Chapter 337 Men, all have the same virtue!

The courses of each department in the university are different, and the time of class is also very strange.

Maybe from morning to night today, there will be no class for a long time tomorrow.

In order to prevent the poor students who came for interviews from skipping class, Chen Yi had to skip class for half a day and used half a day to interview all the poor students introduced by the school.

The introduction of the school is relatively reliable. Except for a small number of people Chen Yi asked more questions, most of the students just signed the contract after going through the scene.

These students have family difficulties due to various reasons, but through their own efforts were admitted to this 211 key university.

In the university, they are also part-time students. While studying hard, they spend all their spare time to work. It can be said that they are very hard and life is very difficult.

Regardless of whether it was before the rebirth or now after the rebirth, Chen Yi has never experienced such a bitter life, and he admires these classmates.

Yu Zixi was the last student to be interviewed. After the interview, it happened to be lunch time. Chen Yi took her on campus to the student cafeteria.

Along the way, the two received frequent gazes. Chen Yi has long been accustomed to these gazes, but Yu Zixi is indeed a bit awkward. She walked beside Chen Yi with her head down, as if she didn’t want others to see herself. Same face.

When the students in those schools saw Chen Yi, they were all whispering to each other. Some female students made chuckles and teases, while those male students looked at Chen Yi with more complicated expressions, some were envious, some Jealous, some admire.

He was often discussed secretly by other students in Shenyu University. Chen Yi also knew this well. The anonymous posts of the school also involved many of his remarks.

And certain rumors also spread. For example, Chen Yi and Nam Jiyue have a very good relationship, and they always talk and laugh with some other beautiful girls.

So some jealous people say behind the scenes that his private life is chaotic. Faced with the goddess he can’t chase, they will also say that they will open a house with Chen Yi for money. I have seen Yunyun with my own eyes.

Some even say that Chen Yi has had relationships with many female classmates in the school.

The rumors stop at the wise, but this kind of incident is a topic that many people talk about after dinner, and Chen Yi has no way to stop it.

Although Chen Yi actually doesn’t mind the chaos of his private life, he is just too demanding now.

There are still too few girls in Shenyu University who can meet his standards. Teenagers don’t know how to be refined, but Chen Yi knows how to be expensive, and he doesn’t want to abuse himself casually.

Having said that, other girls really don’t necessarily think about him for money, but most likely because he is handsome.

Just when Chen Yi was complacent, on the road to school, he suddenly saw Nan Jiyue.(Read more @

Nantah University of the Japanese Language Department has just finished class, holding two books in hand, and is preparing to go back to the dormitory alone.

Although there are still some of her classmates near her, none of those female classmates are willing to walk with her and chat with her.

The male classmates were still eager to try.

But gradually discovered Nan Jiyue’s character, and after I don’t know how many boys who confessed to her were publicly executed, her classmates also kept her away.

It is now approaching the end of December. The weather in Shanghai is also a bit cold. Except for some evergreen vegetation on both sides of the road, most of the trees are left with fallen leaves and dead branches.

Nanda did not wear her iconic lolita-style clothing in this weather. Instead, she wore a rather thick Chanel fur coat with a pair of boots under her feet.

Her overall dress is very fashionable, almost indistinguishable from those models on the catwalk. The well-fitting clothes and the exquisite and expensive fabrics also set off the girl’s tall and elegant temperament.

If you add her almost flawless beauty, it is definitely the image of the goddess in the dreams of countless men.

It can be said that Nan Jiyue’s dress is incompatible with the entire college student. Except for a small number of female college students who are in contact with a lot of society, few people can dress up as Nan Jiyue as beautiful and glamorous.

Especially late-maturing boys, there is a huge difference in fashion from Nan Jiyue. The boys are still wearing sports uniforms to play basketball, but compared with Nan Jiyue’s dress, they are much naive.

The little fairy, who was holding her head high and walking forward confidently, also saw Chen Yi. Her eyes brightened, and joy flashed in her eyes. She waved to Chen Yi and said with a clear voice: “… Chen Yi , Are you going to eat?”

Unlike those male students who wear sportswear brands such as Nike and Adidas, or who are not aesthetically good, Chen Yi’s style of dressing is always dominated by mature casual style.

The Hermes windbreaker set off his slender figure, the trousers were straight without a trace of wrinkles, the hairstyle was well-combed, and a scarf hung around his neck.

Coupled with a pair of plain tortoiseshell glasses and that outstanding nobleman temperament, Chen Yi looks very domineering president, of course, more like a gentle scum.

The more Nan Jiyue looks at Chen Yi, the more she likes it. Family background, personality, looks, and ability are simply the best men she has ever seen in her life. It can be described as impeccable, even if the father she admired since childhood was in front of Chen Yi She felt like she was beaten down.

In particular, Chen Yi can always give girls a great sense of security, and this alone is enough to make many girls be moved by it.

Of course, there are also shortcomings, that is, like most men, he is too lustful! ! !

Nanda also saw Yu Zixi who was following Chen Yi, and her heart was indignant, but her face was smiling like a flower, making it hard to see what she was thinking.

“Well, I’m going to the school cafeteria.”

After seeing Nan Jiyue, Chen Yi also smiled at her.

After such a series of events, especially the last incident in the hospital, the relationship between Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue can almost be described by leaps and bounds.

In addition, Chen Yi always accompanies the big game from time to time, and only a layer of window paper is left between the two, which breaks after a poke.

But Chen Yi didn’t try to pierce that layer of paper, and Nan 660 Jiyue, who was already tempted, did not dare to really confess to Chen Yi.

Since I was a child, Nan Jiyue has never been tempted by boys, and naturally has no experience in love. Only someone who has truly loved one knows the feeling of anxiety in facing the person he likes.

Nan Jiyue is very afraid of her confession but Chen Yi’s rejection. She is afraid that if this is the case, the two might not even be able to do it with their friends.

But as long as they don’t confess, there will always be an ambiguous situation between the two, and it is impossible for Chen Yi to refuse.

Of course, being big is also reserved by girls, as proud as she thinks Chen Yi should take the initiative.

“I happen to be going to eat too, let’s go eat together.”

Nan Jiyue took the textbook and walked two steps quickly to Chen Yi’s side. She was very intimate and familiar with the textbook in Chen Yi’s arms, blinking a pair of big transparent eyes, and said with a smile:

“…Hurry up, help me with the book!”

Chen Yi didn’t refuse, but smiled and took the textbook that Nan Jiyue handed over. He still has this gentleman’s behavior.

After talking and laughing with Chen Yi, she looked at Yu Zixi again, but she nodded coldly at Yu Zixi, and then continued to talk and laugh with Chen Yi, completely giving Yu Zixi to Yu Zixi. Completely ignored.

Nanda would not give her a smiley face for such a possible rival. Of course, Nan Jiyue didn’t regard Yu Zixi as an object of threat, because the other party was too weak to threaten.

In her opinion, it is Chen Yi who looks at the beauty of the parents and wants to deceive people. Men are all virtuous! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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