will definitely retain customers. The Hermes in milk tea can easily be shaped.

If the milk tea formula is general, Chen Yi can also rely on hunger marketing to flicker, but when the quality is really good, the flicker is not flicker, but promotes good products.

The only difficulty in this series of marketing is to spend money. Chen Yi now has 300 million funds in his account. If this money is not spent, can it depreciate?

Normally, the success rate is not high, and it is easy to lose money, so the general milk tea brands don’t dare to play like this if they have money.

But Chen Yi’s formula comes from the system, which increases the success rate a lot. In addition, the money comes too easily and it doesn’t hurt to spend it.

After discussing with Han Yifan again, the basic preliminary strategy has been decided, and after that, it only needs to be developed step by step.

As for that factory alone, Chen Yi invested more than 30 million yuan. After a series of propaganda, no one million yuan was absolutely impossible.

The 300 million yuan hasn’t been heated up yet, so I plan to spend half of it.

“How’s the survey of Feiying Farming and Animal Husbandry?”

Chen Yi asked what he cares more about now.

“Mr. Chen, I am going to report to you that there is indeed a problem with that company. We have discovered the clues and are preparing to use some extraordinary means to obtain more detailed information.”

Han Yifan lifted up his spirits and immediately replied.

He knows that this is what Chen Yi cares more about. Other milk tea shops are just Chen Yi’s casual layout.

“Very well, come on and do it. This is done. I will reward everyone who participates in the project.”

“This is my job, I don’t need your reward, Mr. Chen.”

Han Yifan said with a smile, but he was ecstatic. He knew that Chen Yi was generous, and it seemed that a bonus was indispensable.

Of course, the premise of all this is that he has to do his job well. .

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