Chapter 339 Flirting with other women

Chen Yi laughed and listened to the endless talk of Nantah. Although this man was selfish, she had to say that she investigated very carefully, which was comparable to Chen Yi’s staff from investment banks.

This man almost thoroughly investigated the house opposite her house, and opened his mouth with various advantages, making Chen Yi a little embarrassed even if he wanted to refuse.

When Nan Jiyue said that her mouth was dry and her throat was moisturized after drinking a mouthful of porridge, Chen Yi smiled and said, “…I will visit when I have free time.”

“…As for the people that the bank knows, you don’t have to. I have a good relationship with the branch manager of the Minhang Bank. I really need a loan. Just go to him.”

Chen Yi had known the branch president of the Minhang Bank named Lu Cheng before.

At that time, Chen Yi had just started. In fact, there was not so much mortgage funds to go to the bank for loans. In addition, Chen Yi did not have a high demand for funds at the time, so he did not go to the bank to ask for money.

In fact, the President Lu recently contacted Chen Yi every three to five. There are various bank events and he always enthusiastically invites Chen Yi to participate.

As for what he wants to do, Chen Yi also knows well.

Today Chen Yi has a huge reputation, and his name is even more cash cow-like business. The President Lu is so enthusiastic, he naturally wants to give Chen Yi money, and they can earn interest.

I have to say that loans for small and micro enterprises are really difficult, because banks are afraid to take loans without sufficient collateral.

For those big companies, Bank 660 desperately sent money.

The end result is that many large companies owe too much money to the bank. Such a high debt makes it too big to fail, because once it falls, the unemployment of tens of thousands and 100,000 people is not a trivial matter.

This is really death due to drought and death due to waterlogging.

Today’s Chen Yi and enterprises are also high-quality assets. Of course, banks are eager to send money.

And under this unequal status of the two parties, there is a great bargaining value among them.

Chen Yi doesn’t care about money, nor does he care about the 0.1% of the interest. At the point of Chen Yi, he has already escaped from low-level tastes.

What he likes is the process of taking the initiative in negotiating with others, and he is keen on the sense of victory that makes the other party helpless and can only lower the interest.

This kind of spiritual satisfaction makes Chen Yi more happy than the interest money saved by a few percentage points.

Although it was not a corporate loan this time, it was a personal mortgage, but Chen Yi decided to get more than one billion from the bank. If Chen Yi wants to expand his influence in the future, many projects will be crazy to burn money.

The money in the system alone can only allow Chen Yi to take the initiative in the process of burning money, but if he wants to burn it happily, bank money and investor money must also be used as firewood.

How can it be better to spend your own money than to spend other people’s money.

To be honest, although the real estate industry is disgusting, in fact, for individuals, mortgages are already the lowest interest rate of all loans that can be obtained.

Don’t look at the data on the various online loans that you borrow 10 yuan, and only need to pay back every month. It seems that the interest rate of these loans is very low, but the interest rate is actually not calculated like this.(Read more @

If people who know economics do the calculations, they will find that the real interest rate of these loans on the Internet, even for consumer loans from well-known large companies, is above 15%, so in the contract, they will not write that. The real interest rate.

This thing is loan sharks, so don’t go to online loans, and don’t try to spend money in advance.

Seeing that Chen Yi has the intention to buy a house, Nanda, the ‘real estate agency’, was very happy. This made Chen Yi almost complain about how many rebates did you get!

Of course, Chen Yi knew that the talent was disdainful of the rebate, and she really wanted to be her neighbor by herself.

If she is in a good mood for accomplishing one of her important goals, then she has to say: “… Chen Yi, it’s going to be Christmas, how are you going to spend Christmas?”

Her voice fell, and even Yu Zixi, who was sitting across from her, had her ears pricked.

Although Yu Zixi has never had a so-called Christmas in the past, it is not popular in poor mountain villages.

But after living in a big city for so long, her roommates have always mentioned this festival recently, and the Internet has even promoted it in advance, which naturally makes Yu Zixi also very concerned about this festival.

Nanda’s meaning is very clear. The general idea is to tell Chen Yi that if you don’t know how to celebrate the holidays, go and spend time with her.

But this time Chen Yi didn’t follow Nan Jiyue’s intentions. He smiled: “…I have something for Christmas.”

Upon hearing this, Nan Jiyue couldn’t help asking: “…Which girl did you go with?”

What she said seemed unintentional, as if she was joking and asking casually, but only Nan Jiyue knew that she was actually tight in her heart.

The big idea is very clear, that is, you Chen Yi can not spend Christmas with me, but if you go to spend Christmas with other little bitches, you will be unwilling to be willful. Doesn’t it seem that I am inferior to others.

Yu Zixi also pricked up her ears to eavesdrop. Like Nan Jiyue, her mind was inexplicably confused.

Chen Yi shook his head and said, “…it’s work. I recently had a big project that is very important. I have no time to go to Christmas at all.”

Nan Jiyue didn’t believe this, but Chen Yi said so, and she had to believe it if she didn’t believe it.

What should a man do at Christmas? Shopping with girls? Going to dinner with a girl? These are just processes, the ultimate goal is to have in-depth exchanges with girls in the hotel!

As a rich man who is not very clean and self-conscious, Chen Yi doesn’t want to treat his g2 badly.

He couldn’t do anything to Nan Jiyue, so he naturally wanted to find a girl who could make himself toss casually.

Whether it’s a small public or a bitch, this is the most correct choice, or it’s not bad to call the two together…

Of course, Chen Yi also wants to stretch out his devil’s claws in front of him. If such a beautiful girl can’t eat and wipe it quickly, it is very dangerous to keep it here, and someone will always covet it.

However, Nan Jiyue is different from other girls in the end. With her character and family background, if she really does happen to her, she will definitely want to control herself, which Chen Yi does not want.

To put it bluntly, the current Chen Yi is a little lacking in confidence. When he becomes stronger, it is best to put Nan Jiyue and her family on their own chariots, so that everyone can become a community of destiny. At that time, Chen Yi was Ability to take the initiative.

When the time comes, even if this man is unwilling, he will be aggrieved and follow his wishes.

Chen Yi was thinking about how to train Nanda, but after seeing the unhappy thoughts on Nan Jiyue’s face, Chen Yi changed his words again:

“…I may have something on the two days of Christmas, but how about I can spare a day and play games with you all?”

For a rich family like Nan Jiyue, she doesn’t care how you spend your money to prepare something that seems novel.

For Nan Jiyue, she has long been accustomed to everything that money can solve. Such a girl has no material needs at all. What she needs is emotional satisfaction.

Sometimes this kind of girl is better than the average girl, you don’t need to buy her millions of jewelry, she doesn’t care about them.

But as long as you can accompany her, even if you only play games with her for a day, she will be very satisfied.

Sure enough, upon hearing Chen Yi’s words, Nan Jiyue immediately smiled and said with joy: “…Chen Yi, don’t lie to me!”

“When did I fool you, little fairy?”

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows, and then he glanced at Yu Zixi in front of him. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and sent a vx to Yu Zixi on the opposite side:

“…The gift I gave you for Christmas, you must keep it!”

Yu Zixi, who was sitting opposite and silent, felt the phone in her pocket vibrated.

She picked up the phone and took a look, and found that it was Chen Yi’s message. She immediately raised her head and looked at Chen Yi who was sitting opposite her in amazement.

Seeing Chen Yi smiling with her, Yu Zixi pursed her lips, and also gave Chen Yi a shallow smile, looking very shy.

Of course Chen Yi is not stupid. He will not mention in front of Nan Jiyue that he will find his little lover on Christmas, nor will he tell Yu Zixi to give you a present in front of her.

Even if you are a good man, don’t think that a woman is the only thing you must do in this life. It is still very important to allow you to make a fool of yourself.

It’s like the beautiful Nanda now, completely unaware that the man next to her is frowning with the woman opposite, thinking about Chen Yi’s promise just now. .

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